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"FRES &ABOR." MARCUS BTEKEN8 J? SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE loken the rooms in tlic loivcr end ot the V lite Block. dircctly opposite the Mishignn Exchange, where they wiil keep an cxtcnsivc nssuritiirnt of CAteIJYET WJÊtiJE, ai cvcry kind, jualiiy. nnd descripción, of iheir DWii inanuííicturing, and tvarranted to Lens fasliiónablft, good, nnd I cheap as ca bc had West qÍ New York. Puiehasprs reqtieatnd to cIJ mid examine our cxtn.sivc ossortment bcfore buyjj Any nrrlcle of Furniiutc made to order, auát WurriilUed W pleasc. UPHO],tfT;;iUNG done in nll its varioua branches, nnd at the sliortost notice. CUAIRS. LOOKl.XO CLASSES. AN1") W1LLOW VVARK; :-'. -'■,' '?iy .JBourtU and Vcntsrs - as chcep n axsu In exciiaficp. VUIIRIIY, WALNUT. AÜÚSSAPLË LUMBER, -c êpc. fa: STEVENS &, ZUG. Detroit, April 17, Ï843. r,!-:?m bTdsawb CELEBRATED CHEMIG&L PLASTER. TUL', following is one trom antong ilie nun'.erots tostiinoninfs from persons ot ti.e highest respuctabilify, which the proprietors Lavo i ved. From D. T. McColhtm. Esq, ile=grs. H. ilAÏthts & Ct: - Centi umi: - I lüive found hy cxpericncc that E. DEAN'S CHEMICAL PLASTER ii inruLntbic Tciucihjfnr Tlksumatism, linving tried it to niy eatisihetion t!:e past ycar. lt hns nlso been usud in niv fair.ily for locnl paine, twd in everyease has provcd an in'allible rernedf D. T. M.cCOLLÜMi Ann Arboi-, Midi., A pi il 1 . 4w, [CFFor the disenses in whicti ilii? rir.ater is app)ic;ible, see lidveriisemcjH in anoiher couirnn of iliis paper; E. Dean's Ciiííniicnl Plrtster 3 for salo in Ann Arbor, (Löwcr Tmvn.) by J. U. tÜND, ond W. R. J. W. IVfATfrARD, ) Tuper CH R1STIANT EBER.'fACII. S Town ATT O 11 NE Y A N D CO UX S L - LOR AT LA W-. 8A6ANA-W CITY, MICUIGA-'. JG. B. will also net ns Land Agmt in the Lnnd District Sn wbich tbia (Snganaw) County is; hc will uiake invüstmtnis for othera Innds, pay over for non-reeidenls thoir tnxes, end give informntion genernlly to persons interested. ■ in this part of thecountry; o; desirousof bccom' ing innnigrants to i:.


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