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It's Only A Dollar

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Ii 0 only n. dollaty said Mr. Jones, crnwinr the coin from nis pocket, and throwiiK it down upon the counter before which he was standing. 'And cheap enongh at that,' remarked the flnnst, sliding the dollar into his drawer.- 'It's the richest varieiy I have ever seen ' It certainly is vnry bpr.u:iful,' Mr. Jones responded, as lio lifted tl.e floweranddepartef1. 'Oh'excluimed Mrs. Jones, as her husband carne in vvith ihe flower.'Where did you get tV I bought it from ,' was the reply. 'ror how niuch?' 'Only a dollar.' 'Tiat was cheap.' - 'Yes. indeed cheup enough.' The 'flowpr, after receiving its meed of ad miration, was placed among a roliection of choree plants, and tea being annonnced, the couple, sol down to partuke of their quiet evening1 repast. Mr. Jones was a clerk in a banking institution in the nity of , wïth a con.fortable sa], ary of twelvo hmidred dollars a year. He possessed the confidence of the other officers of the bank as Will as of the board of directora and was generally esteemed by all who knevv Inm. But lie had a too commo defect ofvM"ii"'iri - uw ufoiies were not. oniy m ncJvanceof his income, but hetoo frequently thought of Jittle beyi.nd their gratification.- Fiue, these desires were not of a kind usuallv denominated extravagant. He did not think of buying a carriagè, or even a fast trotting horse. Nor of filiing liis house with costJy nntl tlegüiH furnüure. Such acts of imprudence weretoo palpably wrong in his peróeplion tb tempt hini to ihe iiidulgence of thern. His ti stictis desires were like the 'continual dropping' which vearB away eveii the hardest subsiances. bnwil m their single (iemands, but important in the aprgregate ol their eff'ects. - Tjie same disposilion was manifested by his wife. Tlius there was no check to the evil While tliey eat at the ten-table on the evêningjust alludcd to, Mrs. Jones snid- 'How I ishould like to go to the concert tonfn-ht.' Woiijd you, JuliaV 'indeed 1 would, ] am sofond of marie; 'So am I. But can we nfford to g-o!' 'Oh, yes,' Mrs. Jones said. The 'ticketsare only a doliar a picce!' 'True. And it would be stranse if ve could not ufford a couple of dollars liow nnd tlien! VVell, suppose you get ready as eoon as fea is over and wc will g.' 'I shall be so délighte?!' the young lady snidj ás shö tooit the arni nf her husband, o their neat and cornfortable to p oceed to the couceit room. And shc was deliglited. for there was a rnre combinatjon of musieaí talent, and she had a tnste that could appreciate the ccellcncies oftho different performers, sinyly and conbmod. On the next morning, as they Bat at breakfas Mr. Jones said 'And eo you were very much plea?ed last nigUt, Julia?' 'Pl asei! is too tame a word, Iïenry 1 wasdelightedj It was a rich performance throiignout.' 'So was I. It was a cheap gratification at two dollars.''Don't spealt of the money, Henry. Money Bhouldoot be thought of in connection vvitL it. VVliat are two paltry dollars in comparison to such afeast of the 'soul? Can the exqnisite tones of music be estimated by the dollars worth? No- No. I cannot bear to mention such a base and sorrüd idea.' 'I must confess I fee] as yon do, Julia,' the husband replied; and Uien each sat silent for a few moments busy wih newly ari&ïng thonglits. 'I saw a pair of most beoutiful flowcr stands in 's window yesterduy as I was passing his store,' Mr?. Jones said, looking up into her liusband's face. 'Oh, they were ïealJy exquisitel''Did yon ask the price of them?' 'No. But I wish, ns yon pass tliis morning that you nould etpp inand Bee what they will cost, I should like to have them very much.' 'Certainly, and if the price is r.ot too high I will purchiiBO them foryou.' 'Oh I should be eo dclihted to have them As Mr. Jones pnpsed on his woy to ihe bankinir house, hestepped into the china 6tore tolook at the flower stands. He knew them by a description which his wife had given him. They were gilt and piinted china, and were ïejlly bcautiful as shc had eaid, 'What do you ask for theinV he enquired, af! er looking at thcm for a few nioments. OnJy five dollars,' was the reply. 'Five dollars- five dollar. That is not dear.' 'Dear? no indeed? It is scarcely half what tney are renlly worlh.' 'Biit I fiardJy thirk that 1 can afford to give as much for a pair of 'flotver stand?, that are of no real use,' Mr, Jones said musingly. 'They are only five dollars, Mr. Jones, and that is not going to make or break any mnn.' No, Ihat is very true. It?s only five doliars. Well, you mirrhl as well eend them home. for my wife has set her heart on them.' And sosuying Mr. Jones took out his pocket book, and selected a five dollar note, which Was paid over for the fiower Htanda.ow Kind you are,' lus wife said. as he came into dinner, 'to bny me thoae beautiful flower stands! How rich, and at ihe same time how neat they are.' 'Tliey are indeed beautiful. When I eaw them I could not resist the lemptation.' 'Whatdid they co6t?' 'Ony fíve dollars.' 'That was cheap.' 'Cheapenongh. They could not have been bought a year ago for lesa than ten dolJarp. 'I have been making Pome purchnses nlso,' Mrs. Jones snid, after they had admired the flower stands for a few minute?. 'Ah, indeed! Well- what have you bouglit?' J 'Some women's fjnery of course. I have been out a shoppingr, and could not resist the temptation to buy eevera! articles that I did Hot expect to purchase. See here- ' And Mrs, Jones referred to a small pile of dry goods that Were lying on one of the pier tablesIs not thaf. a beautiíul piece of unen cambric? I did not just want it now, but it was a remnanf, and the 6lorekeoper osked only a dollar for it, nnd I sliall want it. And then see tVis elegont little hankerchicf. Ain't ic a beauty? It was only a dollar.' 'It is certainly very pretty.' 'And I have bought you, besides,' contiñned the happy wife, 'three of the finesl bnndannas I have ever seen. Aiu't they lovely?' displaying her purchnses. 'They are, in Jeed, Julia. Tíiough I am not exactly mwoni of them, for I have about a dozen or so now.' 'Yes, but you vvill want them.' So 1 vvill.' 'And thcn they were so cheap. Only a dollar ond a quarter apiece. Why Ipaidforuiose msi ones ot yours, u dollar and a half and they were not near so good.' Several other anieles were displayed; this costino: only half a dollar, that only a dollar und the other only Iwo dollars - amounting ii all ten or twelve dollars. And yet there was not a single one of them really "needed. Bilt tiien they cost but little, and were cheap at the prices pnid. 'Oh Harry! thnt is kind inyou,' Jlrs. Jones said on the evening of the next day, as her husband presented her with an elegant card case, 'Í just wanted one Jike this. Jt is hnndsomer great deal, than Mrs. Perry'e, ad she hought hers a beautv.''You think it very pretty, do yout' 'Oh. yes. How kind you nre to think of ïiie so c-ften. ílow mucb did you pay for il?' 'Ouly five dollars.' 'That was cheap. Mrs. Perry's cost she told me, seven, and I vvould much rather bave mine.' 'Yes, I think it cheap enongh.' 'There is ano) her thing that I want, dtíar, and I wi.-h you would get it for me.' 'What is ihat, Julia?' 'A gold pencil case, will you buy me oner 'Certainly .' Five dollars were spent on the net day fora gold pencil case. Bui it was only uve dolían--, nnd not of much coisdration. I saw one of the most beautiful camelias to day tliat I cver luid my eyes on,' Mrs. Jones said on the same evening after her husband had come home. 'Ah. Where díd yon see it?' 'In the flonst's window, in- - street. 'Did you nsk the price ofit?' 'No. But I wish you ould go to -morrow and ' they are not too extravagant, buv it for me.' 'Certainly. We shall eoon liave a rare collection.' 'That we will . And I am so fond of flowers.' On tlie next day, Mr. Jones called to eee aboot the Cameliasvvhat is the price?' lic asked. 'Three dollarp.' 'Iso't (hat high?' 'Oh, no. They fbur or five Fomelimcs. Indeed, I ought to have four doIJurs for this one.' Mr. Jones paused for a moment or two, and Ihen soid mentally. 'It's beautiful; and il's only three dollurs- tlint can I break me.' 'You moy end ït home, Mr ,' speakinff aloud. fa 'Very well, Mr. Jones; t shall befent home immediately.' The three dollars were paid , and Mr. Jones proceeded to the bank. The aggregate of tbeirticles not renlly needed on Ibut ajid four preceeding- days, was thirty-six dollars! Ts t any wonder, then, thal nder such a Bystem, they found ihemselves at the end of thn first yeoroftheir maniate, over three Jiundred dollnrs in debt? The only wonder is that they werc not still further involved. And Uiey would have been, had not Mr. Jones possessed nbout Iwo hundred dollars above what was necepsary to furnish their houee, wheii they vvere married. Really,' eaid Mr. Jones, when he became fully convinced of the fact that he owed the sum above indicated, 1 cannot understand thW 'There must be some mistake, certainly,' his wife replied.'So t would seem. But I cannot discover where it lies. Our ncome is twelve lmndred ayear, and I had two hundred dollars over when we vvere mamed. Surely, ve cannot -have spent eeventeen hundred dollars in Iwclvc tnonthï.' Mmpossiblc." responded Mre. Jones.'il doesseem impossible, Julia. But wbcro is it gone? for tcertain)y is jone somewhere.' ♦I am sure I cannot tel!. Wo have nor lived extravag-antly, that is certoin. Our rent is oly two hundred dollars. We koop but one servant. It is al] a myetery to me. 'And one just as prófoutul tome,' replied Mr. Jones. v 'Is there no way which we can reduce our expenses?' Mr. Jones remarked after a silence or sorne minutes, wl)cj was to both a troubled s.lence; 'If there PI forone.wish to adopc k; for, of all things, I have a horror of beiii" in debt. 'Keally, Julia, I don't see where this reduction ís gonr to take place. We pay less For our house tban ib paid by two clerks ín banks that 1 know.who get but one thousand dollars a year. We keep but ono Eervnnt.and thcy keep two, and each has, besides, three childrtn to provide for, and we have none.' in vain did ]Ir. and Mrs. Jones fearch for the cause of this sf range condition of thins. Uut an event rccur.'J that relieved theirmiñds frorn the the Iroublp that disturbed lhem.j Une of the tellers died, and Mr. Jones Rdvnnned ' to Ins place, and hia salary üicreascd to fifteen hundred dollars. !í havu sod news to tel! y11' Jtili(i'' h eaid, with a brighter counlenanee thun lie liad worn forsevernl weeks. Indeed! What is it?' 'l [nve bcen promoled ío the place held bv Mr. bpencer.' 'Oh, I Rm ghd of thnt! And votir salary-' 'ís íifteen lmndrcd dollars.' " 'How providential this inciense is!' the wife saicl. I have been so troubled about onr be-, ing in debt, but now we will eoon iind uil straight ngain.' 'Yes all will be well now.1 But not hnving discovered the true cnuse of embarrassment.which remainedstill operative, the effect fcllowed as a matter of course. ün ihe evening of the day after, while walkinnr out with his wife, Mr. Jones slepped into ajewellersshop, actuated by one other motive than an idle curiosity to look over the elegant and tasre&l nrticles tbere displaved.-i.., ui. jwios: nnw üo yon do? Good eveninpr, Mrs. J„nes! Ple'asant evenin, ma am! Renjly, Mr. Jones, I mUBt conrrr.a"Ia!6 7Á l See tliat mve been appo.nted to fill Mr. Spencer1 plnce.' Thus run on the jewpller, thinking menn time of Jjis g-oods, and wonderinjr if he should make a sale to the new bank teller. You have some fine gooda here Mr. Darling,' And Mr. Jones tok a survey of the cases anc shelves.all arrnyed in jewels.and plate and nrticles of rich and costly workmanship. 'Yes, we have some very beautiful yoods.' 'Have you ony of the new style of camcos? Mrs. Jones asked . 'Oh yes, nia'am. We received some today that roally surpass nny thing I have beiote seen.Andas Mr. Darliiigr said this, be (ook from ius case, one afier the other, some half dozen cárneos of the Inteststyle, nud Jaid thetn before the delighted oyes oí JVíre. Jones. 'Theyarevery beauliful indeed! YVhqt is thc price ofthis one?' 'Ten doÜnrg, ma'um.' 'I really ebould like to have one,1 Mrs. ones snidk 'VVell, stippose you snit yourself,' vva3 the rompt response of the htifibnnd.-i i tí pnce is on.'y ton dollars,' rrinarked lije jewHler, n a tone half expressing contemptat the idoa of so smaü a sum. 'Select, Julia, jf you can pisase yonrself.' Mrs. Joues did not require a secoud invitation. Tiie breast pin was chospn, and ten dollars Iransferred from the pocket book of her hushand to thedr&wer or Mr. Darling. 'Don't you want in this line? the jeweller now said- presenting a verv pielty ladies' wntch 'Isn'itthatadenr liitle watch!' ejnculated Mrs. Jones, her eyes sparkling with delight, as she took the anide rnmeri in her handend exarn-ned it carefully. I must real ly have one, Henry, as soon as you can aftord it.''K'ih lie cnn attord it well enough,' replied Darlmgr, with a winning stnilp. 'I ara not so certain," tno Inisband snid musnifflv, 'How much do Vou ask for it?' 'Only a hundred dollars 'I cannot tpare a hun.lred dollars now.' 'Oh, never mind that. ff yon want the vatch, T shall not ask for the "money for the next five or six months.' 'Tlien yon must buy it for me, Ilpnry.'"" ' VVeü, if I must, I simpóse I must.'ur course yon will want a handsome rold chain and swiveJ,' the jeweüer now said. 'Why, yps. I ong-íit to hnvn a chain,' wus the reply of Mra. Jones, n hand a fine piece of gold cbain which Mr. Durüng' had already producod. 'TIi is is very fine,' she remarked on examingil. 'Yes, it is nn elegant piece of ehain.' 'IJow tnuoh will one cosl?' 'Onl.v forty dollars. I can ndd tljat fo the bill. The uioney is of no consequence to me now.' Of conree the gold chain accompanied the waich. Bcfore the youncr couple Jeft the store of Mr. Darlinjr, their bill was over two hundred dollars. A pair of fruit baskets, with several otherarticles uere added to their purchareg, and then they returned home quiieJigmea witu UjemseJvesjnd r]1 the world. On the next dny tbree bilis werc presentad (o Mr. Jones, omounüng in all, lo tvvo hundred dollars, and the payment askedasan especial favor. 'Vou shall Jiave the omount of your bill in thrcR or four dnye,' was his rrply to each, ;ho' without there bcing in his mind" any distinct idea as to ihe manncr in which payment was to be tnnde. Threc or four days rolled aroundvery quicKiy, oud the crediturs carne witli the usual promptness of sucli individual, and agrain aekcd lor tbeir money. The amounts creprompjy paid. Having now charge of the money drawer, it was tho easjesrtbwtf in the world- po it occored to him, afierconsid enng the diffi -ulty in which he wns placed- to use two hnndred dollars, ond put in its place a ticket with the vvords, 'Duc cash, &20(y,' to be withdrawn, nnd the money replacod when his quarteiLj salary Pliould all duc. TJiis operatien once begin?, it cauic very natural toi contribute ir to meet olher demanda for mo1 ney. The periódica] time for coun'.ing the cash by the propor olh'cers carne on tlie very day that Jones' quarters saíary feJl due. He owed the drawer three hundred and seventythreedo.lars; orwithin two dollars of the amount due him for the previous quarter- llie ticket was laken from the drawer and the money restored. Al! carne out right when tiie cash wus counted, und then another quarJor was cornmenced. But sundry unnecessa ry purchases, on the - 'lts only a dollar principie, made the prmious threo months, addtd to ordinary hotisehold expenses, liad caused a nuniber f little bilis to accuniulate, to pay which a resort was qgain made lo the monoy drawer. Another three nionths rolled quickly around and the cash was again to be comited. On referrinír to hia memorandum oí money used, he tbtind tlmt it boro this disturbina evidence- 'Due cask, $500.' There would be a eficieney of more thnn one hundred dollars, after the imwunt ofhis salary had been replaced in the drawer- und shott'd this apocar on counünpr the caflh, the conequence wou d be the ineyilabln lusa of his situationhesidcs, the disgrace that would attach to his characler. Henry Jones slept but little dórii the nifrht previous to the day on which the cae!. wasto be cou)ilpd. He wns in a dangerons posilion, nnd he feit it most sensibly. There was but one way to save himself that ho c.uld thmk ,.(".....1.1 A . toí, nna mat was to borrow one liundred nnd twenty-fjve dollars with which lo muke tiie caeh balance, nnd return it ogai after th counting process should have been goiie through. But he feit a great leluctancc to nsk any one to loan him money. He was not in business, nnd received a salary all sufficient to support his fumijy. There was, tlierefore, no good renson why lie should want to borrow money, and lie feit thnt for him to ask the favor, would be a ground of suspicion n-ainst Iiim that was all nol fair. Sfil! no other plan spggcstcd Ueelf except one immcdiately dismiBsed from his mind- .which uas to pledn-e his wife's okl walch and his own for a few o&ys. Julia knfiw nothing of liis difficuliv and he shrunk from the thought of her acquiinted with t. On the oext morning, afler brenkfnst, íones called upon a friend in business, and said 'Martin, I want a hundred and twentj-five dollars iintil to-morrow. I have a bilí to pay and my quarters salary is not due until then, --and the person whom I owe has a note to pay and wants the rhoney badly, Can you do me the favor I need?' 'Cerlainly- certainly'- responded Mr. Martin, tiirnincr to his desk and uo a check for the de-iiödamouin. Jones feit as if a mountain had been removed from his slioulder, as he lefi hisfiiend'e store with the check :n his hand.uuuu ie ma uttercd so deliberalely did not cost him a thought. The regular periodjcal business ofcounting the cash took place, and nJJ was totind to be rlght. On the next day, a sniüll slip of paper was hud ui Jus dravver, bearinnr the memorandum- 'Duecask, 8500.' VVith this sum lie paid his I jeweiler s bilj, which had arcumulaled durinff the six niontJis to the round sum of tliree hun dred dollars. O;ie huhdred and twentjvfive werc paid to Mr. Martin, which left hira hut eventy-five dollars oul of the five hundred rhis was, of conree, soon frittered away. (Conclttdcd nexl tocec.)


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