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The Cold Water Cure

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- Henry C. Wright,wel! known in tfaig vicmity, in the first place as a Clergyman, and eecondly as a prominent advocate of the doctrines of non-resistance, is now at Graefenburg, Austrian Sileeia, at the famoua Cold Water Infirmary of Priessnitz - the Doctor who cures all maladies by water dosing and bathing. Mr. Wrigbt it seemü hnd been troubled wuh a congh, for 6ome time, and concluded to give this simple remedy a trial. His descripüon of the process, in a recent letter, is anything but invifing. - Lucküy, Mr. W. is a stout, able bodied mnn, full of blood and animal spirits, else we are inclined to think five weeks of such treaiment would have given him a perpetual home by the baths of Graefenburg. As it is, there is reason to hope he wil] survive it. He says: "I found the thermome ter here down to zero, where it stood for several days after we arrived; but on the morning of the llth, at 5 o'clock, I began hydropathy - was packed in a wet eheer, wrungotit slightly outofcold waler, loy in (and blankets) one liour, then was hauled up,and sent down two pRir of stuirs into a dark, cold place, the floor covered with thick ice, the snow lying all around, and the boards round and about covered with froet, and a birth, two f eet deep, fJl of water - ice around the edgee; then the sheet and blankëts were taken off, and I had to take a pluwok with a vengeance all over intothat awful cold water, and wasb and douae jnyself into it again and again; then outagnin upon the ice, have a dry sheet thrown around me, and go into my room, there be wiped dry, and then have a wot bandaerp, 18 inches wide. wonnrlnbout three times around my body, nnd then flres?. At 5, P. M. the same process again. At 11, to 8t fifteen minutes in a tun of cold water, neariy down to freezing. My body bandage „taken off, and dipped in water four times per day. This has been the procese every dny to this time. From the first 1 1 hrew off, by Priessnitz's order, all my flannels (and they were very th ck,) and all my cottons, and pnt on linpn shirts; and rain or shine, storm or fair, walk out on the mounlains; and oft have l been out 6truggling throngh snow Grifte, with neck and hosoin and head all bare, snow five or six feet deep. and the whirling the snow in clouds through the air. My res olution and physical endurance were tried to utmost. I was determined to give a fair in1, come life or death. I have been here now five weeks, nnd 1 have no hurtful effects as vet, except 1 have had the headache all the time, but that is counted a good eign." Mr. W. says that at fist his disorder was apgravated ar.d his cough harder, but ïhat lately he hns feit Btronger and his cough has


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