Mysterious Profession

-Now Tom,'said the printer of a country newspaper, in giving directions to his apprentice, 'put the foreigü leaders into a galley and hek em wp- let Napoleon's remains have a larger head-distributc the 'army in the east- take up a line and finish the 'British Ministars'- make the c:young Princess run on wilh the Dutchess of Kent' -move 'the Kerry hunt' out of the chase -get your stick and conclude the horrid murder wtóch Ãoe began last night - wash your hands and come to dinner, and then see that all the pi is cleared up." Some printers are devils and no mistake. In the piesentÃ. S. House of Representatives there are 5 Sinitlis, 4 Browns, S Blacks, SGreens, and l White.
Printers & Printing
Old News
Signal of Liberty