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National Liberty Convention

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The National Committee have agaui alter - cd the time of holding thia Convention, for the purpose of avoiding a conflict wilh the time of the State elections in Vermont and ï, -ne [t. will be held on the last Wednes, 'ondThursdoy, the 3Oth and Sist daysof Augustnextatl0._A. M.atBuffulo. aCash and Credit."- This article has been ttensively published, and will richly repay ,he percal of a thinking man. It contatos ny truthsin few vvords. It recommends tl e old Franklininn syslem of business. In ,840 the great cry was for a revival of credit, in'othcr words.the nbiUty of getting in debt to'each oiher and to the rest of the vvorld.Supposing wc had ihis ability to any desired extcnt, hów would it benefit us?Uy TheJacksen Gnzettr, (Whig) thinks Mr McClehnd ihe Democratie candidnte, w.ll L 'elected in this Congres.ional District, unies ihe Whigs Bhall nominale a romMonroeConnty. Unle-a this be done, hoGazeUehas-oftheeecUonofa WhigRepresentative. Should ,i be done,ihe GazeUcthinks-thewhigscouldrnukeanur,and be.ucccssful Al they caD„ anticípate dependa on a mere perhaps We clirnnicle Uk se opinions of the Oazette thus early, that Whigs mav notïce what calculations are making by the leaders to frow alcay all the Whig votes of the Distncl- When they enter into the business on so large wouldseemtliat they might have mannersenoughnottotwitus of doiiif the eameihinff. Bt we do not consider them ,ncurable. When they have lived a long time in glass houses, they will learn not lo throw stoiies.ttj" Mr. Legare, of South Carolina. General ofihe United States.died lalejyat Bosion. Mr. Legare was olsoactL Secretary of State. ín consequence ot hU decoase, Ú stated tlmt tlie President and tlie Cabinet will return immediately ío Woshton. (jy A considerable porlion of the Abolituiniíts of Connecticut have been reluctant lo fill in with tlie Liberty niovemetit. Bul their backwnrdness b dis.-ppeasing-. A; the laat meeting of the Stae Society, it was voled tiiat thViragéntsand editor shöujd befree to advocate the claims pf-the Liberty party as thcir best judgenictu might didate. Thus ail the real friends of the slave are coming on to the truc ground.Qr" A large mul spiiited Liberty Conventi'on has beenlield u Mudison County, New York, at Polebro. N.-miiiatioru for ilie County wcre made. The Liberty men are deteimined lliat County shall be the flrst Liberty Cuuniy in the Sute. Vigorous effbrts are mnking to extend the Tract distribution to every fumily. Fonr thousand Tracts were tlispofed of at the Cunvciition. LT3 A!)by Kelly has rccently been lecturing at Liltle Falls, Hcrkimer county, nnd debañng with some of the pro slavery lawyers theie. A great sensalion was produced. In reply to u Mr. llenr.v, a fiery partizan of Clay, MissKolly is réported to have said: 'One thxag I wi'll ooserve, ihal jf I ncver thouglit of forqiftg n política! part, I sec ts tíeeessity aftcr this speech1Tiie correspondent of tlie Friend of Man, wrote from Washington sume time fcincc: 'I think two tliinis of tlio pcople of cnlor, heve, are mulares, or Aren Bfihter, Ver manv can be disiíguslied,IVoin ihe white peoPie moro ceadily by tbe coman ny ín vvhich you meet ihcm, ihan by tmy iinficátion of thcir óríffin in iheir color, form. or any oiher externul sign. I noticed a colovrd ady (eulored by oourlosy) tlic otlier day, vsith oie of the wost perfect Giec an headd I ever saw; Sl.e was so white, and so bmutifid, withal, that I ween, the kalere of iimalgamauon, in your city, would have eageriy gi en her the seat ofhoncir in any of tl.e.r churehes, had slie entered itas a pranger, in pooapaitiy with a wnite person. Wr. Cl..ys ' piocess gocs un So raniflly, tKat, wiih kis hel, K will hardly require two riondred years lo bleach out fclavery in this District!'Qj?0 Several vexfttioua suits hove been Commenced against Aboliiionists for assisting cölored fngiüves on their way to Canada.- Rev. Mr. Lovejoy, brother oí the martyr, stands indicted tbr giving a pair of slippers to a poor o!d wonian who was on her way to Canada to fijld her children. Nolliing dauntëd at this, he has published the followin? advertisement in the Western Citizen, Chicago. NOTICK OV THE CaNADA I4NK OF STAGES. Cheap.' Chea-pü- The snbscriber would venj , respect fullu intbim the ladies and gentlemen of color of the South, who wisli to travel Norlh for the benefit of their condiüon, or an excursión of pleasure to the Fulld of Niagta, tliat the above line of slaies w 11 be in active and efficiënt operatioa during the suuiiner. 05== Passcngers will be cnrried all ihe way through for Nothing, and Found. For Ai rther parliculars, inquire of the snbscriber. at bis residence in Princelon, Bureau Counirj. Owes Lovkjoy, G(7i. .flgent. Princeton, Bureau Co., May 24ii, 1843. N t K. Extras fitted out at any hour of the day ór niglit, and articles of.-clotbing furnished gratuitou'sly, to those who have fullen among {Southern baiwütti, and been stripped. O. L.Qjr3 After an interval of three woeks, we have been visited with another circus. These establishinents, in our opinión, are a damngc to the community. They consume the ineans of those who patronize ihem, without rendering any value reccived. They add nothing to thewealth of a comrnunily, while they tend to encourago, idleness, prodigolity and vicc. - The entire expense of maintaining thoscgaged in them is aa completely lost to the State, as thougli they were eupportetl in the Poor House by a public tax. ETA Cas3 meeting was held in Dfflroit last week. About two hundred only wero present, ahhouyli the cali was signed by six hundred. In case the National Coimirion should not le uble tj agree on Calhoun or Van Buren, it is tbóught by some that the opposing factiona can be made to unite readily on Mr. Cass.CFThe Committeo to present the Addiess lo the President on Slavery, nddresseci him a note as boon as he arrivcd in Boston, requo&ting him to grnnt n short interview to the Committee, jut he loft Bos-on without any answer whatevcr. His time was very much occupied while m the ciiy; but that need not have precluded an answer of some kind. Tho i;Old Dominion," a Virginia paper, look the matter to lieart very seriously. lt says in referenue to the lact ihat Latimer was one of the Comiiiitiee: "We hope the President will be occompanied by some southein fiiend who will on the spot cosshide the scoundrel who may attempt to introduce to him Latimer or any ether negro lor the purpuse mentioned by the Post."


Signal of Liberty
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