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Short But Effectual Directions For Various Ends

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To embitter domestic life: Maintainyour opinión on nll small maners at the point of ilic bnyonet. To secure yourself ngainst a candid hearing: Cali men hard narties before you have signified their faults. ■iTo keep yourself in a state of discontentment: Set your heart on having every thing exactly to your miiid. To involve yourself in extricable diflicultiee: Shape your couríeof uction not by fixed principies, but by temporary expedients. To prnvide for yourself abundant matter for shame and repentance: Act underthe influenceof passion. To die without accomplishing anytrnng: Always intend to do something great hereafier, but neglect the present hunible opportunity of usefulness-To deatroy your outliorily over your children: rVlien you ore in good humor give them sugar plums; when in ill humor, blows and reproaches. To gain a permnnent reputntion: Endeavor to e. rather than to cppcar. good. To gain extcn8ive usefulnes3: Seize the present pportunity, grcat or small, and improveit to the tmost. To be a successful reprover: First convince ïen by subsiantial deeds of kindne&j that you love them.


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