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1J0L MANS,T. ' ui nl! re ■ r ' wjltch II: ■ - I it t ; - '■.'■ "■■■■■-■ ." 30 i nír ■ ■ ■ ' 1.. ,: 8WcIle3 ifrïcl i u :'■:■■■■! cd 1 : -s in al i . m pain. Cértiicatca o! ; ■ ;, 1 ü if fi bi 'I'iiis I ■ blio vi:h tl.ifull nsurrwcü iljat it far excpls the . iinents of tjïo [in en' ■üsl'rsch. A !::.! i.; ■;■'.- .■■;.'■■!.:.) pi'e'i( ihe IccüIc) preferí rico ('o 1 v,eery ihing clt-e. Ivi;:i:y r!iv.ri;iri.s ot en ii;-. pep have utcd his qintn eni xióïa i:'fM lis. n9 '!'!;(! ;;!),)ve ointment is for sale wlinfeBfrJe oad !y r,. j:zi"Kl;y. An n Aibcr. flowcr icv. 1:} Juric íi ih, to riiYsicr.;;s a.d country MEPvCÍIANTS. r 9 TlIEsu!).--criifr iüvüca the attoiition of I'hy ncïiiiis mil Clitiiitrv M'prcii'üKits'i .;- Mréseiit -od: of hr%é; Medicines, Pam?i 0l,--, ])yo StiJÍTs, Vaniisii, 15ni.-li"-, ÜiK ÜKJ-. cónijHiisriig one ofitUe largefet ud í'..:c;-; ;;-imeñtjs 'iiMiat -0 ijjjg tousiiry. In Jiis preseiit stwcl wij] bc fyund: 1O0 t)2 Sulph. Qiiiüinc, superior French and 20 nz. uiph. Mnrphia, 10 oz. Acct. lo 30 nz. Carpenlers Witherill's Extract of .. 1 !■'.!. l'f.wdcred Phubnrb, 1 Ciio t. !!!iib;irl) Rooi, 1 bhJ: PowfJered Jalnp, 50 lu?. C;:].mc], 3 c-l:s gp20in SultS, 10 c.-.s!:s Fall and Winter strained Sporm Oiï, 40 !:oxns Pprrni Cnndlcs, -2000 fig. W'iiiio lifadj ryand prnnnd, 4calcs Linseed Üi!j 'Dénthls Li.-ir:i,.f:i!.: and Sfock Gold, SHÏ& 'indTtii Föil Pi'ulina H'tirc. Po'crfah, Tvrih. A pftfierál a-sortmen. of Palent. Metiicino.-, ;.1 nl'which v.-ili be &o!d on the most rensonablo terms. PIERRE TELLER:, 1B0 Jcflèrson Avenr.c, tipn ofthè Güt Mnrcli ÏS. Mortnr, Detroit. TATLORIXG IUí;-I.EKS ! A?I. NOBJyË, wouJd respect fully irifórhi the diftzona Bi tm Arbiot-onid itsvitïinity, i!:;it I u niioji n il.c Low r Town. "ihmüc5 vér the aro mércanule s'tnud ! Linx! è ■ ihe ■ o è ol .1. Bécftt Co.. v,-!i..r.j hè :- [f opa red at nil liipcs todo work ra lus iiiic. wiiii pro-H]jt!icPs, nnd in a nerit and uur.ible nianner'. '■■■■■ ühetitlori wil! b'e phid to cnttinrr znr- inonta. J'ioiiice wiil beroken :■'. ho 1 1 i= - : ;7i 5 1 j i ées. ft;r vvoilc done .-;: },-. p]óp. Tlicse wlio bav'e r'"s;' tn :'-'ts oi'tbts kïira, are pnrticufaii !y inviicd to e '! A,:i Arii;ir. A ml !7. 38 "2. tf rffiiljH pijl Ijns uniy b'oeii n.-cd !y ttiyf, but. by anuniber of Pasïciahsbf bigR et'ñírfJrn; bütri in thig a...' öther ' Öitirèé", ió . ''" '! '■ : : 11 and repenjed sojicitntíonsqf my frienüs;'! h.ivé consenird i6'óftèf thVni r'ïi èic public ;:s n mest öfficsreicrus rörtièlly lor bil t!u;sc I !il!ioi:a isessííea oriiíiuuúng in "a nevv cpunify. Tl)c ;:!)ovc pül is for sa!u v.holcsn'o mul rèfóll !)' L. 13FCKLEY. i A,iin Arhor, C'.'We.r nwn) Juno ryl tf.o_ $ 'WO CLOTHIERS. ; npíIEsiilwribor is jíífel n rcceipt üf a fnr.11. l'ier Punpív í-.f CloiJiifr's stock', cqgsíst(nn )l" ñlACHMF: CAHL'K ,f , .y :ts yin. n; CífOTMES JACKS. Á2 TTÑETW I.'IP, ('! C&ÈPiW&EltS ;,:,! PÍG&Êiis, Fi;:ty, ki:ttu;s. .AJIÍNG M.. ■ '. (eren, iíc') f ÍNTER iïOOKS. PftL&&. 'API:!?, to&thcr. it,ti a "■oiriiit.ij'JjYlliyGODS.uud D E $TUgF8 o: tlíe veiy best .growth ancl mrfñüthctuí'eí '1'Ik o gruida (cocine ns tficy do áirccA feom' insi hands) the subscriber s'ennblcd tn s I Kiwcr ili.-wi :iny othor Jühiso west of' .New Yovk', lie tlröfêpyrö stfliáíte íhd nítteníi6rto firifiS in'tlio clofcluffg lusluoss. to lico.u'i naOB o'his siock ;i" 1 p ices befure going c:ist ar piychasme elsewhéro. PIERRE TEÍ.LKR, ' Wholesnle tiftá Rotnil I)n!r"'is!, ]?9 JcíTcrson Avcnuf. siynoí lic C;t Mjii;h Dcuoit. ESTÁTE O F JACOli LAVTON DE :-.ASLD.- lotice s lieií-liy eiven. thál tllL" "" ! ' " ; hwe piovcJ t,e Ii:st will nnd ■: ", Jnc:!) J.nv.-:on. (! ■ ■ i ■ ;. utid havE t:ieh rélteb T : öniary ihcn ,.;. ,,.;,! híívc HlVfn h.jnrfs (iCCordmg lo Imv. All pnsoüs inatílfletl r"s-.i.l est:iio aif efljiaJd lö nv I p ■ jr. m'cii v.: lioui delay. nn_d a!I .-:.;■ in d.-sims nüííñt'st s.-íírl o.-;. i (. ,-,c vli:i sin! i() pfesciít tho siiüet') tiic siiLscribeiá, -.vcü nuilifinicaicd. íbr paVjirjent. GEOFiGE E. f,AV.TON. DAVID T. M'COJJ.TM. Execuiors of tho líist Vfliíl and Testoment' oi Líi!.Ttn. Anti Arlior. M,1y 7. 1'.?. .m teiiipeílinoiotelT BY (cou.vr.R OFancuifwN and wasjiisgto.Ñ avkxubs, ii:tko:t. ) npriE nbove s plcasañífíy siiunlcd na JL iheC.üinnl RaÜKK'ri Dr-por. ñttt is nuv uj dxvgoing horoxich i.pnirs. 'J'hc pLeh antj t] ' B dPíuul íieddii.gaii ncy. nnil ihe Tnbn M icsupp'iod withírfie'cKoíCesi ol i'Ho mftket nn-l tíns priípnotoía ns.siirc tliose who Wifí íavot . mem wjiji tlioir ru.:;oi,i. t ii 1 1 .VI pama shalj Rento iTjnke thcir siny tíjem I' .vi-!-, rnri; Ií.-io. ahí] :iccom:nor!n!ÍMn grtod.- p :. :-unSers lo and fioiu the riiwel freo of rápense. Detroit, Apri' - ís ;2_ T-TvT: ALT !.'- ■ '.. ' .i:.-.-r,:,ei-s v.iü ,,-;. nay 1Wl. ecnís per P''u:.( m Goörfs ftr l'íipfir fóyáVquñniTtv oí igood do.nn SWINGLE TOW, dclivered :.t ihc Aun Albor I'apcr .Mili , : . , -rOXKS&ORMSBY. Aun A'horr April Ö7, lr.. tf NEW laÖÖDsTi Tp DENISON lns ju.-t receive ! n completa i;".. , ;r':. '" WIY'-GO'ODS, GROC-ERIES' i', u-hwl, tvill ba S!,!,l very I .-. i--,, i náuge, };■■'■ ; tíieSiore. Ana A:!)..i. .íunc I, ! - ■_'. SVÍ'A!Í i'! ni .ves or i barrels, fo'r saleat !lie lowefit pnrbá hy Sb;ü. 24, 1942. r.o 'JR WALKER réöpfcetfirtiy informa hi8a frfends nnd the public in general, (hato luis raccntly conurrcnceil business, in the milor si ol BówerU diy '-: jods ■ Kep.arc(! o Kocutc o; dus in iho rticr. .ín strict con fpymitv . ;li ti , ,;-, ., ,,, p( ,; ;:ul .. .,(;n ■ and v.arcanlod tó fit or -ïu linp Tï;.bitpvnnde in the latcBtlSew lm!, or ri!-[!ip)i] fealíións. irrr.ents will be made m i:e ikï.-iicm! and pJninest é" !e. Cnüing (Idiic ::i slioncst inuco. All kiiids of Kiliiüiv Unüon-i nnd unJrcsg ba'ate .-nul pnntalopns. n.;u!c pVrèéable lo tl enreg ent military or rcgimcntn! order. . , . 7 , J. R. WALKER. Ann Aibor, Ju!? 25;h. lj; -nli- 3m. 'Kil constantly on lmnd nnd for saff -V by F. DEMSOIV. June 10. 1842. tf PAR;;OA-SSliEARiNGMACHlM;s -Theo. jJ. Eato 'Á Co. I."8 lef,' uc, nreihe sole agcujs of these vcry cf'" ; ;.! I;:: i :. . V2-h Q '.rTINi;TT VVARl'S ON TïEAMsZ Eato.n a. c,,; :.s. jeflespn v.iiyj. oler iorsr.lo n lnrpe stucii of g-iitinn't ■ ■ fVöm thé m-tv Y,„k milis. 'i',e,0 WnVpB'ttre consdered superior io nnv oihcr in il.o ouunuy, and wiü bc soid, for cashat u sn.all 1 2-rSsv Wool lareSiisg' aiaiï CÏotiT TfJE Subsqriliera ies{iectui!ly onnounce lo the ciiizens Ann Ar!or nnd vicinily. that thfv are pre'pnrSd fo card Woöl and (ircF. cloihfo cus loíners. in (hc licüt sïylo. ;,nd at the j-iiortcst notice, llnving g"od maciiincry. ejrperienped wojrk. men, and long prnctice in ihe busine'ssi thcy Kva the utoVóst coülidcncc that thcy shall give conipiete satislaciioii. J. BFX'KLEY & CD. AnnArhor. April, 25. JL42. "33c tJaö o: Ttfit:ï:iT3 Ettne fovio:." TEMPERANCE HOUSJ5J, BOTAN'IC MEDICAL STORE, Viïith 'riet and Cfold Baths. Bs-J, T WïlSolV, Eust of, Main Etrcct. Jfckspn, Mich. Kivcr Haisin ÏWSTITUTE. npiHS lnstiiution is ljcatrd in the town of A Rv.isin, ncar the norii: bank of the bcautiful nver whose name it bcars. one nnle cast of the lünci ii om !reciiiuLej; lo Adrián. Tliis : eligiblo site h-.s Been s -lectcd for ita f;:ici seclusion. ihn ffriihty nd clevniion of its soil. i:s pure and heaiihJul atiiiosjiliere. and pkos aiU scepi )}■. Rooms. - There are now on tlic p-cmises suttblé róori s för (He afc'cniümo'tlafiön of loriy studemSj wliicli Rre UeSightdW bs eccupit-d Jor pii yate siudy and lodcriiii;. Other neecssary build ing ure[)iyviflrr) fnr reci': tinne !U}(1 boardin. E XV E NS ES j Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4.03 Board " wüh 4 hours yprkeach weck; 7,57 Room Rem, gj Incidental, f,(j Total, ]2..')5! Thore wil} be an addiiionnl charge of one dollar for iliosc pursuinc the Fiighér branches as Phii losojiny: Alirebia. Geonictsy, As!:onomv. &c ForCKeffiistry, Latín, or Gicek an addition of twq duilai; will bc made. Seholars are expecied f to provide therrselve wiïli what fiirntturé lliey v'ill need in th'cir rbó'his. ñlsó. witli lighle; fu eí, anti washing - none will hcreaüer board theni salves. Bills to bc srii Url n ndvance. The scliool ts open to all uppjiennts of suitnble ñire nnd moral cliaracfèr incspcclive oi' comilcxion or coiKÜtion. Dlr"'; serotnl 'term of Üiis svmmcr icill com viouc Werhu s !uj Juhj -(Uli. Ii is very dosirablc tliat all ho design to at teud the sclioo!, sliould be on the jnound - havo theu bilis sètüed, nncT their rooins preparen, l.efore lbo first dny ot' ihc Term. Any (uviher inionnntionc-in be obtaincd at the Instirn, tion. of by adjiessin?. post poid. .1. S. Dixo; , P-rinopnl, Raisin. Leqqwee Co Rlioh. Jii.-:n. May I9ih. 18.12. ni- 2m NEW N.Y. VblEAP STORE. rïïlFfE subscriber just relurncd from NTew .L Yqrk wuh il.c 1 -..rsosr mul best selected asmprifit ..jwrblMMcd pn-vions to tl.e t.rnTwhich WlfkPMe hui, iüsdMi,rtvi:!,. ascl.eap as uuy ( Bldbhsbiiiuii -est ot Bui F.v.,0 As wé dö bu siness i on the ReÍiÍt pAV Svstjem we wül not be-undersoWbjWHÍj. öne in ihïs tivnrKët, wfiich wiill.,: lor ihe mic-.est if ,,e proboper and dealer. Ue wúuldsay to (J,c Janiiors tliat we sell goocis m Pfbporrion to the price of wheai-a !ihd ol w heta w,!l purcríííse na manv goods ac ilie present !ow prices ös it did Jast fall. Now the time ior people O buy oods if they want btjy hem c!,eap. Tl.e pssortmerit cónsiat ia ait o he rojlöü'ing anidesSrílPrí'0'1,''- P1L"OTÍO. BEAVEItd SA riNE.T nüd CA.SSI.MF.RE i-'ULL'D CLOTIIS, 1 f. A .N:KLL. (Ol all kinds.) Sllï'KP's GREYS,; VMURKLLAS, Sl-tES? ÏMUSLIN DM liANES ALAP1NKS. iMi'RlXO TAGlJONE, VÍCTOR1A do. (TAilLlSE do. ROB ROY nnd BRf )í I HA. do. Sm {T NGs: TJCKINGS. CRAVATS, r. ,LI;;l) JEANs; cotton yarn, ?v.lrv)N FNílLS, GJNGHAMS, R'SGSS1? L'ATTl.-sT;. IJDKF-s. ; v, l,5;11 "ll() Tnt)'p eioths. mittens, CAUCOK.S. (of all kimlA.) LADIKS DRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES; (,.f all k,„s.) LüOiliNG GLASSEH, &c. te. A choico .■.oiimcnt ot Groceries. such 88 Suerfrs, M,):1}Scs. &c. &;'., uil o wlnch ïll In' sold at wholesale orretail. PenTársta'n be èuppliéd at tins estabühment low as to nstoni'sh thein. Thesuliscriberdeoms it uselcss to po into fur her détail, b'irt asks ihein to caU and examine or thernselvcs. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20. )H2. 3m75 NEW GOODSü Y'JSON, isnow receivinras usiiallya X wéll selecied nssorimeittoffall and wint]er G0OD8, v.hich ill bc sold cheap fer cash or barter. N. B. As cheap as any in towiu Septembor24) 1842. tfèJ


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