Condition Of Slaves
Wc have taken pains to ïncjmre or dincreni fugHives respecling ttieir former condition. - Their statement a have varied greatly accor-" ding to the character of their mast erf, and the surrounding circumstances. Sonie were weli fed, clothed, and treated,and never beoten. The condition of otliers wns the reverse. The last who caüed on us was a young man, nged 2.3, named Robert Coxe, from Frankfort, Ky. Il is master's name was 0'IJarrn, nu Irish Catholic, who kept an Academy for boys. Robert liad twelve brothers and : sisters, a part of whom were sold down the river. His father was a Baptist minister. - â He had shown his baek to Robeit, where it ; liad boen cut np tjy the whip when he was . yoiing. Think of that, ye pro slavrry liapüsts! Tliat is the way some of your ministers are educaled at the South. Robert Ind often seen his aged mother and four sisters haulcd up to the whipping post, nnd flogged. I Upon osking if they were slrippcd, he said it ! was considered no whipping at a!l unless they ' were stripped to the skin. Their treatment was so Lad, that they were all forced to run I away, ond then weie whipped for that. Hi sisters had been peyere])1 floggrd for lookingiiito the books that lay around the house ond trying to read in them. The mistress usualiy kept a rawhidn beside her on the sofa, so that she could punish the girls, without the trouble ofgettingup. Robeit vvos cverworked. He ofien had to work hard Sundays and holid;iys. He and his master had a fujlmg out about j work, and ü'Harrá thought Robert must be wliipped. Robert was of a different opinión, ond by the help of his brother, broke away ! from the whipping post, and Ãled for a land-of liberty, followed by two men &. a bloodhoimd, which was kept in the family on purpose to hunt fugitives. W hen he arrived at the Ohio, he followed Gcnit Sniith's advice wil hout leverhaving reud it, ond Hóotè'ïtiQ boat from one si de of the river and left it on the other. Wherc is the man, unless it be the Rev. Editor of the New York Observer, who ; j will not o.cknowledge he did right? Robert I and his brother travellod throe weeks without entering a ÃoüÃc, led by that urifailïrig guidt-, 'llic North Star. Robert liad learned.a little Cccgraphy by looking at the ninp witli his inaster's son. Tliey cume into Adrián ia the i day time, and wcro kindly accosted by a broad I brimmed gentleman, whosaw tlieir necessities rclieved. Robert is a Methodist, and is deternnned to get an education at Hiram Wilsons Institutute in Cunada.
Signal of Liberty
Old News