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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western Thirteen Days Lat...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western Thirteen Days Lat... image
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1 RELATO. - O'dmnell slill contin ir-s to ngi . tntc. I lis movemont?, says tlie Rnropean Timo?, pmbirrnFs nml perplex the Government.. He ihrentens to repel Turco by forco, ifany uncon.cti!utionnl inlerference is niade wilh lijs poacefiil ogilnJion. Troop lüive been pnurctl info t lie country in grrat numbem. At tho close of last week the ibrces in Ircland amountrd to six diviions of arJIIery: six rer''ment3 nud a squadron ofcavnlrv, twolve bnttalions and twenty-two depots of InHinlry.A report renehed Dublin on Satnrüay, Ihe 4:h, lluit thee was 'an insurrcclion' in Waterford, and llie Rliadamanlhns was Itnstily 1 dcspntdied with troops; but on nrriving {ound il was nll a Iiohx, and returned immedia!y A Cusiom-lionse nfficer, in a st.-ile of inebrintion, oddresí-cd a leitr to the UnniP Secreiary, in wliicli lie oíTcred (o assiF?imte O Counell. He was rurested, and al'ter ex)Ianutipn, llic outlior of ihe joke was liberatd (in bail. A Fale of 400 bales of American rnanuf.ic ttired cotton goods werc advcrtised to take )ece in London. This was railier a novel nnnonnccment. and crealeJ considerable atteniion.Cutto.i was vory du!], nhd prics rnther dcpressing ouing to the favorable report of i merican ciops. Coru markets Ihroughout the coun'.ry ere (]prrssel. In the Ijondnn Money rmrUrt wr.s nothing of special intrest. The in'clligence received frorn l hc uniied Slates, of the itnptoved co:iililion of the moiiRtnry mitteru on thv oilier side ofthc Atlantir, coupled w.tli the arrhul of Mr. Jaudon, in London, hns c iiised S"ino mtpnjinn fij be directcd to American State securitie?) hut as vet therc exts.s a Lieat want of cnnfideiice in evcry description of Amciirau bnnds. Sonie surri&e has been r'.viKeoed of Mr. arrival n London, and it has induced rnany people to cnirrluin the opinión that onother r.ttempi. at frand fas it is termed) is to be atempled hy his employors. In n p-ipcr emitled Fotensic Lloquenc1, iti the I :si rSuiV.bir ojf.ibc Kiiickerbqcker, tliercare sjmo gojd thiüf : y o les of olt iJnins ihc sO'id trtil of Jtnics. - ''Iho co:i rivancia ' mnsöfto obiain ilie g o.l will ui ihejury aiê ïoiho linies vtsry ingeniuus n'id trniustng;. It w;i siil iy ;m eminenj lawyer in une ot the Eister ri Stnioa v.h tl s; cakins; of n 1 nrncrl hroiliL-r. ih t the f?tér had lire iicivmü ige "liini in orie respect. Me w;is in iho nabíl of' u iiis to'i Cfo. n.')l -v!ifn enHgfid ii ii s nrL'ii in-nt, wmikl turn t some p i'mnent jiiryinan li wns n l.ivcr tiilie weed and in nu off ii i.d f wayaek hitri fur a quu!. Tlie jitryn an fl ut -u-d nt sm-li ii sinnlüiiiy I inë'b and Ii iliits'hrMw een himfell ■ n 1 thedrgyilied öiiunsel. v u!! Ii l!nv the e.xniijilo.. nn 1 iho g6il ÍHipressi ii ma:!e nu lus niind was n 't utiiVcqueri'.'y UansiTied froni the ndvooiïe, 'o hi cni?e. Kven s' e iiiiK-iit nn omt r '98 Pvtrick IIknry. dúi nu! 'ïisilain U) hüve rcooiil-st' tg vular phrnses aud iiindi s f nri)niincinion. to ir-'in ïhe favrmI)!c eii" of the ill ttTiiie: and Miss iMmtinenu relaipa ihni Wr.nsTKn, at ihu trial o iho Ktnpps. made cnrcful inquii iati the disposniuns mvi ril saitsof ihose p hom lift wasabout tojp u';."


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