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Selections: Of Rev. Mr. West, In The General Assembly

Selections: Of Rev. Mr. West, In The General Assembly image Selections: Of Rev. Mr. West, In The General Assembly image
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The Rev. Mr. West said he woulu vote foT the resolution, for the reasons he wouïd now assign. He would do so, first; because that m liis opinión the Assemb ?y coulcBqt arrive st a more satisfactory issue, to please all the partjes concerned, than that which was set forth in the resolution before the House. Thia matter had been left to the lower judicatories of the Presbyterian Church, and it was hoped that every Presbytery would have done its own duty; and the Assemblv did nol expect to be goadcd, from timeto time, with this question. That had been the ful! understanding of the General Assembly. If any other resolution than he present should be pncscd, it would dissatisfy either the South or the North. BreLhren here were placed betweeri two fires; andhe had looked at the matter aa wcll as !ie was able, bnt he eontessed thal he had been unable to see how thty would ever arrive atan amicable conclusión, or ever repárate in harmony, as they had done last year.unless the resolutions now pending were passed, or the whole suhject ba indefinitely postponed. He rwiterated that he would sustaip the resolution because he was acquainted, to a very great extent indeed, with the motives which led to the introduclion of the exciting question here. He did not mean to charge nny member present with being prompted with any othcr than good motives in his course on this floor. [Here the reporter was interrupted, but the gentlunan was underüíood as saying that a certah. class of persons tcliere he lived were goading the church to aclion on this subject,reck]ess of its imerests, nnd were for using the Assembly in this question merely for party purposes. Tin's hemeant to resist-] There was not a man in America, or in the thiee kingdems, but what knev him to be an anti-slavery nion. He had ever been against West India slavery and oll sorts of slavery; and it was well known tbaí he had suifered on account of that cause. And when he found that he was to be mnde a cat's-paw of in the General Assemb'y, he repelled the effort in the manner it deserved. Mr. W. went on to remark that many things set forth in the memoriais presented to tiiis body, were unlrue, and calculated todeceive it; therefore, for that reason, independent of otbers, he shojld vote in favor of the resolution. After making somc general obsen-ations on the subject of abolition, and lauding the noble and untiring efforts of he late Mr. Wilberforce ond his coadjutors in the cause of emancipation,Mr. W.took occasion to aver,in con-, nexion with the questioa of slavery, tlmt neither the Prcsbyterian Church of Scotland, nor nny of the ecclesiastical of the threc kingdoms, have ever discussed, or even thought of stich a (hing as introducing into.or connccli.ig that queslion with, matiers of cborch government. And, in pursuing the course they had done in that respect, he ihought they had done what was lightnd set and example wortby to bc folio wed. He concludeci, by again declaring that ha should vote for the resolution, because he


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