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HORSES, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HARNESS FÜR SALE. npHE Subscribor offers for sala tive good horJL ses, one two horse wagon, two buggks,tvo seits doublé harness, one single harncss aiui iwo saddles. The wagon, bnjgies ond harness were new last fall,and will be sóld chesp for cash oron short credit. H. PARTRIDGË. Ann Arbor. LowerTown. April II, U344. 51 tf Wesleyan Hymn Books, TUST reccived and tor sale by O G. BECKLEY. Ann Arhor, April 8th, 1344. 4w-5I BY the subsoriber on the fifteenth of Dec. a BLACK STAG, threo or four years with a small square mnrk on the end of the leit ear. Said Esttay has buen entered on Towu Book, according to law. DANIEL DWIGHT. _ Sño. April 3. 1844. 8w50 Noticc to Merchante. THE Subscribers encouraged by the patronage they have hithert'o received in ihe wholesale department of their business, will the grst day of May next. open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron street, and connecting with their present store in the rear, exclusively for a 7TH0LE SALSS ROOM, where they will Uecp at all limes a full assortmeni of Dry Goods. Bools, fy Shoes Carpcting Hats, Caps, Paper Han ging s, Bonnets, Crockery by the Crale, Hardware and Groceries, 8fc. 4-c. Sc. all of w hich will be soM on us good terms as at any poiut ihis sidc of New Yovk Cny. G. D. H1LL&CO. Ann Arbor, Mareh 26, 1844. 48 tf. "SINCL AIR & CHASE, ATTORJVEYS AJYD COUJYSELLORS AT LA ff, (office lower town, ann arbor,) Will ttend o all business in their profession wiih aiidelity and dcspaich. Paricular attontion will be given (ö'collecting. . ROBERT P. SINCLAIR, EDWAKD R. CHi.SE March 20, 1844. 4P-ly. TO CÏ.OTHI3SR.S MANUFACTURERO AjYJD MERCHAJYTS. npHE subscribers are now receiving, ot thcii J_ stores, 188 Jefferson Avenue, and corner ol Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, i large and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DJE-STÜFFS. 35 tons Logwood. rusric. Limcwood, Nicarragua, Hypernic Woud. in the stick, 730 bbls. eruund Carnwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, Ö0 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperas. 4 do Blue Vitciol, ' 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600. do Bengnl, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, R00 do BIueNutgalls, (Aücppo,) 250 do Powdered Gurcuma, 2U0 do Verdigris. 10 CarboysÖll Vi triol, 6 do Aquí Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Saitp, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye. 300 !bs. Bonquo Tin. 250 do Cream Tartnr. 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together with a complete assortment of all the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: Press Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, DyeKcttles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Nippers, Pmssiaie of Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDSÏ Satinett Warps, Shears. &c. Tbis entire stock hos been purchased wïthin ihe last two weeks, and sclected personaüy by one of the concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, :md tbey have no hoitation in èayin'e that the qu.iüty of tliese goods is unexceptionable. Thoy will positivly Le sold at the lowest New York jobbing pricês, with the addition of transportatiou only. The subscribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "PARSON'S SHEARTNG MACHINES," and the celehnted Ï'LEICESTER MACHINE CARJDS," dccidedly the best in usc. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April] T. 7343. 5itf A Fas'2ii ibr Sa Ie, SITUATED in the town o( Inghat, Ingham County, Michigan. Said Farm cóatiln$ one hundred fiiiy acres handsomely aituated Ln the midst ot a thriving setrlement. - The land is-w.hat is usually called tiinbered Land, in Mlchignn, the iimber being sugarmaple. whitewood, beach, ash, oak, &c. all kinds of timber peculiar to thetimbered land in Michigau. Thera is on this farm about forty acres of good improvesnent: a good part of thisis Ensrlish Meadow. AIs:, a good LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framèd, 34 by 42 feet. well finished. There are also ori the place tarming utensils, such fis Chains, Plouglis, Drag, Cart, Fanning SJill. &c. which will be sold with the place. TERMS OF SALE. One quirter of purehase money down; the romainder in ten yeara. tf necessary, with annual interest For particulars enquire. of the subscriber in Dexter villoge. JÜLIUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tf.NÖTICE. THE undersigned would sny, "to those whom it mny concern," that all unsetlletl matters ■appertaining to the former business of' Wardkn i Kellogj, Charles Kellogg, deceaserf, and HIMSEI.F, must bo arrangcd or paid within the next sixty days. or tho same will then bo lefi with War. It. Pbrüt; sq. for collcction. During the aloresaid time, the said "mat ters" may bo found witit tlie subscriber, at the office opposite hls late "Iron Store." DAN VV. KELLOGG. Anu Arbor. (lower town.) March 25. ISM. 4S-3w. G aardian's ü?falër BY viriue of a license issucd by the Hon. Judgo of Probaie of the County of Washteaw, on the eleventh of Mnrch instant, I shall .-■use to be sold on the fifteenth day of April ext, at one of the clock in the afternooo, al) heright, I i tic and interes', of James Pratt, Saah M. Prntt, Henry M. Prait and Alvah Prait. linor heirs of Elisha Pratt, late of said cotiuiy, eeeasèd, in the following described premisés, ituated in the townsliip of Pittsfied, colinty oi Vashtenav; nforesaid, and described as ioilows, owil: Being the East half of the South Kast nnrtor of soction twenty-four in township numer three south of range mimber 6ix East. The ale to take placo on the premisea in the town f Pittsfield. IJORACE CARPENTER, Guardian. Dnied, Pittsficld, March llth, 1844. 47-3wNEW BOOK STORE (ANN ARMOR, LO Wïuli TU WN. ) THE Subscriber has juat received a general assórtment of SCHOOL BOOKS, such is are ih use ia Common Schools in this' State, together with a variety of Religieus, Scienlifie and Miscellar.eous works, such as Quarto Bibfcs, Polyglot &. Comnion, do. Pocket Edition, Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testaments, 3 sisees, Prayer Books, 4 sizes. The Psalmist, a new Baptist Hymn Book, Methodist Hymn Book, Watts Psalms and Hymns, Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Foems, Ossians, do Campbells, do. Burns', do. Milton's Works, Scott's Works, Albums, Taesof n GrancJfatliuf, Scoit's Napoleon, Beau'iiu] New Year's PreBents,, View of nll Ile'igions. Moïhers Friönd, Fireside Picty, Getu8 oí Picty, Meditation on Prayer. a yataple work. The Task, Berquins Works. Christian, Baptist, Church, Washingtonian and Farmers' Ahnnnacs, Boston Academy. Sacred Lyre nnd Manhattan Collection Sin'guig Booka, Blank Day Books, Ledgers, Journuls and Blotters, Justices' Dockeis, Toy Biblcs Pi in. ers. 100 kinds, Song Books,20 kinds, and varioi'8 oiher Books. togclier With Wafere, Seali'ng Wax, Ink, Quills, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent anicle.) and common. Cap Papor. Ink Stands. Lead Pencils, Drawing PcncÜE. B. B. & H. B. nnd Prcpared India Rubber. All óf whicfi will be sold at Detroit prices for Cash. The eubscriber has made hls arrangements so that almost anything in the lineof Booke antlStationary :s not on, hand can be furnished at a sliort noti je. líe imends 10 make the sale of Books n permanent business and will theroforc do whst to Ueep his assortment good. Don't forget the place, Ann Arbor. Lovver V.llage, nearly opposito thfe Flouring Mili. WM. R. PFRRY. Janury P, 1844. 37-Sm. "TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOILS." ALTIlOUGfl inany preparations in the torrp of "POPULAR SlEDICliNES." naye beeti before the public, claiming to give relief and even cure the most invetérate disensos, ytt none have so well ariswerod. thr puruone as Dr. SIIERMAN'S MED1CATED LÜZÜNGES. Dr. Sherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" core the most obstinate cnsesof Coucrli in a few hours. Tbey hove enred a nuniber of .persons who have been gxvan up by their physicians und frienda, and many whu have been reduced to the verge of the grave" by spiuiru bload.' Consumption and Fíectic Fever, hy tlïeir use have had the rose of healih restored to the hag gard cheek. ond now live to 6peak forth the praises of this invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZENGES" have been provedin more than 400, 000 cases to be infallibíe, in fact. the only certain Worm destroying medreine ever discovered. Children will ent them when'ihey canhot be íóreed to take any orher medicine, and the benefit derí ved from ihe administraiion of medicino to thcm íu thie fonn is great beyood coneepuon. They havs uever been known to fail. Dr. Sherman's :CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Headache. Nervous Siók-headñche, Pal pitatioa of 'he Heart. and sickness ín a ery few minutes. Dr. SJiern?an's ;POOR MAN'S PLASTER" is acknowledaed by all who háve ever used it to be the best strengthenïnor Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for pafns and weakness in the back, loms, 6Ïde, breasu. neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. Be carefui tö procure the nbove and al! other medicines o! Maynard's, and yöu will be Ettre there wili be no mistake in quantity or charee. W.'S. & J. W. MATNARD. Ann Arbor, Fe'oruary 5, 1844. 41 .CHARLES H. STEWAUT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT IAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSON AVE5ÜB, DETROIT. FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARNÜ&T, .would rcspecífully nrorrp ...the citízens of Detroit, and surroundiag country that lie has constantly on hand a valuable assoriment of Hats, Cap% Fuïs &c which he oflers for sïle on the most reasonablt termsatNo. 75, Jefierson Avenue. ■ Genti-kmes and Ladits froni abroad on visiting. the City will do weïl to gtve him a cali before purebasing elsewheje. Detroit, Nov. lOih, 1843.' 29-GrnPORÏRAIT OF JAMES G. BIRNEY. rTlHE subscriber Iia3 just finished a porrraitoí X this genileman.froii! wliioh he imeuds to have an engraving made in ihe finest g-yle oí ihe art. Ile is opening n subscription which vil! shortly be placetl inro tiie hands of nll the publislieis o' Liberty pnpers in the free where tliosc who wish to nvniJ themselves oi a correct ükeness of this enlightened,phüanthropist, and can didnte of the Liberty Party fot tbc hlhest oiJlce in tliB gift of the Pc.ople. can have the privilege ofsnbscribing. No person will be compclled te trtke tho portrait unliss it s pronounced good. - The price wül be $1,00 each for sinale cnpioa. E. VV. GOOD WIN. Albany, Dec. 1.1843. EPBcckley &, Foster are solo ngents for tho State of Michigan, ap.'l will supplyall who tnay wish for the po'rtraiis at one dollar each. poynblr j on delivery. Persons dfciirous of obtainiug them can inake application through the ageius o'" the Signal f Liberty, who are auihorized to receive subscriptions. AnnArbor. Jan. 1, 1844. LEATHER. TI! E undersigned has just received from tho Manufneturer. and will continue te besupplied with n General Assortmentmcnt ofEASTEKN TANN1CD L.EATHF.R, whieh he wil! sell at dccidüdly Low Prices. fjr CASH oi FIIDE.S. He will conlinually hnve on hand Spanish and Slautrliter SOLÉ LEATHEK, of Light, Middle and Heavy Weights; Upper Leather. Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins. Patna and Slaughter Kips, Harness and Bridle Leather, Bindings White and Colored Linings, Shoe l'hread, &c. All persons desirous ol ru'chasino: nre requesicd to cali at the ONE STORY CRICK BUILDING, No. SÖ, VVoodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices bcfore purchasing elsewliere. N. The hishest Market Price will be paid in CASH FOR ÍJIDES. J. D. BALDW1 Pf. Detroit. Nov. 13. 18! 3. 29-fim.5OO,OO0 Feet PIN E LUMBER. TUE subscribers offer for sale, Erve Iiunired Tbo'iïiindFeet SEASONED PINE LUMBBR, wliieli )ias been put up in the Lost possible mnnner. nnd is of every qualiiy and thicknees. Per snns wishing to purchnse Luniber iIinI is fii for inmediato ttsc, will dö weli to give usa cali, before purclinsinjr elsi-where. IIAZELTON & PATKRSON. Formerly Agents for Beach & Co. FHnt, January 2?, 1844. 40-6m. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE nnd Retail, by H.BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1813. 15-tf.ATTEMTIO W OI.OTÍIIERSÍ JUST receivèd at ilio Gneml Dtyoi, tor the sale 6f. Clothic3 Stock, Macbinery, Dyo Stuffs, &cv &c, No. IÖ!J. Jtfforson Avenue, Detroit, the following lurge, wcll ossorted, and carcfiiUjUiclecied siock, viz; 100 bul:,. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, o Tons " " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Futie, Cut, 5 Tona (i " in Stick,, 50 bbls Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lïtna VVood, lt 30 Red VVüod. ' 120 :t Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5'JI) Ibs. Nutgnlls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood 300 Ibsf. Lac Dye, - 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo,, 300 Ibs. Sumac Sicily 3 Casks Madder, 3 Cnsks Blue Vitriof, 5 Casks Alum,, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Biirrels Cream Tartar, 3 Caiboys Aqua Forti&, 5 O.l Viiriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 li Bloek Tin, Toaseis, Twinc, Copper Kettles, all sizesr Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " tf Screwa and Press Platea, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Unrness, Temer lïooks, Emery, ail No'6., Olive Oil, Clotbiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Bruslu-s, Shuttles, Pickers. Cnrd Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with n varrety &f oiher articles belonging to the trade, have been purehased thissummer by the subscribers from Manufiicturera and First Hands in the New York, I hilodclpbia, umi Boston Markets, and every ihiug having received his personal inspection. he can with the utmost confidence offer them to purchasers os the best and ihpsI covtpLit.c st.ockin the country; and as it is liis ii.od determination (by the low ratea ai wlüch be will sell) 'o Dreyent the necessity ot our Clothiers and Mnnufn-'urerB leavmg tho State to malie their purchases, he would merely soy to the tratle, CALL, examine the goods andr n=crrtnin pricos before you say you can buy cheaper any vhere else. He is also prepared to contract For CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or East. PiBRPvE TELLER j Srgn of" the Golden Mortar, 139. Joficrson Avenue, fl7-tr.] Detroit. CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effectual remedy y et discover ed for Rheumnlisnh liever Sores, Whiie SweU ings, Ivjlammtition in the JEyes, Swelled Throat in Scarlel Fever, Quinsey, npHE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an importJL ant remedy for thpse who are.afflicted with chronic and nfiammaiory complaints, by its easing pain, counteracMng inflamiTiation, and giving epeedy relief by its activo, strengtbening, ano dyne, diaphoretic atid counterirritunt proporties - au eií'ectual remedy for Chronic and lniflammatory ït&éurnaiïsin, Ague in the Breast, Scalds,. Burns, Bruises, Scröfüla, Ulcers, Old Sores of almost every description. Cankered and Swelled' Throat arising froni Scarlet Fever, Felons, Whtto Swellings, Chüblains, fec. Persons suflêring fromLiver Cornplaint, Pulmonary diseases, inflamrnation of -the Lilngs, with pain in the side,. back or limbs, wilt find relief by the use of thia Piaster. In all cases it niay bc used with perfect safeiy. :. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER is put up in ioxes at filty cents and one dollar each, wuh full direclions accompanyiiig each box Manufactured and sold wholssale by Ii. HAR.- RIS & OO., Ashtabula, Ohio, sole proprielors to whom all orders should be nddressed. SoM also by their AgeniB throughout the country. (LTA liberul discount made to dealers and physieians. For tesiimonials and certificates from persorj's of the hishest respectibility, who have used the Chercical Piaster, see another column of thi paper. For sale fv the foüowing Agents in Micbigani TI. W. Rood. Miei, J. C. Larrimore. il C. Skanohan, Edwarasburgh. Wm. O. Ausiin. White Pieon. Isaac Bonhan;. Jr.. Conataniine. Ian!. L. Kiníberly, Schóhlcraft. H. B. Huston, & F. March. jr I' M Kaiamazoow James W. C'othren. P. M. Gnlesburgh. T. L. Bolkcpih, P.' M. Battle Creek. James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Rnymotid, Druggist, Jacksorr. Wm. Jaekson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smiih, Grass Lake. John C. Winnns, Sylvan. J Millerd & Ron, Des ter. Thomns P. Mnv. Jr. Plymoutb, Perin & -Hal!. Northville. Mead S: ?dcCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin, Juüus Denn, Ponti;c, Maek & Sprague, Rochester, James Stephens, Utica, E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clemens, G. &J. G. Hill, } n John Owen & Co. , DetroitDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samson. Ypsilanü, J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W..MATJTARD, Ann Arbor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) 49-ly1844. WHOLESALE & RETAIlT B88&SELIEBAN3STATIÜNEB, SMART S BLOCK, 1S7 JEFFKRSOÍí AVE K DE, DETROIT. Kecps consumly for sale a complete nssortment of Misccll'anepus, School and Cluesicul Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plnin nnd ruled, Quilla. Ink, Sealing VVax, Ciulery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, oí ail stz; and JBoak, News and Canistcr luk. of v;trious kinds. BLANZ BOOES, To Merchanra, Teachers, and. otbérs, buying in qunntities. o large diséonnt madp. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBtE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR ' 51-tf. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHG&A&QGira. AMONG the most valuabfc qualitira oí' tliis . medicine, is its restoring njlvence upon constitutioñs impaired and iujured by jj'.evioúa attacks ol bilüous iever, or fevef nnd "atfuc; or 6y n long residence in thoye climates v hich produce ihem. There are many conetitutons which becomc gradually undermined by a Zatasmol in. fitience, witliout even a day's actual eonlinemenf tri such cases, the Cholagoguc act s Jike a chnrni - the saHow complexión, loss ol appe'ötc Innguor, weariness and depression of epi.rhs with othcr unpleasant syniptonis wb.ich í'-ñder life n burden, all yield to this remedy wlu-ñ fuithfully used according to the directior.s of the acoompanying pamphlct. It is entirely a vegetable prep . aratinn, and uiay bc taken wuh -jerfect scfety under all circumstances of the 6yr em. For sale by 3G W.'F?. .Sr J. -,v. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for An-.i Arbor and vicinity. eimgham &, cñ&pmñÑ, PORWARDINa MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJY JRY GOODS, GROICERIES, .c, AT TUK RAIL-ROAD UEFOT, GKAS LAKK. MrCH. H. H. mXCHAN. G. CHAPMAV. 43-oau


Signal of Liberty
Old News