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Our readers will recollect ihc expression of Rev. Dr. IIill in the General Assembly, thnt ccrtain Abolitionists had been lynched in Viig'.n'a- that tliey desetved it- that extreme exigencies sometimes require extreme remedies0- and this was one of them. The next Jay, finding the indignalion of the Northern members cxcited, he explained, retrncted, or rather denied having said so. He rolated the circumstances of one wlio was caüed a Methodist minister. He had been in the place bat a night or two, when he endeav'orefl to incite the ilaves to insubordinaiion. Someyoung men took him pmtpftoyn,andgav6 liim tliiriy-nine lashes. Dr. Hill said that he liad stated that theM ethodist minister deserved tvhat he got; but he was oppored to the practice of lynching in tolo.Thus it seems. Dr. Hill being judge, tliat every Christian brother t.hat encourages 'insubordinad on' in a slave, wliether by helping him on bis way to Canad,or by sayuig to him, 'Ifthou mayestbo free, use tliy freedom'- is 'ueserving' of thrly-niae luslies! The samo 'venerable father wlio partakes vi !) you to day of the brokcn body and shed blood of the Sonof God.will have you jiulicialiy condem.ied to morrow for a word of syinpalhy and kindness to the slave,and as you writlic at the whipping post mder the lash applied to your naked back, yonr Reverend father in Christ calis out, 'Tici's rigjttl Lmj it 071, hedese.iirs 7!' Our taste may be different from that of our readers, but tve desire no fellowsliip with sucli a blood-llnrsly 'brotlier' ín any part of the universe.Tlie following from the Albany Patrio! will show the feelings of these 'Soathèrn Cliristians' towards their Northern brethren: "Now we are about it, we will ndd a few choice paragraphs from eotne other good 'ÖouUiern Christians,' beginning f'ilít 'yur affectionate brnlier in the Lord, Robert N. Andersoí),' who says: "Now, dear Christian btethren, I hunibly expresa it as my earuest wish, tliat you quit yourselves like 'men. lï Hiere be ariy stmy goiot o!' a miniííter ainoiig you, tainted wiili the bloodhound principies of abolitionism, let hito be ferreted out, siiencrd, excommunicated,nnd left to the public to dispose of in oíher respecte.'Wiíliam Sí Pliimmer, D. D., of Richmojid, has the following If aboütionUs w, s-et the country ip u blaze,it s but fair ihat they should receive the j fïrsl warming of the fire.' Ábolitio'nists are like infidel?, wholly unuddicted to murtyrdnm Cor opinión' s sake. Lel tlietn understand'thal they will be canghl, [lynched] if they come among tis, and they w'ill take good heed to keep out of the wiiy.' Rev. Thomas S. Wilherspoon, anoiher Presbyterian minister, though perhaps belongingfurther Soulh than Virginia, thus wmte sorae time since, to the edilor of the Emanci pator: 1 draw my warrant from the Script uros of the Oíd and New Testament.,to hold theslavc in bondage. The principie of holding tbej heatlien in bondage k recognized by God. When Uie tardy process of the law is too long in redressing grievancea, we of the Soutli have adopted the eummary remedy of Judge Lynch - and really I think it one of the most wholesome and palutary remedios for the malady of Northern, lliat can be apphcd", and no doubt my wortliy fnend.thei editor of the Emancipator and Human Eti'gbts vvould feel tiie better of its cnforcement, provided he had a Southern (idministrator. I go to the Bible fot my warrant in all moral mitters. Let your emissaries dare venture to cross the Potomac, nnd I cannot promiseyou that their fate will be lcss than Hamanf8. Then beware how you goad on an insulted, but magnanimous people to deeds of desDcra'ion.'íáuch is a plain 6pecimen of the ungodly reprobates with whom so many of our good Northern Christianí! are so anxious to preserve the 'unión of the cliurch.' " Or5 It was expected that the World's Convention would conduje its sittings o the 2Oth of June, and a public meoting would then be held at Exeter Hall, nt which Lord Morpeth would preside. Mdancholy Accident. Mr. Mntlhew Carlin.a resikniof tliia villigc, and recen tly from New York, was drowried wliile baihing in ihe river on the evening of 25th ult. Q3 The Liberty men in Ohio are bestiring themselves. ín some Counlies and Districts, nominations are already mude. At u Convention at Elklon, a Candidate for Congress was nominated. It is slated that the Friends held a meeting the day before the Convention, and enjoined upon their menibers not to attend, on pain of being dealt with!


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