Lake Erie Business--1844: For The Signal Of Liberty
On the last up trip of a certain Steanv er, eight passengers Game on board at Cleveland, and engaged a passage to Malden, in Canada, They were hale, hearty young fellows, and that they had journ eyed from the far South, only improved theircondition, and increased their spirits. True, their skins were black ï True, they had left the land of their nativity ! True, they had severed the ties - 4o them pre carious-of kith and kin- of wife and child à But what of that 1 They sought liberty i they fled those who had robbed them of their earnings, and converted God's gift of soul and intellect into mer chandize And here they were at last, after days and nights of toil on Erie's clear waters, with nought but its waves bet ween them and freedom. ït was even ing when they embarked, and they chatted gaily o'er dangers past : they sympathised with the bereaved slaveholder, and anticipated freedom's unknown joys.- With light hearts they pressed their pillow, and at last, slept secure from pursuit. Büt alas, for human foresight ! During the night the boat stopped at Sandusky and took on board the ruthless pursuera of these eight men. Both parties woke up, in the morning, ignorant of the presenco of the other, and both were
Signal of Liberty
Old News