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Plouglis ! Ploughs ƒ (Lr= CAWT BE BEAT! Q THE subscribcrs liave constant'y oa hand a largc assortmcnt of of a superior quality, whicli they ofiër tor sale as CHEAP na can be purchiwed at any other phce in this County. Those wialilng to purchase will please cali and examino for themsèlves. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor.. April 20, 1843. 52-tf. TÖ eiÖTHiERÏT MA NU FA CTURERS A ND MER CIIANTS. THE subsüribers are now recciving, at tbcir stores, 183 Jt ff tson Avenue, and corner ot' Rarulolph. and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a large and general stock of Dye Woods éc 2ye Stuffs-1 35 tons Lncrwood, Fu&iic. Lixnewood, Nimiraua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 30 bbls. eround Carnwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 1Q0 do Iledwooda, 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperas.4 tío Jïlue Yiti-iu!. 4 pipes Ombre and Crup Mauders, pih.:e, r00 Ibs Extract Logwoud, 600 do Bengnl, Madras and Carnccas Índigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma. 2liG do Verdigris. Iü Cnrboya Óil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis, 4 do Spirits Sea Salí?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac üye. ''0d Ibs. B:tnquo Tin. 2óO do Cream Tai tur. 500 do Q lercciron Bark. Together with a complete of all the i'mor anieles in the nade. !o wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jacks. Tent Hooks. Dye Kettles, Pickera, Burüng Irons. Nippers, Prussiaie of T'otasb. Sal Amoninc, Sal Soda, Silbar of Lend, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satmett Warps. Shcars. c. Tbis entire stock has becn purchaáed within ihe ast two weeks, and selected personnUy by orie fthe concern, whohas been in the busmtss í'or he last eleven years, and tliey 'nave no lientation n sayins that the quality of these soods ís unïxccptionahle. They wili poitivly be so'd at thu nwest New York jubbing prices. with ihe adlition of transportation only. The subscribers have the solo Agency in thia Sime for the slc of "Í'ARSON'S SHEARlNG MACHINES." Tndthe celcbnted "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS'." docidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1343. 51 tf To Fhysicians and Country Merchants. ETIERRE TELLER, WhcleÉ-lT sale and Retail Drug-gist (sign of the Golden Jffqrlaiy) 130 Jetferson Avenue, Detroit, has on hand and orlers to purchasers, ai very low rates: 4 Casks Epsom Salts: 2 casks flour Sulphtir; 2 Ubi?. Powdcred eb Jalup; 1 Bb!. Ijíjw dereditliciibarb; tlIJIjILji: üíjIs. Cream Tartar; Castor Oii by the g.ilion or dozen (assorted sizes:) Camplior. Caloniel, Qninine. Corrosive Sublímate; French and English Chemicais; Perfumery of all kfntis: J'nsead Oil; White Lead, dry and in Oii; Eñglish Venitinn Red; English Lampblack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cí ail sizes together with every other articlo conneted with ihe Driíg, 1'aÍHt, Oil. and Dve Stuff Business. April )7 18V.I C J _tf. tfrRSB&ABÖSL." MARCUS STEPEXX Sf SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms iñ the lower end ot the White Block, directly opposite the Michigan Exchange, wlierc they will keep au extensive assortment of C.aBI%JET WftSRJB, of every kind. quality. and ecscription, of llieir own raanufacturirig, and warranted lp beaafashionablp; good, and cheap as can bü had TVeat ui New York. Purchasersaie requested to cali and examine our extensive assortment before buying. Any anicle of Furniture made to ord. . I Warronttd to please. UPIIOLSTERLXG done in all its various branches, and at the hor test n CHA1RS, LOQKIXG CLASSES. AND VV1LLOVV WART-; afeo, SJoards and Vénesrs - ns.checp as the cheap est. WAWTED, In pxchanse. CHERRY, IVA LX UT, AXD MAPLE LUMBER, Sc. gfc $t.. STEVENS b ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5I-3m Cash and Bar ter Store. C. J. GA RL AND, HAVIXGpurchased the entire Stick in traía of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon such as will give him a cali, flis stock consists of a general assortmenl of goods, ind will be sold cheap. and for reudy pau onïj?.# WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS. mo3t kirAs of country produce and 000,000 FLOUR BARHEI STA.VES & líE'ADí.VG, lor wliich a fatr price will be paid. Ann Arhor, April 10. 843. 52-tf. 5OOK BINDERY. AT THE PAPF.R JIILL (lOiVER TOW'K) a.VN ARBOK. EBOOTH would respect fu i y tnfbrm the iiihabitanisof Aun Arbor and vicinity that e continúes the business of BOOK RIIVDSftG, nt the oíd stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Book3 .vill be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULIíG done to order. - Country produce taken in pnytnent. April" 19. 1S43. 52-tf. Oheaper than the Cheapest. THE Subscribios are eogaged in the marufactory of l'LOÜGHS and PLOÜGH CASTINGS] of a quality, which they are byld to sa)', :annot be surpnsseil in nny respect in t!ie State, A-hich thev offer at the low pi ice of FOUR DOIiLARS, ivith one extra point. Farmer.--, cali nnd see for oursclves. , M. S. LOOMIS & CO. Cluuon. Lcnau-ee Co... Aprrt24, 1-n'.


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