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KEEP GOINOAHEAD. Ndw is the Time fbr Great Bargains, and no mistak ?. b. b aIyITs, WOULÜ respiclfully inforni lus oldeiislomers and dthers visicing Detroit, that hc has removed to thë corner of Jd Jorson Avenue and Griswold streef, opposirc Michigan Insurance hen? he bas on hand n Iarge Stock ui READY MADE CLOTHLG, consisiing in port of Ottr Coats, Box Co.ats Dros and Frock ConJs, Tests, Vonls, and everj articlc in the clothing line, ebeaper tban the chenpest. A quick sispenca. ia beuer ihan elow shilling. Only give us a cal! and we wi] aaiisfy everv one; that is our maxim. Detroit, Óct. 7, tëéS. 3 )-3m. "TlïiÏG LABOR." JBARCUS STEVENS SAMUEL ZÜG, HAVE -aken rlie rooms in ihc lower end o the White Block, directly opposuo the Mi clitgan Eschange, where they will keep un ex tensive nssortment oi cëb&vet uëre of every kind, cruolity, and description, of thei own manufacturing. and warraníed to be ns fosh ionable. good, and cheup os can be had West o New York. Purchneeremc requestcd to cal! and examine our extensivo nssortmtnt Öefore buying Any ariicle of Fnrniture made to order, anc Warranted to piense. UP'HOLSTERING done in all ts various branches, and at the siiortest notice. CHA 1RS. LOOKING GLASSES, AND W1LLOYV WARE; also, Mtthogany i Boards and Venters - as cheep os the cheapest. WAWTBD, JnMchange. CHERKY, WALNUT. AND MAPLE LUMBER, fa. fa. frSTEVENS Sc ZÜG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5i-3m A DMIJ IS TRA TOK ü JVÖ Tl CE. TRE urtdersigned" Iinving been appointed by the Judge of Probate lor the county oJ Washtenaw, Administratrix on the e. tute of Joel R. Hidden, deceased. lateofsnid county and baving g-ivcn bonds ns requircd by láw', here'by gives notice to all persons indebted tosaid estáte to muke immediate payment to her, and all perBons liaving claims agninst said esiaw' to present tliem properly nttested for adjustrrient. LAURA HIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 17, ]843. 2t!-Gw JAMES G. BIRIVEYÏ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW: BAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent n the Lnnd District in which this (Saganaw) Couniv is; he will malie investnients for others lands, pay over for non-rcsidents their taxes, und give inforrautioii gcnerally (o persons interesled in this part of the country, or desirousof bccoming ímmigrants lo il. TAÏLORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALK Fit wou ld announcc to bis friends and the publie in gsrieral, that he is now in the receipt of the fall and winter ashion8 for lío-4, which have been selecled and furnished by twoof the best eslablishmcnts ín the United States, on the first of üie present month, after the kinds of goods and fnshions for the season had becomo permanentfy csiablished, which is beautifully illustrated by two of the most splendid fushion plateseverpresented tothiscotnmunity. Any gentlemen who wish to have the "simon purk," can find it here furnished kt s ecason when there can be no misiake as lo. what is or ia not fashionable. Gentlemen, please cali and examine tor yourselves, and if wecannot cxhibit somethinu that will satisl'yyou that the stylü of goods and (ashion of garnsents are chaste and beantiful, then we are mueh mistaken. Mr. Walker wouid taSe this opportimity to return his sincere tlnnks to all who have hitheno favored him with their paironage, and hopes h" has given general satisfaction. AH who feel disposed to have an easy, ai the same time a fashionable garment. can be gratified by ealling at ihe shop of J. D. Insh. one doorsouth of Be.ieh & Abel's old 6tore, where tbr the convenience ofhimself and cucioniers he has loca'.ed for the season. where all demands in his line will be e.ecuted with neatnessand despaich. on reasonal)fe terms for cash or country produce, but posit 'vsly no credit. N. B. Cutting done, and warranted to fit i! properly mnde ripi October 1 1 . 1843. B7-tf. TYPE AT REDÜCED PRICES. " GEO BRUCE & CO. Typefounders, at No 13. Cliambers street. near the Post Office, New York, have on handa-unusually large stoc of their well known Types. Ornaments, Borders, Rules. &c. of the liest material, cnst in original rrmiricesr and very accurately finished. all of which they have determinad to seü at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: placing tho book and newspapor fonts as follows: nt 22 ets a Ib. Small Pica, 34 " Lonc Primer 36 li Bourgeois, 40 's Brevier, 40 " Minion. 54 c Nonpareil. ■m? 66 !; Agatc, 82 ? Pearl, 1 20 ■' ior approved pnper at aix months, or at 6 per cent lesa for cash. Wood Type, Printing Ink, Presses, Cases.. Galleys, Brass Rule, Composing Sticks. Chases, and other Printing miierinls, furnished with promptitudeand at the lowpst price. Primers of newspapers, who will publish thisad ertisement, with this note, three times boibre the first of June, 1643. and send one of th papers to '.he ioundry, will be entitlnd to payment of their bill, on buying four times thf amountofif. Oct 23. 1843. BROKE out of the enclosure of the subscribei on or about themght of the 28th uit. asinaü gray Mare. fonr years old, nol shod. Any per 6on who will give notice to the owner by letter oi otherwise where said Mare rnay be found, shall be rewarded by CHARLES HUDSON. North Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 14, 1343. 4Q-3w Timothy Seed, WANTED on accounts, or in exchance fo' GOODS, by ' J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843. ]7-6w. SAL ERATÜS. WHOLESALE and Retail. by ti. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Ang. 2, 1843. 15-tf. Ünti-Sïavery Books. AQUANT1TY of A.ui-Slavery Books are for sale at this ofiice, very cheap. Cali soon, before they are gone. SHEEP SHEARS, IOR Sale by . A , C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Müy 5. 1843. S. PETTIBOJE, SURVEYOR, HAKER, AND tAKD AGENT. t Vc? 5oUrl House Square. Ann Arbor June 19, 1843. g_tJ Axcs I7OR sale, Wholesale or Retail, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15. 1843. 17-6w. BLA?JÜaDxEE' MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. ju8( pnntedand for sale ar ihe BTSIGNAL OFFICE, o NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the firm of J. Becklkt & Co. are requestcd to malte payment jjnmediately. Oet. 23, 143.RAIL, ROAD TEMPERANTE HOUSE. THE unttersígned would rcspcctíully iníoin the friends of Tempcrnnue. and ihe pubhi, "Mi..-raI!y. ihnt theaboe named llouse. (oriner Fyknown'as tho Temporalice Hotel, and situntec on the comer of Michigan avenue and WnsfaUlg ; ton street, heSr tlic Cemnil Railiond Depot, hc.v ni i iKideryone thorough repairs and vyry y rea itnprovcuients. is now ready lor the re ception of níl ib use whü niay favor him wiih i cali. The r.ccomniodmions, in oveiy respect, m not inferior to any Teir.peíance íuuss ín lli couiijry. and evciy atlénríon will be givrn t sucli as bestow t'héir patronage upon ilus lauda Ole enterpriss. N. B. Carriagos nlwnys n ren'lir.css to con vey passerigérs to aiu! frían Boïrfs imd Chts. VM. CíJA.MP. Detroit. Miy 9, 1843. . gjjty to ■c;j„'rt[jiiEUsr M.4XUFJCT UR ER& JíjYD MERTUT. subsrribns are now receiving, ai thei stores, 188 Jeffjrson Avenue, and corner o Rnndúl;ih and Woodluidge sírcela, Detroit, a Inrgc and :nr,eral stock of ye Woods é 3ye Stuffs. 35 lons Loawood, Fustic. Lnncwuod. Niear raííua, Hypernic Wood, u the stick, í30 bbls ground Camwood, 150 do Fusile 120 do Logwood. 100 do Rudwoods, 20 do Aluin, 6 blids Copperas, 4 do lime Vitiiol. -1 pipes Ombro and CropMadders. prime, 500 bs Extract Logwoüd. 600 do JJongral, Madras and Caraccas índigo 300 do Bluc Ñutgníls, (AIKppo,) 250 do Powdercd Cúrcuma, 2t)0 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys üil Vi triol-, li do Acut Fortií. 4 do Spirits Sea Snlts, A do NitricAcid, 2 cases Lac Dye. Ö01 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 2.'0 do Creatn Tñrtñ'r, 500 do Qiereciron Bark. Togeiher with n. complete nssortmentof all the minor anieles in the trade. to wit: P.ess Papers. Teazle?, Brushcs, Jacks, Tent Iiooks, Dve Kcttlcs, Pickcrs. Burling Irons. Ñijipers. Prussiuieof T)otnsh. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sutar of Lead, Steel Recf?s. Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears. tV:c. Tbis entire stock has been purchased within tbe ast tu'o weeks,, and selected personally _by one of ihe concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no he.-itation in mying that the quaüiy of these goods is nnexcepíioñable. They will positivly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing prices, with ihe addition of transportation only. The snjbscribers have the sole Agency n thie State for the sale of -"JfARSON'S-SHEARING MACHINES," nnd the eclebmted LÈJ&ESfÊR MACIUA'E CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 1!, 1843. 51 if WOOLEN THE subscribers would inform the public that they are now manulacturing WOOLEN CLOTH wiih a degrec of euccesseqiial to iheir most sanguine expectoüons. AVitli the ?ry they now have, they are able lo manufacture rom 75 to 1U0 -pounds of %vool per day. The cloth tliey have made for the lasi thrce monihsis of the best quality.nnd that made in tuture will ie similar. have entirely overeóme the lifriciiltics of starting an establishment of ihis vind in a new country. Their terms are 374 cents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half the cloth the wool will make. If any alteration of he terms should be detcrinined on, public noice will be given. All wool received beforc such notice is given will be worked on' the above erms. Ii't.ny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it wilh other wool, ít will be done. rovided tliey assort it themselves, and turriish it n quanülies of 100 pounds one qvuïny of wool. Il is rnuch betier to sew up wool in sacks hantó tie it up in blankcis; the cloth should be strongr. Provisionsofall kinds will be received in payrrient for manufaoturing to 'the nmnunt required or the consumption of the establishment. Wooi sent by railroad to Scio. will be properly nttended to; the numberof pour.ds should boniarkedon iiesack wïthink; also the weiht of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn aait cómrs in. ns nearly as can be done with reference to the different qualmes. (DJ Many Farmers have expressed to 119 their ratification in consideration of our starting this ranchof business, and rnnny liave encournged. us iy their patronage during the last year. We now nvite atl to bríng their wool, to the amount of 5,000 pounds, and receive the benefit of the vcry reasonable terms on which weoiTerto manufacurc it. The establishment is 2 milest west of AnnArbor, on the Huron. R. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf Alnrdér & Suicide! PASSING your slreets a few clayssince, I was nlmost horror, struck iti nuticing a coniinual iiotracted murder. Qfieapest Stoie in town - 'New York Wholesale and Retail Chcap cash Store" "Buflalo Cheap Store" led me to cal where I saw the ';Kings English" lie mangled. rféeamgv dying. Atanoiher ]lace T savv a grcai iisplay of :;Red Rngs" and flaming hand bilis, where on examination I found that they clnimet to have bougbt their goods atAnciiou" and J knew ihat goods sold at nuction were of inferió; quality, and sach as wouldnot bear the test o private salescrutiny. Ohjthouglu I;how ihey -u iheir own throats in btiyiug iheir goods at auction. I pa6sd on to F. Denison's nld stam where I found II. Bzcker faiily settled with a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private snlf a. ernhracing nearly even ;hmg callcd fjr in thecjuntiy, at low price. foi cash. produce, or good credit. And herel foun; 'hat the pure English was spoken, as I ahi assurc. it is at his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1813. 7 tf. GRAYE ?OiES MONÜAIENTS, TO.MÖ TABLES, kc. i 1 iHE subscriber han a large aysortmeni o J_ Marj'e. of the best qnality, suitable fo GiiAvn Stoxks, Mo. uiknts. &c. ivhich he wil 3ell chfinp for cash. rr exclianiie for produce, a his ola 6tand, No. 90, Woodwortl Avenue, De troit. Persons wishing to buy will do we'l to cali, n they will be sold much cheaper ihnn lni-o eve been atTorded in ihis State, aid of a Quahty tha cannot lail to ptea'se. WM.E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 142. 29- ly Cash and Sarter Store. C. J. GA RL AND, HAVING purchascd the entire Stock in trade of Godfrey and Allen, will bc happy to wait upon such as will give hirn a cali. His stock consists of a general assortment of goods, and will be eold chcap, and for rcady pay only. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 62-tf.River Raisin InstituteTHE winior term of thi Jnstiliuiou will comuience. the fïrjst Wcdncsduy ol November next. nncl cpniinuê 1.5 weeks. It is plensahity situated in 1 1 ■- lown f' Rnisin. one niile east ot the direct rond froni Tecuniseh to Adrinn. Rooms. - 'I lierc me now on the premisos suitible rooms for the ncuommodation of' forty studonts. wliicji acq fjesjgned tobe occnpied loi pn■vntc htutly and lodginx. Oiher ncccssary lunldinüs íñé !iovidfi Uit iccitnüon mul bo.-iidiiig.- U$[ fttminis vviil irol.ibly board t!u:n sejves. Kxpknsks - Tniiion for nfteeii wcnki, coinmon brfinólips 4 liollnrs. Fviulisli br.ini-lies. includiiig Gii'rk npd L-uu, 5do!lnis. lïoojn rem 8 een s per week. Incidtnta! expenses 50 ctüiií: per term. Suuients are expeci ed to fnrms!i wiiaicvor thcy wish to use m iheir rooms excop', mul i ron 3. tíiiidonts svho hnve to buy their books will do well o do'er so doing. nnd buy hem hcre. Th o stil is open ín nll nppiicnnis ofsuitiible ïge nntl moral chaincter irrespective ol' cowplcvion or cori.-Ihion. Tt is very desirnble thnt nll who design to nt lend sel. ooi ehonld be rendy io roin;nenco wit! the trrm. oiherwisa tbcre Cünnöt bc n regum lilnésifitátidíí o,' tbc piudents. nn;l wlihotit suri ■:l;iit'ic;ui'.i!i conipainiivtly linie ïdvnncemen cm 1,-e made in study. Any fuitber Inlonnniioi respect:n(r the fnstution r.itt be óbmined by nÖ dresine, 'pont paid. JOHN PATC11IN, Pnnei l;il. R;is). Lu lawcr Co.. lUicli. RnWtu. Öct. 3, IS43. ' 24-3w.


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