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Threshing Machines

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, 'TMIE undersigned would inforni the public tliat they continué to manufacture Hors Powkrs and Tiim;siii.vo Machines', two nnd i a half mil es l'rom the vli;.gc of Aun Albor. 'f on the rail-rond. THe Hoise 1'ower ia njate invénöon by S. W. Foatc-r, nnd is decidèdl) ,_ superior to nny oti)cr ever atícred to tl;e ublic, as wiil jijipear ly the statements oi tliosi 1 v.-iio have usetl ihera durïiig the last ycar. ]i i3 Vrght in weth( oud smailin compass, beiiig carried together with ihe Threshcr, in a coni■non waggon box. and dntwn witl. case bj two horses. It is ashnle fiable to break, 01 gt out of repair, oa anv other Powei, mi will w.irk as easy and tlirash r.s n.ucJ with foin horses attaolied to it as any other power with fibï hdrééé as will ippeat from the reeomrr.eii lationa l.ckw. New patterus i have been umie lor the post iron. and additional w,:ight ünd sirengihapplieil wherever it had nppfearetl to te necessary Mom oi.c year'é uso ol the machine. The aabsenbers deern it proper 10 stato, that a number of horsé power wei e sold last year in the viilege of Ann Arbor which vrere . j helieved by the ,urchasers to be those invented j by S. V. Fojter. and tliat most or uil of lliem were either rhnde iriatënally differènti or al tercd betbre sold, so as to be innterially dïfJ i ferent from those maüe and solJ by the stih ! soribers. Such alteratrons being decidedly detrimento' to the utiliiy óf cygpTOchine. Tficy have good reason to believe that every one of those returned ty ihc purchasersas unsatisfuc J j tory wèré of tais clbss. 'Ywy ai e nol aware ' that any Power weit from their hop, and was put in use. ns they male i', has bren con.Iemned or laid asideas a bij machine. Allwiiowish tbnyare nyjrej to examine ihcin and o enquire oí t)xfie whi have u.-ed theni. 'i'heie will be onerör axatnination ftt -V. II. Wikg'sj Dexter rilLdgc; and one al Martin WiLi.sov'sitf'et ase in I)loit - boih tliese gentlemen belng nL'ents for the sale ol theni. Tlis price will be $2Q fora four liorse puwer, wrth á threshfng ranclïinej wth a Btave or vvooden bnr cylmder; and $130 'for a lio'rsè power wrth a threshing machine wiih an iron bar cylinder. The attentioü of there-i'fer is invited to the folio wing reco'ihiñendations. 'S. W. FUST KR &. CO. Scio. April 2. 142. HEL OM M END A TI ONS. Tliïa is to certify that we have used one ol S W. Foster's newly invcn'ed Horse Powers tos nbout (ïve iriontlis, and threshed wiih it about 8)00 bushels, and believe it is constructed on better principies tlian any other liorse Power. One of the ilnderëïgned has i ownetland usedeight différent kinds of Horse Powers. ainl we believe that four horses will tlirash as niuch with ïhis Power ,is fice will with any other power wiih which we are acquainted. Iï. CAFE. S. G. E VES. Soto. January. 12. 142. is to inlbrm the public that I have pnrchased. and have now in use. one ot' the ! Horse Powers recently invented hy S W'. Koster, made by S. W. Foster, & C., and believe it be constructed pon hetter principies, and requires les strehgth qfhotses than any oilier puwer wiih which Í ain ac quainted. A. WEEKS. Móunt Ciemens. Sept. 8, IS41-. This is to ïnfbrm tle pnMic that I hare cha'sed one of the H o rse Powers, rccently invented by S. W. Foster. and tisxl it for a nvtmer of months. and believe it is the btsi powei ín use. worktng with less strenmh of horses than any other power with which I am aoquninted, nn'i being smntl in compass. is asily moved from one place to another. I helieve 4 horses will thresii ns much with this power as 5 will with anv other power. - The plan and the working of this power have been univer3nlly approvod of by furmers for whom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITIÍ. Scio. April IJ, 1842. S1HÍ7T EAöSIÏSS. T!ie suhscribers maffe very goor] PMUT MACHINES which they wül sell for $30. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers; who hns had many year'a exnerience in the mjlling business We invite those who wisli to buy a good machine Tor a fair price tobuy of us. Tt 3 worth as mu 'h as mnst of thi machines that cost from 150 to $noo. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April, 18, 1842. SECOND VOLUME OF THS MAÖNET, D.VJtcJ to h'. inaestigotion if Human I'iiys in.ngt, cmüracing Cepholfigy, J'hrevol igif. Pitt'iC'.ology. PnjsingnoJny', Psijchol gy, Nfiirologtf, Elcctric.iliJ, GaLcaniiin, Manotism, Light, Calorie, Ufe. BY LA ROY SUNDERLAND. The Design of this popul ir and interesting work, is the invcstigatiou ofa'l the laws which ajipcrtnin to Human Life. and which are concerned in the production of jhose states of the Mind, called SOMNAMBULTSM. INS VN1TY. DREAMING. SECOND-SIGHT. SUMN1PATHT, TRANCE. CLAIRVOYl ANCE,'and variuus other Mental Phenomena, which have. hii'nerto, reinained shrouded in mystery. l:s pages are cnriclie'l with Efisaysand Conimnnicauons, detailing FACTS, ü the Science of CEPHOLOGY. which teaches the influentes and msrcpli'i li:i g of the HUMAN BRÁIN, and the methudof controring its separate organs by PATIIET1SM: toaether with sucli ir,f(jrninlion ns may assist in the most successlul applicaiion of this wondert'ul agent to Diagnosis - the Delinearon of Cbaracter - and the relief of {fuman Suflering. The Second Volume will be commenced in June, 1813, in large octavo forni, and issued monthly. on the foUowing TEHMS: I. Two Dol!a s. iiadrance, wil! pny for one copy for the year, or sixteen copies of any one nuinber. I 1. For Six Dollars. fif:y copies of any one nttmber: or four copies for one year. III. For Ten Dollars, ninety copies of any one number: or sevpn copies for one year. IV. For Fifteen Doll.irs. one hiindred and fifiy copies of any one number; or twelve copies for one year. V. To the trade, they will be put at Nine Dollars, per hiindred, when one hundred copI es are ordcred at unc time. with the cash in ad run cc. ET Agenf8 must state, disiincly, whnt the money sent is designed to pay for, whothcr fxr nn entire volume, or for so many single; copies of one. number. As these terms are low, the Publishor cannot doubt but Agents wilipee tlie Justicoof giving special nttention to what follows. - [O All payments muet bc reccived by the Pubjinher hef ore each number is sent out of the Office. !HJ" All paymenis must bc ren-iitted fcz of postrrgc. and in Safetyfund money, or its equivalent, in this city. (CT Agente must giv'. particular instructions as to the manncr in which they may wis'i each nuitibriforwartlcd. EFEvery editor who bhnll nvc this Frospecius (inclufling this p.-irngraph) six inscrtions. ehnll receive The Maonet for one year, from .Tune. 1343, provided the prpers containtnir thisnuticohftforwardei], marked, to "The New York Card," New York Ciiy. and provided, olifo, that these conditions be complid 1 1 wiih bcfore Jnnuary, 1844.


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