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Will be published every Monday morning, i Anti Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, b BECKLEY & FOSTER, Fok thk Michigan Statu Sla yjkbt So CttTT. Tkkms. - Two dollars per annum, inadvance Two dollare and fifty cents will be requiied, i not paid till the expiration of six months. TEN COPIES will be fprwarded to onO Pos Office, lor one year, for FÃFTEEN DOL LARS, if paid in advance, and at one time. BTTrevious to Nov. 1, 1844, the Signal wi he forwarded for six mo.ntiis for Fin y Cïms itivariably in advance. No paper diacontinued until all arrearages ar id. TKRMS OF ADVERT1SINO. Ãor one square, one insertion, 50 cents. " " ach aubeequent insertion, 20 centa Legal AdreriÃ8ng by the ioüo. Terms of Advertising by the year or quarte rhade known at tlicoifi:e. ÃJT All Remittance8 and Communications chould be addressed, Post paid, CTSicifALOF Liberty; Ann Arbor, Michcrj] - . __
Signal of Liberty
Old News