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Judicial Prejudice

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It is astonishing to what extent al classes of people suffer their prejudice against color to incite them to acts of injustice against ihe colored man. Among the bar-room loungers and their kindrec spirits, to see a colored man, and to insult him on account of his color are tvvo things that usually accompany each other. The membersof some Christian churches shut up their brethren in a "negro pew" dunng life, and shut them out of their burying ground when dead. The politicians shut them out from all participation in civil govtrnment, and political privileges, and subject them to the dominion of l.-ivvs they had no voice in making, to trial by jurors whom they had no part in selecting, and to sentence from judges in whose appoinf ment they had not the remotest influence. Subject to all these disabilities, they sureJy ought to be entitledto justice in the execution of the laws under which they live. But this hateful prejudice against color often influences the minds of judges and jurors, and is productive of the grossest injustice. An instance of this occurred at the recent session of the Criminal Couvt in this lace. A colored man named John Kadng was found guilty of stealing an old air of stockings, and some other article, he valué of which was proved to be 50 ets. ?or this crime he was sentenced by Judge Witherell to QFIVE. YEARS IMPR1SONMENT at hard labor in the State Prison.,-0 This sentence is conidered in this vicinity to be an outrage on justice. The punishment ought to ear a just proportion to the nature of the offence, and the amount of injury inflictcd on community. White crimináis are notmnished with such seventy. A man m bis county whoshot another deliberately vith a rifle, and rendered him a cripple br life, was sentenced some time since, o only three years imprisonraent. Rathun, of Buffalo, whose forgeries involved ie ruin of many families, was sentenced br five years. The individual who killed man lately in Marshall, was sent to the 'enifentiary for fiye years. From com)aring these and other sentences with that ronounced upon this colored man, we anuot avoid the conclusión that the ofender suffers at least three years for his olor, and not more than two years for lis crime. We are no advocates for the xemption of colored persons from punshment for crime; nor do we think judiial sentences condemned in the :iublic papers for trifling reasons; but this ase is regarded by the public generally, nd, as we are informed, by the greater )art of the bar of this County, as a fiaranfrviolation of justice, well deserving f public reprehensión.


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