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Gen. Washington And Henry Clay

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Some Whig papers are endcavoring to screen the delinqiiences of Mr. Clny's comparing him to General Washington. A little reflection must eonvince them that such a parallel will be greatiy to the disadvantage oí their fa vor ite candidate. To mention a few particular: 1. Gen. Washington never had the reputation of a gambler at any period of bis life. 2. Ho was not remarkable for habitual profanity in his conversasion, as Mr. Clay is reported to be. 3. Although a military man from his earliest yeárs, and for a considerable portion of his life. he was never known to fight a duel, to challenge any person, or to aid and advise others in duelling by w riting challenges, and settling the preliminaries of such encounters. Mr. Clay has done these things. Yet Gen. Washington was a Southerner, a Virginian, a slaveholder, and duelling was sanctioned then by public opinión quite as much aswhen Mr. Clay's duels were perpetrated. 4. As toslavery, the two gentlemen both agree in being slaveholders. But in olher points they are as wide apart as the poles. Gen. Washington,by v.'ill, liberated all his slaves on the soil of Virginia: when Mr. Clay was asked to libérate his, he required $15,000 dollars to be raised to induce'him to think of it! But compare the sentiments of the two men as published to the world thus: Washington on H. Clay on SlaveSlavery. Ry There is not a (L.g ' v manhvingwhowKsh & j BEj0ICB tha es more sincerely t pan adoptad for the partics in this abou ion of it h de_ ry]; but there is proper afcd L j fih w effec ual mode by DEEpLy Jjn .f wlnch it can be t were s , h coinphshed, and hat fa K ik by the legislare uded a Jpas jar as my suffrage ' M&gÜl siiAi.L not , "Butifl had been BEWANTING."-!-1'1611' W0F6 nOW. Ier to Rolert a cltlzen of an' of r5 the planting States, '"I never mean, 1 should have opunless sotne POSED AXY sciieme ular cireiunstanco WHATEVEK 0F EMAN" should compel rae to pation, gradual it, to possess another 0R ïmmbdïate; beslave by purchase;!cause of thc danger it being among my]0? an immediate asfirsl vkshes io 5!ascendency of lhe some vían adopíediblac,k race' or ofa cíSLAVERYzn011, COnteSt.' whÍch iJascoujarymaibeAëto termínate ín BOLISHEDBY LAW."the extltlCtln f - Letter to J. F. one vaoce orTlhe th" Mercer. er."-Spcech w Sen' .WhenBrissot,tbete l8;39Frencli leader " know there ls ed Gen. a visionary dogma ton, he sáys the vvhich holds that ne' versation turned Sro slavescannot be on the abolition of the sbjeets of propSlavery. I ■ shall not great man declared 'dweil long upou this to me that he speculatnre abstracjoiced at what was ïhatispropdoing in other stateshlch the law dc' oníhc subject: clares to be properhe sincerely desired Tw0 undred the extensión ofitto ycars have sanctionhis own country."- ed and anctified neM. Brissot suggested grolavesas properthe expedieney of tY forming an antislave "Iwould suffer the ry society in tortures qfthe Jnquiia. "He told me" süionjoeíore I would says M. Brissot "that sign a bilí having he desired theform for its object the Abation of a society olition of Slaveryin and that he vouLD the District of CoSECOND it." - lumbia, or in any ioCs Journal, quoted manner give couNin Essex Transcript, tenance to the project." Statement to IL A. Wise, see Madisonian, April 17 1843. ö The Whig papers, being at a loss for a good apology for Mr.Clay 's duels,are retorting on their Democratie opponents, by narrating the brutal duels in which Gen. Jackson has been engaged. He qrarrelled with Dickinson at a hor se race, and killed him in a duel. But how this crime of Gen. Jackson justifiesor excuses the crime of Mr. Clay in trying to kill his, opponents several times, the Whig papers have not informed us.


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