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TO CLOTHIEBS, U&NWFA CTURKRS Jl J$& MEIïCIfJMTS.. rJJE subacriber? nre now reccjvinjr, ot tliorf stores, 188 Jcffwrön Avenue, and corner of Landolph uiul YVoo!bridre strcois, Detroit,, a ireo and pfiiCrol sí"' Dye Woods &, ïyO Stufís 35 tons Logwood, Fustir. LiiubwomI; Nicarrasuo, Hypernic Woud, in. ihc stick,. i 30 ground Cmnwoodr 150 do Fusrtic 1-20 do Logwood, 10O' doRedwooda 20 do Al mu, C' libds Copleras, 4 do Jïltre Viti-iöF, 4 pipes Onibro nnu"Crop Kfadders, primer f00 It3 EïtraciLögWpöd, fH)O do Jiengnt, M.tdrnH .m'i C'nrncca IndigoyH :U)() do Blue Nmjrnllii, (Allcppo,) 230 lo CurcHma, 21)0 do Verdigris1, 10 Carboys üil VitWofif } do Ar.un Forti=. 4 do Spirits Sea üahsf 4 do Nirric A-cid-,2 cases Lac Dye, "00 lbs. Bnnquo Tin, 25Q do Cream Tartü'r. ' TiOl) do Qiereeiron Bni'c. Togctlier with ft complete nsshriment of all tft minor iiriiclos in the trruio. to vt-ït; Pvess Papers. 'FciiZies, Ifrusbes, Jnd;s, Tent Hooks, Dge Jtfettteï, Piékers, Bniling Ifons, Ñippcfs, rrdssinfc of 1otosfi. Sal Amonrac, Sn! Soda Suffar of Lead, &teet Reeds, Card Cícaners, MACHINE CARBS, Satinett Wnrps, Shears, &c. Tliis cnlire stock haa been pürchaied within ififl ast two weeks, and eclected personally by ons 'the concern, wlio hns been in tbe business fu? ie last eleven years, nnd ifiey have no hesitafiori n sayine tliat tlie qtiatity of these goods is tm xceptionable. Tbey wiïl poritivly bc rolcl at (ia owest iVew York jobbing pricea, with the adition of tránsportntion only. The si:bs=c;.-ibers liavc the suis Ageney in Staíe fc(í tiie snfö of "Í'ARSON'S SHr.ARÍNO MACHIXF?:." ano fhè celebmtcl "LKIVESTER MACtllNE CAÍIDS," decufcdly Üie best in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April n, 134:;. Uit


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