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1843 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. BOOKSELlERANiSTATItMB. SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSOfi AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly fbr sale a completo assortment oí' MiaccDaneous, School anti Classioul Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quilla, Ink, Sealiiii; YVax, Ciulery, Wrapping Paper. Priatng Paper, of ail stzes; and Book, News and Canister Ink, ot various kinds. SLANZ BOOZS, Full and halt bound, of evcry varïeiy ot Kuling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS," &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in quantities, a large discount made. 8ABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beon mado n the payment of a certain sum of money, securecV, to be paid by indeniure of mortgage, bearing date the iiinth d.iy of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousacd eight hundred and thirty nine, executed I by Miller Barker, of Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, to George Westlall, of Plymotwh. m the County of Wayne, Michigan, an;l recorded in the Register's Office, of the County of Washtenaw, insaid State, on the 1 lt'i d;iy of ftTayJ A. D. 1839. at JuJ o'clock, A. M. in liber, Ño. 8, . page 118, upon which there is clairiied to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of one hun dred und Uvelve dollars and sixty one cents. Notice is therefure hereiiy given, that'by virtuo of a power of sale in said moitgage cóntaíhed, and pursuant to the statute insuch case mnde and provided, will be sold at public auction öi vendue, at the C.mrt House, in the villaje of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, on Tuesdny. tlie tsventy-fifih day of July next, al onco'clock, in tho afteinoon of ihat day, the premisos in said mortgago described, as follows, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land, sitúate, lyingr.nd being in the county of Washtennv, in the State aforesaid, and known and described as being the somhwest quarter of Gection No. thirty-four, in towns.'iip Ño. four. Bouth of range IVo. four east, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, be the saine rnore or i less; excepting and resürving all thrct cerrain part of said trac: of land, above described, whicii wna herctolbre deeded by Grove Barker and Persis Barker to iaaia Currier." tíaid Mortgage having been given to secure thepayment of the purchase money of said premises. GEORGE WESTFALL, Morí. H. A. noyes, Att'y. Dated, April lOth. 1843. 51-3mTO CLOTSIIERS AND WOOL CAilDERS. r I 1HE suhseriber would respectfully solicit the JL atleniion of Clothiers and Woul Carders, to au examination of his present Stock ofarticles in their line, assuriug them of thcir superior quaüiy, (whicfi wil! bo apparent upon examination) and and of the unusunlly low rates at which he is enabled to ?ell ihem. Among a variety of articles beloaging to the trade may be enumerated: Carda of every descriplion; Shuttles, Steel Reeds 4-4 5-4 wkle; Clothiers Jacks; Satnnett Warp: Emerv; Tenter Hooks: Worsted Ilarness: Card C'.caners and piates; Screws; Copper Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parson'a, also. two or three Car ding Machines. The subscrilier feels himself warnwed in assuring the trade that his suppiy of Clothiers Tools, togeiher with sjtnc 12 or 15 ton of assortod DYE WOODS and DYE STUFFS. form one of the Iarge3t and most complete stocks of the kind ever offered lo the public of Michigan. - Owing therefore to the iiHucements he can offer to those engaged in the CLOTÍI DRESSING nnd WOOL CARDTNG business, of an extensivo stock and low prices, he solicits their exainination of the same before purchasiug or raaking arrangements elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggi3t, 139 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1S43. 5I-tf.M1LWTJFÍLOTOR7. THE subscrbers would inform the public that they are now manufacturing WOOLEN CLOTH with a degree of success cqual -to their most sanguine expeciations. With the machin ery they now havo., they are oble to manufacture from 75 to IDO pouncls of wool per day. The cloth they have made tor the last tlirte montlisis of the best quality. and that mnde in tuture will be similar. They ha%-e èntirely overeóme tiie difficulttes of staning an establishment of this kind in a new country. Their terms are 37 cents per yard for fuüed cloth iinished or half the cloth the wool will make. lf any altemtion of the terms should be determine! on, public notice will be given. All wool received before Buch notice ia given will be worked on the above terms. If fcny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided they assort t themselves, and fqrhisb it in quantities of 100 pounds of one quality o wool. It is much betier lo sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankels; the cloth should be etrong. Provisions of all kinds will be received in payment for manufacturing to the amount requiret for the consumption of the establishment. Voo eent by railroatJ to Scio. will bc properly nttendedto; the number of pounds should bemarkedon thesack withink; also the weisrht of the snek. - The wool will be worked in turn as it comrs in. as nearly as can be done with reference to the different quaiitie. EPMany P'armers have expressed to us their gratification in consideration of our starting this braneh of business, and many have encoumed us by therr patronage during the last year. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the cmount of 25,000 pounds, and receive the benefit of the very reasomble terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. VV. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30. 184.1. l_tfGRAVE STONES TMONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, fcc. v 6ubscriber Ila3 a large assorirnent oí Marble. of the best qunlity, suitable for (trave Stoses. Mondme.vts. &c. which lie will Bell cheap for cnali, or exclianye for produce, at his ola stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. ' Persons wisbing to buy will do well to cali, os they will he sold much cheaper than have ever been afforded in this State, and ofa Quality that cannot lail to please. . WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly JAillES. BIRrVEÍ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 8AGANAW CITY, MICHIGA.-Í. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; he will rnake investments for others lands, pny over for non-residents their taxes, and give i'nformation generally to persons interested in this part of the country, or desirousof becom:ng immigrant8 to it.Threshing JKachines. npHE undersigned would inforni the public jl tliat they coii:inue to manufacture lilonsK Powers and Ma chin ks, two nnd ;i half mil es tVom the viilage of Aon Arbor. on the rail-road. The Ilorsc Power is a late mvention by S. W. Foster. and is deeidedly superior to any other evci oflèrta to the public, as wiü appear by the statements of those wiio have used them diiring the last year. It is light in weight and smallin compass, being carried together with the Thresher, in a common waggon box, and drawn with case by uvo horses. It is as httie liablc to break, or get out of repair, as any other Horsc Power, and will work as easy nnd thrash as much with four horses attached to it as any other power with fivc horses, as will appear from the recomniendations below. New patteins have been made for the cast Tron, and additional weight and strengthapplied wherever it iiad appeared to be nccessary from ono year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, j that a numberof horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor wKich were believed by the puvehasers to be thosc invented by S. W. Foster. and that most or all ot them were cither made mateii.illy different, or altered before sold, so ns to be materially different from those made and sold by the subseribers. Such alterauons being decidedly detrimenta. tothe iitiütyofthe machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returned by t'ic purcliasers as unsatisfac tory were of this class. They are notaware that any Power that went from iheir shop, and was put in usa, as they made it, 'has been condemned or laid asideas a bad machine. Allwhowish t'ibuyare invited to examine them and to enquirc of those who have used them. There willbeonet'or exainination nt N. IJ. WYng's, Dci.ter rillage; and one at M.inXIV Wili.son's sloreliouse in Detroit - both these gciitJemen being agents for the sale of them. The pricewill be $120 fora four horse power, with a tlireshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and yl 'M) ír a horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attenlion of the reader is invited to the foüowing recommendaiions. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 20. 1R42.n ec o$n& :xda tíons. This is to certify ihat we have used one of S W. Foster's newly invcntcd Horse Powers foj about five monihs, nnd threshed with it about 8000 bushels. and believe it is constructed on bdtcr principies thnn nny ot.her Horse Power. One of the undersigned lias ownedand usedeight difTerenf kinds of florse Powers, and we believe that four horses will thrnsh as nmch with tliis Poweras fitc will witli any other power with whieh we areacquainted. H. CASE. S. G. [VES.Scio, January. 12. 1?A2. Tiiisisto inform the public that I havepurcliased. and Iiave now in use. one of the Horsc Powers recently inventert by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, & Co., and believe it be constmcted upon better principies, and requires ltSB'Stréngth of horscs than any other power with which 1 am ac quamted. A. WEEKS. Mount Cíemeos, Sept. 8, 1847. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster, and ussd it for a nunier ofmonths. and believti it is the best power in use. wörkirtg with Iess strength of horses tlnn any other power with which I am acquninted, and being small ín compns?. is asily moved from or.e )ilace to another. I believe 4 horscs wil! thresii as mnch with this power as 5 will with any other power. - The plan and the working of this power have been universally approvod of by fcnners for whom I have thrashed. E. S. SMFTH. Scio. April 11. 1S42.SMOT USACHIKÍÜS. The S'ihscribers make very good SAIUTMACII1NES wliich they will sell for$60. Tliis machine was inventcd by one of the subscribers. who hns had many ye;ir's expcrience in the niilün business. We invite those who wish to buy a rood mnchine Tor a fair price to buy of ns. It is worth as mmh ns mast of tha machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 18, 1843.DR. BANISTER'SCKLEBRATEDFEVKR AGÜE P1LLS.- Purehj Vegetnbli, A safe, speedy. and sure remedy tor fevér nnd ague. durn aruc. chili fever, and the bilious diseases peeuliar to new countric-s. These pulsare designed ror the affections of tbeiivf-r and oiher intorna! organs whidi attend the diseases of the new and miasmatic portionsof our country. The proprietor havinj; iried tliem in a grc-st variety of cnscs confidently boücvés that they are superior to dñy remedy that has ever been offeied to the public for the above diseases. Itispnrely Vegetable and perfectly harm!ess. and enn be t.'iken by anypersun, inaleor female %vith perfect safet}'. The DÜis are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and .o. 2. and acecompaniedwiih full directions. A greíit nnn-.ber of certificates miIit be procured in favnr of this medicine, but the proprieter has thoiijrlit fit notto insert tliem. in as much as he depends upon the merite oí the same for ils reputaiion. The above pill is kept constmtly on Jinnd by the prnprietpr and can be had at wholesale nnd rctail at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders f'rom the country prompily attended to. Ann Arbor. dower town) Mny29 1842. 9 L. BFJCKLF.YGIIOUNI) PLASTER. PRÏCE UEDUCKD TO NINE DOLLARS PER TON. THE suhscribers have now on hand and will continue to keep a goorl supply of GROU.VD PLASTER, n Barrels, ai their Store in Detroit, 023, Jefierson Avenue,) nnd in Buik, at their Plaster MUL on the River Rond, lialf way between Ypsüonii ond Ann Arlior. The abnve' is from the Sineca Falls and Grand flivcr Piaster Beds. lioth nored for ilieir superiority. ELDRED & CO. January 12. 1843 46-6m.PAINTÏBia. T. LAMBER T. BEGS leave to nform the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor, and ftre surrounding country, that having located liimsclf n tiie Loieer Vi'lairr, wit II the view of carrying on the above business in nll ts branches', (some of which nrp HOUSE. SIGN, ffñrí ORNAMENTAL PAIJYTING, GILDING anrl GLAZLN'G. GRA1ÍVÍNG, irnitaiion of al! VVoods, MÁRBLKIZJNG. TRANSPARENCÍES, BAiXiNERS. &c. respectfully solicits n share of public patronage, as his price3 shall be lovv to conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. wonld say io Farmers that hc is particu arly desirous to attend to their calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, March G. 1843. 45.- ly. BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &c. for sale at thia office. .,,.Peters Pilis. 'Tis íun iheysny to gct well witli them, ALL mankind 'througbóut their -de and immense circulution ihut ever try thcm conuuue to buy tliein. Petcis' Pilla are purely vegetable; tliey work nu mirados, nor do they nroíess to curo all diseasce, because they nre the sc.enufic compouódof a regular phyöi'ciaii, wlio has made his protesswn the study of lus life Dr 1 eters 8 a gradúate of Vale College, nlso of the Massacbusetis Medical College, and lias somewhaidistmguished himselfas a man of sciencè and genius among the (aniily oí the laie G)v Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple iu their preparation, mild in their action, thoropeh in their operation, and unnvalled in their results.- 1 he town and country are alike (lied with thcir praise. The palace and the poor house ahke echo with their virutes. In all clima tes they wül retaia thc.r wonderful powers and exen them unaltcred by nge or siiu-uion. nnd'this the oí a grateiul coinmunhy proclaimed.- 1 eters Pn!s picvcnt- keep cff diseases il trnwly used. r.nd have no rival in curiug billious fev fevor anci ingue.dyspepsia, livcr complaints.groui sicli hendadle, jauisdicr. ns:limn.diopsy. riicuiua tism, enlaigemcntofihe epUièa, pilea, colic-, te. malo olisiruciion, heart biu n; furred tongue. riáúsen, distention o) the stomach andbowcls. "ncipient diarrheea. flaíuíencer, habitual consta eness. loss of appetite. bloched. or á&Hpw complexión, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathanic or aperienf is indicatcd. producing neuher nausea, griping nor Jebiliiy ; 'nnd ive repeatall who buy them continue to try tlicm. The most triumphant success has over attcn(led their use and enough is already known of them to immortalize and hand thtm down to poa terity with theimprovemenis oí the nge in medical science. Dr. Peters was brcd to the heaiingnrt.and in order tosbppiy dem.inds, he has originated and ciljed to his aid the only stcam drtvcn raacbinery in the world föf.pijl voikinr. 'Tis perfect, ond irs procees imparte to the pill essential virtue. becanse y being perlectly wronghr. all the pills' hiddeñ virtue is revcaled. when called into action. and here nlso it is Peters excelsall the world and takcsall the premiums, meuals and diplomas. So clcar the tract fnr tlie' Engine- Peters' Pilis aro comino; - a million of witnessescan now be hprd for ihem - resistlers- do you hear thatl wiil; a host can 'tüsiify that they believo they owe their salvation íioni disease r.nd death to Poters' Pili, and if calomel andknivesarc getting panially imo disuse ve are only mistaken.Certifica-. í:s.- This paper could be filled wiili them by resjdents of Michigan, by your Priende and neighbors- nsk ó'iir agenté. It is ñow well knowri that the people will hnve Peters' Pilis, and to hinder woujd be to stop thé ruahing wind! Pnce 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless forcé oí these truths - thfir universal reception, odded to the testimony oí mili ípna. í;keep ii before the peupie'' miistand wil] be heard ihrougliout this vale of tenis. Tlieir happy influence on joung ladies wÉílc sufTcnng un-.íer the usual changes of life as directed by the Imvs of nature, they impnrt a buoyancy of henrt. feelingand íiction, an elastic step. velvet cheek, lilly nnd carnation complexion by their action on ihe cliyle, &c. and ladies in delicate situarions niwnysadmit iheir power and innocence, nnd (alcé them two or three at a time without in ihe slightest degrce incutring the hazard ofan abortion; whichfacts are of the utmost itnportnnce. Pimples: a younrr lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, nnd says she feels more gratcfultohim for thorcstoration ofher bcauly thnn ifhehad saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills.for they canse the Llood tocourse aslimpid and gentln íhrough the veins ns a mount:iin rivulet: 3 or4 is n comraon dose, henee the patiënt is not compelled to mnke a meal. TROUBLE IN PLÜTO'S CAMP.Quito nstonished Oíd Pluto cune to New Yr.rk. '.Hearing Poters liad got his Pili Engine at work.) To resign his commission, his hour glass arid Bcylhe; I have corno to deliver tlieni nll up to yon - Sir. my calüng is over - my business istlirough; I have been lor tliree years in a terrible stew. And I ïeaily don't know what on earth I'am to do: - Not of your rrighty sire do I come to complairi. But a tarnal New Yorker, one PETERS by uuiiie: The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Aresubdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yir-ld him N. York, sir, i f diere he woald si. tv: But. sir, Peters will have the whole world for his swny. Wliile musing in cogncil what course to pursue. Tint Engine of Peters broke forlh into view. The Kingof terrors looked a whil-. As thqugh bis soul was tur: cd to bile, At tbat unsparing scourge of i lis, i Byáll men kh'nwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leavcs the blond as pure na water. Now Peters mak es, I've heard him say, Vive hundred thousand pills a d.iy; So that the chance. is very small Of people dyina there nt all; For soon tbc cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to blooin.Lonk hhrol allmhotry oeniihve lo Úiúj thcm. Fursule ns follows, ly Me;-srp. Bcacli & Abe!. G. Grcnville. F. J. 15. Crane, Mdénarcl, & Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jouen, JII. Luin!. il. Becker. Dicknson & Cogswell. and S. K. Jones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son. Dcxtcr, Wm. A. L. S!i;i Lima; J. C. Winans. Sylvan, HdIp, &. Sinith. Grass Lake; W. Jacksorï. Leoni: D. T. Morriman. Jackson; M. A. Shocninlicr. Mjclriggn Centro; Brotlicrson &, Co.. L. H. Kief & Gilbcrt. Manchester; 1). ÍS. Haywood, Slme; Snovv ScKeys, Clinion; .1. Scnttcrgood & Co., Plymouth: Ötone. Btibeqek & Co., nntí Julins. Movius&Co.. Ypsilanti: Pierre Tollcr, Detroii; 3. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood. Adriori; Hart & Mosher. Springville; . IJnrmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Sniiili &, Co., Jonesville; L. M, Boyce, Chicniro - and nlmost every whcre e!se. Óct. 19, 1842 27-1 yCash and E ar ter Store. C . J . G A R L A i D , HAVING purchased the entire Stock in Iracle of Godlrcy and Allen, will be hnppy to wait upon Buch as will givc liim a cali. Jlis 8tock consists of a renerul assoriinent of goods. and will be sold chcap. nnd for reailu paii oi,]y. WANTED, In exchange lor GOUDS, most kinds of country produce, and FLOTJR BARREL SiAVES & HEADIJYG, for whicli a fair prico wHl be paid. Ann Arbor, April 1!), 1843. 52-tf.JfEOJYElT TO niS JtiMÊBE. THE subscriber would liercby gtve nolicc lo the .farmers of Wasbtenaw, and the neighboring countios, tliat he hns nn ilïi wfcfM dow n operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. wheie he intends at all limes to buy FLAX SKED, (and otlier Soeds used in making OL ) and pay the liigliest price, and tlic best ol pay. - One Dollar per bushei wíl! bc paid for good cloan seed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the sanie qunnlity. Farmers ai e requested to Uy Flax on their Sumtner fallows, and tliereby avail ihemselvesoi two crops instead of one. Mkrciiaxts are requesied to send in their seed and exchnnge fnr Oil in prefereriee 10 sendiiiir to New York or J'oston for it, and ihua keep vvhat money we have in our own State. [45- tf.] JOEL R, HIDDEN. Ann ArborLower Town, March 1, 1843.3. L3jLXV'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The most effectvol remedy yet discover ed J'or Jihevmntism, Fevcr Soi-es, White ISiccllings, liijlammntion in the Eyes, Steelled Th i out in ScarIrl Fevcr, (uinscif, ij-e. tj'v THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important remedy fór tliose who aro aíllicted willi chronic and inilammatory complninis, by iis easing pain. counteracting infTannnation, and giving specdj' relief by its active, strengthening, anodyne, dinphoreiic and counterirritant propei tics - an erlecuiu! reincdy (orChronic and lmilammatoyy Rfieumatitfmj Agne in the Breast. Scalds, Burne. Bruisen, Scrolula. Ulcers, Old Sores of nlmost every dcscripiion. Cnnkercd and Swelled T-hropl arisiiüifroni Scarlet Fevcr. Felcns. Wlnic SwcHinge, Chilblains, &'c Persons sufleri'qg froniLivcr Complaintp. Pulmonaiy diseases, JnfTajtimátion of the Lungs, wiih pain in tlie sidr, hack or limbs, will l'ind. ieliet' by the uso of this Plcsicr. In all cases it nay be used wiih perfect safeiy. E. DEANS CllKMiCAL PLASTER is put up in hoxes at iiliy cents and onu dollar ench. wrtli iiill direciions acoonipnnying cae!) box. Mimul'actsiicd and soltl whpísfaleíy H. 1IAJIR1S fc CO.. Aslii,-ibu!;i. Ohio. rciIu proptietois, to whom all orders sliuuld be addrefsed. Suld also by their Agenis ihrbughout the country. (OA liberal discount mad to dealers and pliysicians. P'or testimoniáis and ceriificatcs from persons of the higliest respectibiliiy, who hnve used the Chemical Piasier, eee anoihcr column ol' this paier. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: H. W. Rood. Ifili, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Skañnhoñ, EdwnrdsbnriJ-i. Wm. O. Aus'.in, White ['irron. Jsaac Benlmn), Jr., Conatantine. Dnc!. L. Kiinberly, Schoolcraft. H. B. iltüion, & F. Maieh.jr PM Kalama2oo. James W. Cotlnen. P. M. Galrsburgh. T. L. Bo'kcom, F: M. Battle Creck. Jaöies M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond, Druggist. Jackson. Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. líale and Srrtfth. GrassLake. John C. "VVinnns. Svivan. J Millerd & Son, De.ter. Thomas P. MnV.Jr. Plymouth. Pcrin ttliall, N.i'.hville, Mead &■ MííC;;rihy. Farmington, Peter Van Evcry. Frariklin, Juüiis ]7ean, Pontinc, Mack & Spragiie, Rocheslcr, Jamps Slephens. Utica, E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clemens, G. & J. G. Hill. } _. ■ . JohnOwen&Co.JDeU'olL Dr. Thos. M. Sveeny, Dearbornville. L. Samsnn, Ypsilanti, J. f. LUiXD. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, } Ann A.bor. CHRIST1AN E BERBACII. S 49-1 vNO FIC TI ON. ONE PRICE STORE. TIIE subseriber sull continúes to se!I DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCERIfcS, aiNo. . Hurón JJIock, Loircr Town. Mis stock of ncli was carel'ully seiected and wcll purchased, vhitli enables hirn to seli low for reády pp.y. .As he believes the money of the same qnality f every peí son, is of the same vniue, he v i i 1 sc!l o a!l lor tliesnme price. iind no nmount of Oraory can swervc him trom ihut course. Personrr.n makc just as pood bnrfjains by sending au aent. as tocóme theniselves. ín connexion wiih úte store sa Grist. and Tlouring Mit,L, wheré he wiü constnnily pay Cash for Wheat t the liiyliest niarket priee. Farmers and Whc-at buyers enn have thesr Gristing and Flouring done to order nnd on iho íost reaso:ab!e ternis. Tliose who vñsh to mchase roods. or get Wheat flourei). would do vell to cali and enquire lis ptices. and into his nanner of duing business, DWIGHT KELLOGG. nn Atbór, Lower Town. Feb. 28. 18K1 4-ü.To Fhysicïans snd Country Mercfesnts, "piEItRE TELLER, WhoJeêjL. salcaniJ llcuiil Di uggitt (sign of the G lden Mónaï.) lot) Jeffersrin Avenue, Detroit, hos on hand nnd offers to purchasers, at J very low rates: 4 C;i-!;s Epsom Snlt.s; 2 cnsks ';!' flour Sulphur; 2 Bbl?. Powdered .lölnp; 1 .Bl)l. powdered Jthcnbarn; yU;j__J]i.v 2 Bb!s. Cream Tartofj Cnstor üil liy tluj gfillon'or dozen (nssoned sizes:) Cnmphor. Cnlornel, Qtiinine. Corrosive Sublimare; Fieiich and Enplish Clienucuis; l'cii'umcry of all kinds;. Linseed Oil; White Lend. dry nnd in Oii: Englisli V'eniiian lied; English Lamplilnc'i; Sp. Turpeniins. Micliirnn Glnss rf all sizes toether vviili evcry nther articlo councted with the Druy, Puini. Oil. and Dye Stuif Business. Anril 17. 142. r,l-tf.WOOBWORTH'S HOTSX.. NÜRTHKRN, J2ASTEKX AND SOUTHERN STA CE HOUSE. The tindersifrncJ respect fnlly announces lo the public, that he is now the proprietor of this well lmown establishment. The house havinjr been thorovrrlily overhaulecl, and refitted in a manner calciüaied to promole the comfort of cítizens und the traveilinir p.ublic. The liouse ocenpies nn eligible position, on the corner of Woodbridpe and' Randolph jtreefe, in a btiines part of the city. Tliose who may honor him with tlieircounfennnce, may be assured lliát noe pense or atteniion in l:is power, wil] be pared, tb makc their sojourn in Detroit agreeableond satisface iiorv. [4C"-Iy] S. D. WCODWORTH.KAIIi I2OAD TEMPERiNCE HOUSE. rriílE iindeisiííiieil would respectlully inform JL the friends of Tctnperance. and the public generally. that thenbpve n.-uïicd House, l'onmvlyknown as the Teifiperancë Hotel, and bituatcd on the corner of" Micliigan avenue nnd Wnatiington stiect, nearthe C'entnil Railroiid Depot, havng undergöno thordugH repairs and very grent addiiionul improvements, s now ready for ilfc reccplion of !l those Who may favor liiin with n cull( Tlie accommodntions, in every respect, aro not inferior to any Temperance House in ilie country, and every attsmion will be vcn to such as bestovv thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. CiTringcs ahvaya in readincps to convoy pössebg'ers to und ñom Boits and Ciirs. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9. 1843. 4-1 y Shccp Shears. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arlor, Upper Töwn, May 5, 1813.Chancery Sale. Absolvle, for Cash and to the highest Bidder ÍN the canse pending in the Court of Chancery. for ilic aêcüiid Circuito! the State ut Micfiigoh, whciein J;imes Abbott Is corftphúnánt, and Abtgail Wtli-h. Dnvid Eaton, Gcorge Wclcli, iiiuty Wclcli.' liarriet Welota, and Augusta Welch, are defcndarrs, the said Geoiue, Henry, Hairiet, tmd Augusta being Minors, under llic u_e of 'tvvcnty onc yrars. - YVhereas. by a decretal order in the nbove cause, made by liis llouur Èion Farnsworth, thefl Chancellür oí the State of Michigan, bearing date the fourteenth day of July, A. D. eighteen luindred and forty bnë, il was ordered and decrecd. thot the above nanicd defendants should rcdecm cert.iin morlgnged pmnises in tno Crunplninnnt's bill contained, by the paynient of the sum of-Jour hundred ano! ninety-eighl dollars and tweiny-four cents, and the mierest to acerue thereon, froin lbo fourteenth day of July, cighteen hunclrfd and forty or.e. the date of a certain report n s;iid deerce ineniioned, and n'so the ensis oí coinplöinniu to be taxed. on or belbre the iourteenih dny ol November, in the year eighteen hunelrnd and tony-one. or iliat in dclault thercol, the said morignged pieniises with ihe appurtenances, or so ínúch thereof as would be sullicicnt to pny tbfl said debt nnd the interest whicli had acoued, or misiit ïhoreafter acerue with said ensts, :nd which might be sold sepnrately without injniy lo the partiesor eitiier cf tliem, should be sold at public auciion. at the Couit House, i" the yijjagé of Ann Aibor. in the Couiny of Washtenaw, by and under the dirécliori of onc ot the Masters of the said Couri. the said Mnstcr first giving aix weeks previous notice of ilie time nnd place of sale in sonie newspnper publishcd in s.'iid Couttty, 09 by theeauj doeree, referente being thereunto hacl. in,ij' more ftliy nppear, And whcrenp, the said pieniises are yet unredeerned. and ilie above statcd sum with interest, and co&ts, is yet due and unpuid. low, i'nerefore. notice is lierepy given. that in pursuance of th'ediroclio'na of ihe said doeree, and by virttie of its anthoiity. 1 will. on the sixteenth day of May next, at the hour of Te!ve o'clock, at noon,, ai the Court House óf the Couniy of Wéáhferíáw, in tlie villaje of Ann Árbol", sell to the higlicst bidder, til public Auciio:, ilie l;inds and premises in said decrec nientioned, or &o mvich therepf as rnay bo suiïicient f piy tho aforesnid sum, in:erest and cosl?, and enn bo sold scpnmtely without injury to nny of cl) o pirties in tliis cnnsn. whicli said landa and premies are knovrn and deacribedaa follows, viz: rll tliat ciirt.iin tract or parcol oí land situato in the County of Washtennw, and State of Miuhian. known as tlio Eist half of the South East qnarier of Section ii'jniber tliirty-two, in Townehip nnii)l:er four. South of Range nuniber seven H.Tsr. contnininir eichiy actfis. Tbc snle will be absolute - without redeinption and for c:ish. G. T. GR ID LEY. Masker in Chancery. C. H. Stewakt. Sol. forComplt. Datéd this 2th day of Maieh, '84?. The above sale is adjourned to ilie 8th day of June nexi, at the lime and plnoe nbove inentioncd G. T. GR1DLEY. Master. Ann Arbor. May 1G. 1K4'5. Tlic above p:i] sfiirther postponed un til the t v.-pnty-second day of June instant, at the same place and tirñe ol d ïy. 6. T. GRIDLEY. Mastcr. Q. li. Sti.wakt, Sol. for Cüinplt JuneSth, 1843 The abovo smIo is further postponed till the e'.eveiuh of Julv next at the same place and time of day. Dated June "22, 184. G. T. GRIDLEY. Monter Ln Chancery. C. H. Stkkt. Sol. for Comp.ltYFSIZïANTI iCADEMÏ, II. I!. GRIFFEN. Principal. MISS C. E. HaM MOND. Assbtaht. rTIJLi twclitii term o; this instiiution will con JL rne.'icx' on Alunday, Mny 20, and coniini. 11 weeks. While this school is cqually open t all of boih sexes, who wisli tO acquire a gooc education, particular nüeniion wlll ba giyên t tliose wiio are preparing to leaik. The exelu sive and uninir -rruptcd attentton of he princïpl will bc given to import p pr.-.ctical knowledge o the Knph branches. He otgiipics aiout ha an daily in Icctuiing. wiih the aid uf'the ap paralus. rrnrièValsi ov otherwiae. Aipvratus. - The Insüiu'.ion is fin nisliof witli Chemical, Pbüosopliiceli and Astronómica apparatue, Surveying Instruments. Ge'tfnièti bs solids. 'Src.. to theiniöimt ofíiSOO; also, a gooc Cabiuetof Minerals worth $■.".(). in the c-ommon Knalish branches, Ín cluiling Composiii'jn and Declanmiioh Oon 2.50 to $3.50. In Phiiopophy. Ciieniistry, As tronomy. History, Ilhetwrie. jloinny. Algebra Gi ómetry, Siirveylng, &c. fi-nm 3;),50 to$5.00 iM y..oiinio and Cliiitese or Tiieórem pafnnng #3 00 each ior 12 lessons, tauglu hy Ils. Gril ien. The tuition is to bc ptrid at the middlo of tho term. IS'o deduciion for absence will be madi1 oxcept for protiacred sickness, and no one wil ie ieceived for less than five and o half weeks. Books tnáy bc had of the principal at Detroit priecs. Boajrd, Influding room and washfng. from $T.X)0'to 1.50 por week; for iurther particulars nquire of ihe principal. lïev. I. M. We.ia. Rev. H. ?. Powers, Rev. O. F. Nqrth, J. Faiichild. M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, E"qra. hnvekindly consented to forni a visiting coinmittce, to be present ut bc Week reviews on Thuisday, and at the pubtic exárñjñation ol the school. Ypsilnnti, Aprilt). ISi:i. 5- lv.AT TUK l'AI'r.R MII.L (i.OVVKH TOVVfi) ANN AKBOR. EJ3OOTII would respect fully infbi-m the inhabitantsof Aim Arbor and vicinity thai he continuos t!ie business of KOOK BirYDïrat the oM stand,, in the Paper M. Oíd Boofcs wil I be ncatly rehound on short notice. Al! kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in paynient. April 19, 1S43. 52-tf. Tor SaleBY the Suhseribcr. a good loca t ion í?r WOOL CAHDING and CLOTÍI DRESSING, in the Township of Ajalu, Simco Co., Hjme District, U. C. - AISO- 100 Acres of ch'ofce Lnnd in Grnnby Town, Missisco Courily. Montreal District, L. C. - ALSO- 200 Acres, beinj part of theJEstate known by fh'e name of the Douglnss Esta'e, in Sheflord Township, Missisco County, Montreal District, L. C. - A LSO- A Hovsn avd. Lot in Michigan Viilage, five miles n the lluron Iliver trom Aun Arbor All or either ihe suid possessions may be had clu.'ip ('or Cnsli. or lor Lnn.d in this State. For further pariiculars inq'tire of tlie subsciiber at Ann Arbor. Lower Town. l COJVÍER. June 8, 1843. 7-tf.ÍOR Sale hy C. J. GARLAND. Arm Arbor, Upper Town, Muy 5, ''13. 2 S,0ÖO FLOUR BAlliit;LS íor 6-.Ie Clioap for Cnsh, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Albor. Upper 'Í, May 5, 1843PloughsT PlowhsT ff CAJTT BE BEAT! rj THE subscribas have constantly on hand a largo n3sortmcnt of FLOÏÏ6HS, of a superior quality, which ihey offer for sole as CHEAP as cnn bc purchased at any other place in this Couniy. Thoso wishing to purcliaso will please cali and examine for thctmelves PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor, April ÜO, J843. 52-tf! LANDS FOR SALET" ryiHi-: undersigned is amhoriscd to sell sevcral JL tracts of land in tbc counties of St. Clair Sacinaw, Sanilac, Washtenaw and Lenawco nt thoir cash valué, and tukein payment Siaie Scrip and Wnrrnnisi par, or tbcir equivalent in cash; or lic will proportiunatc terms on time. The cash value :n;iy be asceriained. if desired, by iippraisers chosen by the pnrehaser and subscribes1. The Washtenaw lands consist of 1J8 acres in tho town of Webster, flighll} improved. of enrly nnd choice selcciion. and 214 acres 3 miles below Ypsilanii. on tho River llitron. having rich bottom and upper lancJs, good timber. running waler, corn and wheat soil, cxceilent sites for build inir. surrounded by scttlemi nts, good loada and milis. About 30 acres have been under cuhivation. CHA'S II. STEWART, 47 tf Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. üliÜIinery fc Oress jiíaláng. Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, T)ESPECTFULLY nnnoiinces to the in-i-v habitants ot' Ann Arbor and viciniiy, lliat she has oppned a shop, midway, between the "Pper and lower villages, wlieré the business of' MILLIJYERY $ DRESS MAKING will be cnrried on, in all ifs branclies. witli pupctnality.deppatch, ond in ilie best and most lashionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly POTASFJ Kettles. Cauldrons. Sugar Ketdes, Po-ash Boilers. Five Pail Kettles, nndVmáll Hollow Ware, Mili Geni ing, Wagon Bcxc, Plougli Castings. &c. &c. consiantly on h;md. or made at short noiiee at the AISN ARBOll STEAM FOUNJIRY. PARTRJDGES, KENT & CO Mgch-8S,A643. 49-2m ÉTEEB ABOBL. MARCUS STJe'FEÑS % SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end ot the VVhiie Block. directly opposiie ilie Michigan Exchange, wheiv they will keep an cxtensiveassortmerit ol CAWJVET WJñRE, ol evcry kind, qünlity, and description. of thcir own fnanufabttiring, and wnrranted to be ns fashionablo. good, and chcap as can be had West of New York. Purcliasersaie requestcd to cali and examine our extensive assoi tment belbre Uuying. Any ar:icle of rurniture made to order, and Warrantéd to please. UPHOLS.TERING done in all its varioua branclies. and at the shortest notice. (MIAIRS, hOOKING GLASSES. AND WILLOW WARE; nlso. Mahogany Boards ;ind Vetteers - ns cheep as fhe cheapest.In .chanjre. CIIERRY, WALNUT. AND BTA'PLE LUMBER, &:, fa. fr. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17. 1843. 5-3ni M AN 'V FA CT ü RE R S J1ND MERCHAJVTS. THE subscriBtrs nre now icceivinp, at thcir stores, 188 Jtffison Avenu.', and coinur of Refncfolph and Wood!)ritlge ttiects, Dutiuii, a nroc and irmernl stock of Dye Woods Sc Eye Stuns, 35 tons Logvdbd', Fustic, LimeWood, Nicarragua, Hypornic Woud, in the stick, i 30 cruund Cainwood, 150 do Fusiic V20 do Jowood. 100 do Pu'dwüods, 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperns. 'J do P.lue Vitiiol, 4 pipes Otnbre ;md Crop Mnddere, ptiinn, Ö00 !bs. Extract Logwood, G00 do Bcnsral, JVladme nnd Carnccas Indico, 300 do Blue ttofeaife, (Allcpjio.) 850 do Powdcre(} Cúrcuma, 2liO do Vcrdign?. 10 Carboys Üil V'iiiiol, G do Aqun Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea S.'íft?, 4 .do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lr.c Dye, 30!) Ibs. B.-inquo 'J'in. 2.'0 do Crearn Tartán 500 do Qnercciron Bark. Togetlier with a complet.? assorlment of aü tho ninor anieles in the frade, to wit: P.ess Pnpers. Tenzles, Rrusbes, Jncks, Tent Hooke, Dye Keitlea, Pickcis, Burling Irons, Nippers. Prussintéof T)otaslt, Sol Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sucrnr of Li-ad, Steel Reeds, C;nd Cleppers,MACHINE CARDS, Sattnett Warps. Shears, &o. This entiiR stock hus bccn purchascd wilhin tho !nst i wo weeks, and selccted pcrson;ily by one of the concern, who has been in the business for he Inst eleven years, nnd ihoy have no he.vitation n sayin? tbat the quality of these coods is unxceptionable. They will positivly be sold at tho owest New York jobbiris prices, with the adition of transpprttuion only. The subscribers have the solc Agency in this State for ihe sale of "FARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," nd the celubnitrd LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," docidèdly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO ApriíJT, 184JÍ. ' 5i tf Estáte of Ira Burri7 THE Undcsigned, Commissioners for receivingand allowing claims against the nforesaid stnte, will meet at the office of E. Mundy, at o'clock, A. M.. on Walvis Ia?j, theSlst dayof uno next, to receive end examino claims agninst iid estáte. K. MUNDY, J. WELLS, T. FOSTER. Ann Albor. June 7, J8J3. 7-2v For Sale. ONEyokc of WOltKINÜ OXEN. Enquire at the Uat Store of II. PAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1813. -5-tfmm ipaansm OF all kinds neatly e.xecuicd at :he Signal O (lire, at the shortesl noticc, and on the most rensonable ternis. _ Books Pamphlets CircularaJtiandDiS -Vc. wiü be piiiucd to order, at nny time, wnhlhé utmost accuracy. ICJ' Orders ty mail promptly filled.


Signal of Liberty
Old News