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Jlssoctation. - A cumpany of Fourieriets have recenOy purchased a tract of land in Middletown, New Jersey, containiflg about 700 acres, upon which they will soon establish themsolves and carry into practice the principies of Industrial Association. Everr effort which violates no moral obligation, made to realizo a better state of society, wc repard with interest - and certainly to scoff at the principies of Association, and dcnounce them as chiincrical and absurd, without gfiving thcm a patiënt investigation,amf evea sQÍrtnitting thcm0 the test of practice, is neither generous nor vise. Pr ourself, we believcthe Fouriersts loo sanguine in their expectations - that hey do not make sufficient allowance for the eep depravity of our nature- yet we ara by 10 means certain that communiiies estabiisheJ pon their principies will not come nearer to rhat society should be, than can be done under he present system of solated houeeholds. - r n view of the dcep wretchedness in which' mltitudes of the poorer classes ure involved, ny sys'em which promises them substantial elief, i?, at least worthy a respectful considration. - Ch. Frceman. Soulhent Moráis. - The Van Buren, Aransaslnreiligcncer, gives the following aconnt of an affray which took place in that !tate last month. What is a man's life worth 1 a State wherc lynch law and the duel ride ver both the civil and the Divine law? "An affray took place at Mr. S. Pine's in Vashington connty, about C o'clock on the ught of the JOth instant, between Gen. Allen Vood and Thomas Bridgewood, which resultn Bridgewood's being shot by the General, t nnpears that Bridgewood had stopped at Mr. nine's to gel his supper - bis horee was tied 0 the fence, wlien Gen. Wood rode up and nquired fora carriage driverby Mr. Norman, in his way to Missouri. VVhen General Wood nquired for the carriage, Bridgewood jumped rom the fence into the big road, caught the ïeneral's horse by the bridlc and bursted the ap of his pistol within n few inches of the Jeneral's head; at the same time saying: 'You Lie the rascal.' The General attemptcd to Iraw his pistol from the bolsler, when Bridgevood caught it: The General then drew his ther pistol, when Bridgewood ran into the ushes, put another cap on his pistol,returned, lursted the Eeconds cap at the General. - IVhereupon the General fired his pistol, and ihot him in the gram; the ball ranging round. The ncxt morning the General returned ia Fayettville and gnve himself up to the sherifT. The matter was investigated by justiees Botsbrd, Newman, and Costs, when tbc g-enerai ,vas discharged." Effecls of Emanripation.-'A Quaker tt'icnd )f ours, who recenily traveled extensively irï he Island of Jamaica, and other British West [ndia Islands, to loarn from his own observation, the practical working of the new system, cameto the following conclusions: 1 . Whenever the cmancipated negroes are' Virly, kindly, and wisely treated,there they are working well on the pToperties of Vhevr old masters. and that existing nstances of a corrtrary description must be ascribed to causes which class under slavery, and not under free dom. 2. An increased quantlty of work thrown upon the market, is of course followed by a cheapening of the labor. 3. Real DroDertv has riscn nnd is risinir in vafiie. 4. The personal comforts of íhe íaboríiig' population, ur.der frecdom ara multiplied teïifold. 5. Lastly, the moral and religious improvement of the negroes under is more than equal to the increase of théir comfort. For, m the first place, théfe h'as beeñ' a ra'pid ncrease and vast extent of élementary and Christiati educaiion, schools for infants, young )ersons,and odults, multiplying in every direction; hnd secondly, the grathinl but deeided diminution of crime, amounting in many districtsalmost to its extinction; and thirdly, the lappy change of the general and almost universal practice of concubinage, for the eqally jeneral adoption of marriage. - Journal af Commerce. Harvcsting Wheat. - Arnasa Andrews, líscf,, of thistown, harvest?d sixty acres of whcat, this season, while it was so groan and unripe, that every farmer in the neighborhood thought, and did not hesitóte to declare him mad. He commenced culting it ten days before any other persons thought of beginning,and finished several days before any others liad begun. The berry when cut, was soft, and in' that state known as being in the "milk." He has now thrashed il: and, being somewhat curious to learn the result ofso novel a proceeding, 1 to-öay went, in company with Mr. Andrews, to the mili and examined the wheat, and found it plump, with a peculiar transparency of the berry which I never before saw - which is to be atlributed to the very thin coaling of bran. We weighed some, and found it weighed just sixty -three pounds to a mcasured bushei; and the miller, Mr. Howard. who is an old and experienced one, informed me that it made more flour and less bran then any wheat he ever saw. Now the above facts are worth knowing, from sereral cousiderations, By ciitting se earlev no wbeat is shellcd and lost, and the harvesting eea? ons can be lengthened so as not to make necessary to work so hurd or produce a scarcity of hands; besitlc, the wheat is beyond a doubt uetter and wijl mnke more and better flour. Yours trnly, N. B. ELDREDGE, M. D. Commcrcc, Mich., dvg. II, 1843. Midi. Farmer. A Bap'.ist clergyttian and his wife, who reside in the ticJnity of Boston have the pleas ure daily of gathering around their fireside, foiir dughters who were born in the foor different quarters of the globe, viz: one in Europc. one in Asia, one in África, and o:ïe ii America. The populatron of Wisconsin is now estima tcd at 6;,OO4h


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