Advantage Of Advertising
-standing the many facts in favor of advertising' in papers of large circulation, in shape of fortunes made by those who had judicionsly followed it up, the raass of those attemptng to do business have a very imperfect no tion of the immense advantages. The New York Tribune remarksthat many a mtmgives a thousand dollars a yesr for a favorable stand, yet grudges a hundred for advertising; not reflecting thot a hundred men wonld be made acquainted with his business Ihrough the newspapers where one would pasa and oberve bÃn s'ore, thocgh in the moet favorable location. There área few who un - derstand this matter and are making fortune, while thoueands around them are toiling in lik pumiifs bárely to live, and often failing in that. Oà courne â man must have something worth advertising, and knovr hoto and wherein to advertise, or he will probabl throw aieay his tnone'y. No business can be done to advnntage without fitness in the doer. But, these condilions fulfilled, money may be made in abundance in depart mentà of trade which are now languid and prefitÃess; and wo are sure that three timea the present amount of advertising might be done with great advantage both to the advertisrs and the public.
Signal of Liberty
Old News