Classified Ad
BOOK BINDER Y. VTTHK I'APf.RMll.L (I.OAERTU1VN) ANN ARIlOK. TM BOOTH would respccifully inform the -Li inhabitantsof An Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINDmG, at the old stand, in the Paper MiH. OÃd Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken ia payment. April ia, 1S43. 52-tf. CME into the enclosure of the subscriber, the firat of September last, an OX, appnrpntly about eiaht ye;irs old, spotted red and white, with a bell o lus neck. The owner is requcsled to prove property pay charge and take him away. S. JENNINGS. Ann Arbor, May lOth. 3-6vv IVotice to Merc!:aiit8. THE Sub8cribers encouraged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the whoIeBüle deparimentof thcir business, will the "rst day of May next. open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, froniing on Huron streef, and connecting with their present store in the reÃr, pxcliwively fir n WHOLE SALSS ROOK, where they will keep at all times a full assortment of Dry Goods. Boots, 8{ Shoès Carpttïnr Hals, Caps, Paper Hangings, Bonnet SfCroecert by Ihe Crale, Hardware and Groceries, Sfc. Sfc. SfC. all of which will be sold on as good terms as at any point this sido of New York City. G. D. II1LL & CO. Ann Arbor Marcb 26, 1841. 48tf.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen clothsof cvery width and qualiiy for wool, to be delivered in Mny orJiine, or ofter hearing time. My stock of clothis complete, quality good, prices low, &c. F. ÃENISON. Ann Arbor, Februnry lst, i843. 41. N. B. ït is important that wool be done up in good order, and anv -'nformation will be given when askcd p j) Clothing! Clothing Clothing HALLOCK & RAYMOND have just received n verv lnrge assortmenf of Ready Marte Clothingr, Consisting in part of ConiB. Pantaloons and Vesis. of kII descriptiitns. snitablc for the season. Aioo, a largo and wel! seelccied assortment ol Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Veslings, Tweeds, and evervother article st.itnble for gentlemen' wearing apparel. which they are prepnred to mnnuracture in the best and most iashionablf nner, and at tho shorteat notico. Havihg do mined to sell at the Iowest cash prices. they confidently urso all in want of Reidy Mndc Clotliing, or gnrments miinufuctnred to order, to cali and examine their stock, ot the F'ishionable Clothing Emporium, corner of Jefferson nnd Woodward Avenue. Detroit. 5 Feathers Sl Paper Hani ng:s TH E eubsenber will keepa enpply ol Geestieathers constamly on hand. Also an as sortof Paper Hangings: Bordera. Firehoard Papera, fec. W. A. RAYMOND, 18 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 LÃNEN SHEETING, two yards and a quar ter, and three yards wide, at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, 14S Jeff". Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been len yeors before the puMie. During thai perjod ihey have obiaineda celubrity unparnlleled in itié hisiory of ihe most popular medicines whicli have preceded them or hüve followed in their track - The hnppy cornbination ol' vegetable ingrediems to which these pilla owe iheir ellicacy. ia the resiilt of yenrs of earnest study and experiment, dirfjeted by long pievious experience in the prop ertiesof medical substnnces. the pnthology of disease. the nature and modus opernndi ol the various fluids which minister to the support nnd susicnunce of the human body, andorgaiiization by which those fluids are prepared, modified and distributi'd. The triumph of skill, and pntieni experiment has been complete. Thronghout the length nnd breadth ol our land. in Briush America and the Wesi Tndies. nnd on the continent of Europe, the carntive vir nes of Peter's Vege table Pille, nre gratefully ncknowlefsed. Tliey may be called the medicine p kR kxckli.knck, ol ihc Southern State?. Their coneumpiion south ol the Potomae, is enormotis, and continually on theincrease. No other pill "goes down" there. however sugnred ovor vvitl hired puJ'sand home mnnufactured certifÃcales. Peters' Vegetable Pilla may be ternied a universa medicine, for there is scnrcely iiny dcra-igement or obstruciion of the organs and fiinctions of the huuun machine which they will iiot alleviaïe or remove when adminisiered in the early stages of congestión of the stomach orbowels. they speedilv relax those organs, reduce the intendant fever. and restore the suflererto health. Containing no irriiating or drastic subslances. their exhibitiop is ncver followed by thnt proetration of the bodily powera which characterize the operation of most other cothiinicR, and they mf.vbe administered without theslightestfear of producing local inflammniion, so frequently eaused by the purgent cortipositions vended by the quack8 and charlatans of the day. Ãn almost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be found of beneficial effect' bui they should always be resoried to when the first sympt m mokes its appearance. The conquest of the complaint will tlien be easy and immediate. In billious disorders, reniittant or intermittnnt fever, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholic. diarhcBa, diopsy. sour or feted eructations, enInrirement of the spleen, siok headache. all complaints growing out of imperfect or too rapid diseation. torporof the bowels. femaleobstruclions. habitual costivcness, and all other diseases in which a purgative medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivalled in the -peed, certainty and eentleness of their operaiton. It is osked npon whaf principie these extraordinary eflects are produeed? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the olood, by purifying the chyle ond other fluids of which blood is composed. Chyle is a Miilky fluid deposited by the digestive matter on the coais of the intestines; and which when combined with the billiary secretion, is convey ed into the veins an ' becomes the principie of Itfe. This medicine acisdirectly ui.on the chylel trom which it expels all acrid paineles, and al. humors detrimental to a henlihy rirculation It cleansesthejuices nnd finids before the chemicnl 'â hnnge takes place which fits ihem fo ihe imme-liate purposes ol vitahty. This is besinning at the beginning. To embue the streams oMife with health, it is necessary to purify them at their sources. Such is the radical mode in which (hts medicine- peiforms its cures. Testimoniáis which fill volumes (mony of them from high seicniific authority) are iis vouchers, and it is used in the practice of the first Physicians here .ind abroad. For sale by F. J. B. Crann. W. S. A J. W. "Vlaynard. J. H. Lund. Harrie, Parlridges & Co S. P. & J. C. Je wet r, Dav.dson & Becker, II . Becker, Christian Ebeibaeh. G. Grenville. D D. Waterman. C. J. Gnrland. E. T. Williams. Ann Arbor; George Warner & Co.. D. C. Whitwood, J. Millard & Son. N. II. Win". Dcxtr.r; M. Jackson. L?ovi; Paul Raymond. Jnckson; Brotlmraon & Kief. Manchester; D ïCeys, Clinton; D S Hnywood". Salive: Lfone. Habcock Sr, Co.. Ypsilanli; Scattergood Sr. Co. Plymovt'i; Pierre 1 eller nnd T. H. Eaton & Co Detroit; also in Adrinn. Tecumseh. Brooklyn. Pomiac, Chicago. nnH almos; every where els'e. Ann Arbor. Jan. 15 1P-I4. 27-lvA Fa ron Ãbr Sale, SÃTUATKD n tho town oà Jngham. Jngham Coiinty. Michigan. Said Farm contúntâ )iie hundred and fifiy acres handsomely tiiunid In the inidst o) a thriving settlement. - Th land is Vhnt is usunlly cnlled timbered Land, in Mlrhignn. 'he tnnher being sugar. naple. whitewood. bench. ash. onk. &c. al i Kinds of timber peculiar to the umhered land i r. Vüclugnn. Thers is nn this Innn about fori) icres of jood improveinent: a sood part of thiV LOG HOUSE Ãiyp NEW BARN, framed, 34 hv 42 feet. well finislied. Tlicre are ilsn on tho plnce Inraiin? utensils. such iÃà Chains. Ploushs. Dra?, Cart. Fanning Mili, fcc wliich will be sold with the plnce. TERMS OF SALE. One qimrter of purcliase money down; the rrnainder in ten years, if neces3ary. with annunl interest For pnrticulnrs enquire of the subscriber in Dexter village. JULÃUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tf. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. TM Ità valunble medicine so jusily celebrad1 as a certain cure for Scrofnla or KingtKvil, or nny disease arising from inipurity of ih blood, has becoine no well luiown na to need no publ catión of nuincrcus certificates now in ur possession. of the extraordinaiy cures lateljperformed by it, but fearing there niay be some uersons aÃFected who hnve been gulled by usin_' he imitations got up by others. we would respectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy Ãliemseives of i:s ntany cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthey can rely upon the gen uineness of ilie article, which they should be careÃul to do, as we are told there is a spuriouf anide of the same name for sale in this vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Snrsapanlla, BuiTrilo," estampe! upon the botiles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. '25, 1843. 361844 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Ã. JTIiFJiStREJY, 300KSELLERAN STATIONEfi, SMART 8 JiLOCK, 1S7 JEFFRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete nssortnteni of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cu;lery. Wrapping Pnpc.r. Printing Paper, oà all stzes; and fiool;, News and Can8ter Ink, ot var-ons ]; i nils BLAXTZ SOOKS, Fuli miel nuil tioutui. ol ever vaneiyo KulingMEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchan'8. Teachers, and othere, huying n qunniities. n Inrtie riiecoi'nt ninrie. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY 0EP0SIT0R 51 -tÃ. 500 OOO Fect PIN E LU M BEU. THE subscrihers offer for sale, Five hundred ThoiisnndFeet SEASONED PINE LUMBER, which has been put up in the beet possible mnnner. and iö of every quality and thickness. Per sons wishing to purehnse Lumher that s fil for immediatc ttse, will do wel] to give usa cali, before purchasing eleewhere. HAZEXTON & PATF.RSON. Formerly Agents for Beach & Co. Flinr, Jnnunry 2g, 1844. 4)-6m. Annexation of Texas or not, IJKRRY has just recelvod a firet rafe lot o BOOKS. which hc willsell choap for Cash. May 23, 1344. 6w5"TO THE VÃCTOR BELol?GTrtf SPOILS" Hb ALTI-1OUGH niniiy prepnrntion in th r of 'POPULAR MDICJNES' [ m been belore the public, claiming t0 " a.veP nnd even cure the most invetérate dieenL , Ief â none hnvc so w.ell answered the nnrhn ' "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the moet obstinate cosce of Con al, , i.ours. Th,y ÃiaVe cured n 8r nuSj" ? ftW som who hnve been given up by .E f ond friends, and many who ha ' , P y8lcian u, theverge âf ,he gmve ÃSEI Consumption ond Hectic Fever i ,P Ood have had the rose of healih rciored'io . l'V" gardcheek. and now live to M-Bk f ? ?' praisesofthisinvaluable medicine A Lthe "WORM LOZEAGES hnve heen provedin more thnn 4(U urn be nfallibje, in fact the only ter ni'n w"68'0 roying medicine ever dv J, ruT6' will ent them when they cmno, be (orced fn ff " any oiher medicine, nnd the a â t?take the adniinistration of medicine .óÃf" ÃT0 forhi is great beyond conception S 'nhÃe never been koown to fai). Dr. Shermnn'. "CAMPHOR L02ENGES,'" relieve Hendnche. Ncrvous Rinh j' i Pitation of the Heart. 3 f kn ïït Ã' W few minu.ea. Dr. Shern.nn's a Ve "POOR MAN'S PLASTEA" joint,., rheu.nn.ism, lumbago, &c é fe mistake in quanlity or charge. beI W. S. & J. W. MAYNARn Ann Arborf February 5, 1844 j "the true païïT EXTRACTOR SAI. VE, "TyjllCH cureslikca charm all BURNS bv 7 T nre or water, and everv 1 snov PAIN, TNFLAMMATION, ACHE f?cSl ING evar yet found, upon th human family, ,ó u has been applied, must alwavsbc soiVht genuinc from Comstock and Co., of 'New ïoxk 'r their auihonzed agenta. AU are cnutioned ngninst any spnriou anieles, which moy alwavs lc avoided by knowing the onc you buy comV. from Cometock & Co . who are now the only proprietors and manufHctwrcrs. Inquire forConnel's, which is warrnnted to do all it érer would whencalled by any other name, or the pricoslinll be refundcd n nny case if it does not pipase To plnce it within reach of all, the pricc has heon reduced mor.; than four fold, nd is now snld for 25 cents, the formerprice being too exoibitant. The 50 cent si-e now coniains Unn times is much as the tonner, and the 1 8ize nenr ten times as mú'ch. No fnmily thnt has any title to humanity. wül Faii to have Connki.'s Pain Extractor Oiniment always at hand. to snve life. all scars. and reduce ;ill njïony from any bum in five minutes, provided they htive scen it used, or will believe thoee who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 21. Counland Street. Cr Bc stife. thcrefore, and ask foi Connkis, as our ilate with Dalley's name on t has heen stolen, and the. spnriotis may nppear with nameen it. Know, therefore, thnt it comes i. r"ctly from Comstock !fc Co., or shun it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARÃ, "6 Agent for Ann A rhor.CLOCKS! CLOCKSà Jr 1 1 H à subscriber hoving -L just receivod severa] .V) ' vnrifus description. is jf'Mj prepared tosell them Chcnp "ifSW "r as' Also. a general yLg3B .i8sor;men: o cnsesöf Bras gjggl and Wood CLOCKS, JBWBLRY, consisting in pan of Gold Fineer Rings, nnd Bosom Pms. Hearisnnd Crosses. Silver and Comimm Thimbles, Watch Chnins nnd Keys, Pensil Cnes: aleo, Spoons, Suuar Bowls. Butler Knives, Tooth nnd Hoir Brushfs, Pocket Books. Violin Strings. Needle8, Pms, Hooks, and Eyes. Spectncles. Fine Coir.bsjDressinjr Combi, Side Coinls. Biick Cpiiib, Pocket Comhs. Water Pninis. Mnrkmg Coit.m, Sieel Pms. and Tven8erp. Snüff & Tolmcco Bn.xt-s. Elnstics. &c. All of which will he sold ns chcnp ns at nny othr esialilish'iicnt this side of New York. N. B. The stihscriber tliatikfnl for so larpo n shnre of pnblin pnironnee. siül solicitan continuencc of the sume. CLOCKS AND WATClh ES of every descripiion repnired and wnrranied. Mso. JEWEI.RY repnired on short notice.- Shop at his old stand directly oppositc the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, No" 6, 1843. 28-1 y.THE folio wing indispensable fnmily remedies mny be Ãound at Mai.nabd's Druggist Store, in Anu Albor, where none will be sold unless krown to be of ilie best kind nnd no countereit article ever ofiered. paietu medicine invarialily procured ol the origin 1 inventor or his regninr successor: (HP ATo family should bt a iccek without thtst remedies, jn BALÃNESS. Balm of Co'iimtia. or the Ho ir. which wil stop il if Hliijg out, or restore iton bnld place; nnd or child'en niake it grow rapidly, or on [lióse wbo h ivo lost the hoir trom nny canse. Al L Vil,RMIN thatinfest the h'emte of children in schools, are prevented or killed by i. nt once. Find the name of COMSTOCK on ie or never try it. ' Pemember this ahcays. PILES, Sic. are wholly prevented, or governed if the nMnefc lias come on, il you nee the ovly irue Uats' Liriment, from Coni8tock & Co All SORES, nnd evcry thing relieved by it that adniits of an outward application. it acts like n chaim. Ut it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENFSS positively cured; all shrivelled inusclcs and limbo are resiored, Ãn the old or young, by the Ivdion Veg' dable Elixir and Nerre and Bove Liniment - bu never without the ñamo of Conistock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMÃFUGE wiH cradU cate all WORMS in children or adults witk certainty quite nstonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kukes- cures eflcetuallyv Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1844. 41DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. AMOiNG ihe moei valunble qunhtips oà thier medicine, is its restoring inñuence pon constitutions impnired and injured by prcvious attacks ot billious fever, ar fever and ngue: or fy n iongresidence iifthose clima tes whicli produce thetn. There are many consiitutions which beconic gradually undermined by a mÃa smtd influence, without even u d'ay's actual confinenient. fn such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a charm - the Bfillow complexión, loss of appetitc, lnnguor, wenrines8 and depression of spirits, with other unplea8ant gymptoms which render life n burden, aP yield to this remedy wlten faithfully used nccording to thedirectionsöf the ncrompanying pamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep nrmion, nnd may be taken w'th perfect stfety un der all circtimstnnces of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. FJIlST rate Tea. SujÃar and Cofteo, at the lowest mnrket prirpp, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE. 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. Mny 2ö. 4 DEFENCE of the Whigs. V big Almnnac, Whig Songs, and Life of Henry Clay by Sargeant. For aale at Ferry's Book Store. May 23 ÃÃ44.
Signal of Liberty
Old News