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Chancery Sale. Absolute, for Cash and to the highest Bidder. IN the cause pending in the Court of Chincerr lor the Sccond Circuit of the State of Michigun. wherein Jamce Abbott is complninant. and Abigail VVclch, David Enton, George Welch Ilenry WeJch, Harriet Welch, and Atijíúi Welch, are defendan s, the said Georjje, Ileury Harriet, nnd Augusta being Minors, under the nfce oi twenty-onu ycars, - Whercas, by a decretal order in the aboVl cause, ninde by liis Honor Elon Farnsworth, then Chancdlor of the State of Michigan, bear-, ing date the fourteenth day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty one, it was ordered nnd decreed, that the above nnrned defendants should redeem certain niongagcd premises in the Complainant's bill containcd, by the payment of the smn of iour hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-four cents, and the interest to accruo thereon, from the fourteenih d:iy o{ July, eightee n hundred ;ind iorty oue, the date of a cenain report in said decree nieniioned, and also ihc costs of complninnru to be taxed, on or before the fourteenth d;iy of November, in the yenr eightcen hundred and torty-one, or that. in dcfault iliereof the snid mortgaged premises with the nppurtenances, or so niucli thereof as would be ufficient to pny the said dubt and tlic interest which hnd accrued, or miglu ihereaíter accrue with Said costa, nnd wTtich might be ?old scparaiely without injurv to the partiesor eilher ofthem,' should be sold at public mtction, al tlie Court House, ia the villiige of Ann Arbor. jm th,: County of Washtenaw, by and under the direction of one of' the Mnsters of the said Court, tlio Said Moster first givin,' aix weeks previous notice of ilie timo and place of ale in Bornejiewspaper piíblíshed in said Cou:-.ty. aá by the snid dêcrcé, reference being thereunto had, mny more fally appear, And whereas, the said premises are yct unredecmed. and the above tstated siirn with interest and costs. is yet due and unpaid, INow, therefore, notice is hereby given, thnt in pursuance of. tlio directions of the s;iid decree, and by virtue of ii. authority, 1 will, on the six-: teenlh dny of Mny next, atthe hour of Twt;lvo o'clock, at linón, a the Court House of' the County of YVnshtemiw. in thé villape of Ann Arbor. sell io the highest bidder, at public Auction, the lands and premises in said decree mentióned; or so rñ tícli tliereof as may be sufficient to pny the dforés&id Rum, interest nnd costs, and can be sóld sepnrafely without rhjtrry to nrry of the parties in this cause, whioh aid lands nnd premises are known nnd described as follows, viz: All that certain tract or parcel of land situntc in the County of Washtenaw. nrid State of Mitlíipnn, known os the East half of ili.e South East quarter of Sectton nuniber iliirtv-two, in TówriFhip number four. South of R;mge nuniber seven East. contnining eiphty acres. The snle will be absolute - without redemption and for cash. G. T. GRTDLEY. Riaster in Chanceryv C. IT. Stkvakt. Sol. forComplt. Dated this 2at!i day of March, 84'XAJÏIV AKBOK STEAM POUNDRY. (NEAR THE RAIL WAD DEPOT.) PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. have erceted nncljmt in operaiion a Foundrij, and are now prcpared lo furnisli to order mosi kjnds of Castiis for Mills, or olher Machiiiery. Sugar and Cauldron Kcttles. Potash Coolrrs, most kinci of Uoilow Ware. Slcjgh Shocs. Firc Dogs, Wagon and Buggy lioxes, Ploughs and Plough Caating9of the varióus kinds uscd in this State, and the most apjiroved patierns used in Ohio, all of which they respeoiiully invite the Public to examine. They nro prepared to furnish Farmers and othcrs with PLOUGHS as early in ihe seaBon as they may be wnnied lor ubu, and wJiich will be -warrantal good. All Costings marie by them will be sold CJIEAP, and for RÉ AD Y PAY onlv. JOH 'WOIiK, JRON TUHNJNG AND FINISIIIXG done to order, and on short noiicu at the Machino Shop of il. &, R. PART RIJXiES it CO., next door to the l'aperMill. Pirst Arrival ÏJV 1843. In connecuon with the Foundry and Machina Shop, HARRIS. PARTRIDGES & CO. havo just oponed a wel I sclected stock of NEW GOODSü such as Nroad Cloths, Slicotings, MerinoF. Satinctts, Shiriines, Muslind'eLaina Jieaver Cloths, Camleis, Shawls, Kentiu-ky Jeans. Fiannels, Calicóes, Alaparn. Bootst Shors, Calí Skiha 80LEJJXD UPPER LEJ1TÜER A goud aortinent of Hardware and Groccries, all of which will be sold as low for Cash, 03 any other store in Ann Arbor. H. P. & Co. will take in exchanzeför Goods, Ilidcs, Pork, Lard, Butler, Flax Sccd, Tivi'hy Sccd, TnHow, $;. on as favorable lerms aa anv Store licre or elscwhre. Any quaiuity of Wil E AT wantod, and tho highest price paid. Lowcr Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. I, 1S4Í?. , 4&-3wLANDS FOR SALE. THE uridersignecl ie guthoriscd to sell scvcral tOCtS pf land m tlic couuties oi' fct. Clair, Ságlnaw, Snnilac, Wnshtenaw örid Lènawee'at tlioir cish value. and takein payment State Scrip mul Wiinanis at par, or thcir equivalent in cash; orliewillproportionatettirmsoii time. Thecnsli value may be asceriained. f -!. sm.d. by appraisers chofifüi by tlie purchiwèï nnr] subscriben Tli.' Woshtennjv lands consist of UBncres ira tLo town of Webster, eüghtly improved, of early and elioice seleciion, and 214 acres 3 miles below Ypsilami, on tiie Rivcr IJiiron. having rich bottoin and upper lohds, goqá iimher. running waer, corn and wliwit sbil, oxccilcnt its forin'ildine, surrounded by settlenienis, good loads and nulls. Abouf30 ncré6 have been under culüvation. CHA'S IL STEWART, 4,7'iy. . JciTerson Avenue. Detroit. Mifflinerjr & Ircss iflaking Mne. C. BUFFFINGTON, ■DESPECTFUT.LY announces to the inJ-V Imbitanls of Aon Arbor nnd vicinity, thnt she has oponed a shop, rnidway, between tho upper and lower villajes, where the business of MJLLIJYERY fr DRESS ] MAKING will bc carried on, in all its branches, with punctuality, despatch, nnd in the best and most iasbionable etyle. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1043. 50 ïy POTASH Kettles. Couidronp, Sugar Kettlns, Potash Boilt-rs, FivePnil Ketilui-, and small Uoilow Ware, Mili Gearing, Wagon Boxes, Plougli Castihgs. K-c. &c. eonstantly on hrmd. or ïnnde at short noiiee at tho Atiïi AflBÓR. STLAA1FOUNÍ)RY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. March 28, 1843. - 49-2m


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