Classified Ad
THRESHIN& MACHTNES. r I lHE Subscriben ore now manufucturine JL HORSE POWERS and THRESIIING MACHINES, the best and niost durable marmer. The power Ãs a four borse power, bul is also a first ra'.e power for twohorses when wanted for that purpose. Jt ie entirey unlike any that have ever been ofTered to the public in thia Staie or elsewhere; and is believed to possess important advaniages over any other power. It will work easier, (that f, witli leas streng'.h ol power) than other powera ; is more compact and convenient '.o move ; occupyingr only three ieet by eoven, and eau bc lotided intu a common wogon box wiih ihe ihreslier and drawn by one pnirof horses. Economy, strength of maicrial, and durabiliiy, are uuited in tlie construction of tiesi Machines ; Ijence they can and will be sold VER5T LOW , lower than any Machines have ever been sold in ihis State. We are anxioun to sHI them for CASH, and those who can pay CASH are especinlly invited tocall on us. Tho cylinders to the Threshers are all ion. This Ãs the best power n existence for Fnrmers to use, for ihreshnL theÃr own graiñ, and Ijós been got up wfth a view 10 their speciaraccomino dation. The facility wiih which it can be moved from onephee to another renden it very convenient for several joint ownere. Whenever a power is wanted for tvo horses, a threáher oà auitable size will be constructed at very short notice. Two or three Farmers, having large crops to thresli can purchasc one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to each thnn tbe expense of job threshing ior one year. The esiablishmeni is 2j miles wei' from Ann Arbor, on the Rail Road, on the liuron. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. June '.7, 1S44. 9tfTHE MJSSES CLARKS' ifóuiig JLadics Scminary, AXN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARYH. CLARK, Principal. CHLÃE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MISS WEST. Teacher in Music. H. F. SCHOPF, cÃo of Classics, do do ïri French'. F. MARSHj Teacher of Maihématics. EtHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Ju'venile Dept. THIS lnstiiution hns been Ãn operaiion since November 18, 1839. The scholnstic year embracinij forty-eight weeks, iwu terms. comprising two quarteré each - weïvë weeeks in a quarter - a general examina ón at the close of each term - in February and Augus?. 'Hje secoud quar1 of the present term commences November 27. Te-.mà óf Tumos.- For the English branch es, S2,50 to 5 per quarte.-. No reduction maje for ai B-jnce. except in case of sicknees nnd no pupil Uiken for less than a quarter, Extra charges are made for musio on the Piano, with the use o' the instrument; $,0U French, a'ot) LatÃn, . 3',00 Drawins: and Païnting; 5,00 Fancv Work, 30 ) Board, including wasliing, lights. &c, $1.75 per week if paid in advunce, or $2,0ü pér week if pnid at the close of the quarter. Parents nnd guardians are invited to visit the school every Friday, when the studies of the week are revièwed - u)so sjmi monihly on Wednesday afiérnoon, at readingof the weekly compositioné. Youriv ladies desirous of entering the school and pursüing ihe regular coursu of study, would do weÃl to commerice at the begining of the leni. Haring purchased a heahhy and commorlious building in a pleasant and convenient part of ihe yillage, no pains or expense shall be spared to facilÃtate the s'udies and rehder thè Ituation ol ihe voung larlies proÃtabfè and agreèablè. Belonging to thè school aré a Library of berween th,ree and, and Phi osophical Apparatu?, Electricnl MachiiK-, Glubes, &c Scientific lectures aie delivered beforë the school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only to proinote the in'ellectuïl culture of their pupila bat will attend strictly to their moral deporiment. With a deep sense of religious responsibiliiy. they would give such a tone to eharacter, as shnll render it practically fitted for every station- y ielding to duty but hrm to principie. Among the bóoks' used in ihe school are, Abercrombie orà th'e InteÃleclual and Moral Powers - Kane's Elements of Cricicism - Wayland's Moral Science - Nesvinan's Rhetoric - Hedge'p Logic - Paley's" Natural Theology and Evidenccs of Chri8tianity - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy- Combe's Physiolosy - Mr:. Lincoln'e JBotany - Eaton's Manual of 1 otnny - Burritt's Gcography ofthe Heave s- First. Second and Third Books of Histoiy- M-s. Wil liard'e Repubiic of Americn - Phelps' Legal Classics - Pfayfair's Euclid.' and Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic- Tarker's Naturaà Pbilo'sophy. The JVlissès Clark have taught a Yo ing La-' dies School for several years in the Giiy of New York, andaré furnised with testimoivuls from Rt. Rev. Benj.min Oud:donk. D. D.. and John M. Griscon, M. D. iVew Ycrk,' R.ev. J L. Blake. of Bro'o.'ilyn, and M;s. Emma Willard,' óf Troy. N.,Y. ; aiso, reference is made; by permission.' tó the following giir'emen : Rt. Rev.b. A. McCoskry. D. D..fMfirt Rumsey nnd L. B. Misner. Esqrs-, Q Re'). Isnao S. Ketcham. Centreville ; à E IJud-pn-, White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. CleiPrd. oud fÃ.io.' Ketdi urn, Marsliall f ÃJn'n. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckson; Piul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. IJ. Winan, Adrián; Daniel Ilixson, Clinton; Gnrdinei Wheeler. M..D.. Howell; Rev. F. H. Guming. Gnind Rapids; Rev. H. Cololazer, Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Dentón: M. D., P. Bnghani. M. D . Hon; Wio. A. Fleichcr, Hon. .Wm. R. Thomp' non, E. SÃundy, Eltj1., John Allen.' Esq,, Geo. W. Jewett. Esq., Cul. Thomas Mosaly, Capt. J. Perkins. Tliompá' M. Ladd, F. Snwyer, ,Jr., Fsq-. late Snperintendent of Public Insiruciion, Professors Whiting. Williams nnd lio'uhton, of the Universiiy of Michigan... Ann Arhor: James Mirds-.ill and Rev. John JBcach, Fh'm; Amos Mead, Esq., FarrnÃngton. The following gentlemen, Rev H, Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fi'tch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whitirig nnd .Williams, of the Ãniversity of Michigan? and F. Snwyer. Jr.. late Superintendent of PtÃhlic Ãnstruction. have consemed to act asa visiting commiitee of the school to, be present when the weékly s;udies are reviewed; hut especially to attend during the spini-anf.ual examÃnationá. September 4. 1843. 9tfSINCLAIR & CHASE, dFTOBJYEYS JJYD COUJYSELLORS At LAW, (OFFICE' LOWER TÃfWN, ANN ARBOR,) Wi'I ttend "o all business ia their profession wiih addelitj' and despatch. Paricular aiteiniou will be given to collccting. ROBF.RT P, 8INCÃ. MR, KDWARD E. CII SE. MarchSO, 1844. 1 y. SIKGUAm Sc CMFMAN, FORWAKDING MERCHANTS, DEjSLERS IJY DRY GOOQS, GROCER1ES, tf-c, AT THE RAII.-ROAU UJiPOT, GKASS LATfE. M1CH. H. H. B1NGHAM. G. CHAPMAN. 4Ã-3m. "ISIiJitary Tactits, JUST reoeived the Citizen Soldiers Assisiunt at Perry's Buok S tore. May 28. 1844. 3.v5FARNHAM'S Travels n Oregon. do do do California, H8tory of Texns and n great variêty of Cheap Pubücations Jtist received and lor sale a,c Peiry's Book Store, Chenp for Cnsh. The public nrc respectfully requèstod to cali and examine liis stock. May 2.% 1844. 35 MARRIAGE CERTIPICATES, OF superior quality,just piihted and for 'Sais at this Office., AnnArbor, Nov. 2,!5-ir.'ATTENTION CIiOTBimtS! JUtà i' received ai ihu Generul ücput, ior the ealo of Clothiers Stock, Machihery, Dye aiufïV, &c. &c, No. 139. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, the following lat ge, weil asfiorted, and carefuliy selecied stock, viz: 100 bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons 4t ' io Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons (i " in Strek j 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipned, 50 " Lima Wood, '' 3(1 " Red Wood, " 120 â ' Gruund CaÃn wood," 10 " Quercitron B;irk, 501) Ibs. Nutgallöj 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spniiish Indigo, 300 ll.s. SumacSicily, 3 Cuske Müdder, 3 Casks Blue V'iiiiol, 5 Caska Alum 2 Bárrela Red Tartar. 2 Bar. els Creqm Turtar," 3 Carboys Aqtja Fortis, 5 4i Oil Vilriol, 3 " Muriatic Acidj 500 lbs. VTrdigril, 50 li Block Tirtj 'J'easels, Twüie, Copper Kettlea, all s'rieaj Parson's Stiearin(j Macbinbs, Curtis' " Screws and Frcès Plates, Cranks. Press Pnpéf, Stoel Reeds, Wors'êd Harneas, Temer Hooks, Emery, u 11 No's.. ÃliveOil. Clothiers' Jacks, öattirièit Warp Clothiers' Bruéhes, Shu'tilée, Pickers, Cnrd Cléanèré, &c. &c. The abové. with a vnriety of other nrticlea belongin'g to the trade, have been purchased this BUininèr by_ thé sïibscribers fiom Manufacturerand First Hand in the New York, ihiladelphia, and Boston Markets, and every tliing having res ceived bis personal inspeciion. he can with thé utmost conridnnce offer theni to purchasers txa tho best and most complete stock'm the country; and as it is his üxed detormination (by he low ratea a which he will sell) to orevent the necessity ot our Cloihiers and Manufa'"iirerB leavitig the State to make their purchases, hi would merely say to the trade, CALL, examine the goods and asee r ia in prices before yóu say you can buy cheaper any irhere else. . He.ia al9o prepared to contract for CAR DING MACHINES made in thts State or East. PfERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefler6on Avenue, rir-tf. ] Detroit. ""DRY GOODS, DRV GROCERIES, Featlicrs, Paper Hanging's, BASKETS, &c MAY be found at the lowesi cash prices, nt Ravmoku's Cash ötokk, 148 Jefferaou Avenue. De'roit. The undorsigued has just received a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the mot desÃrnblo sty'ea and patterns, buitalle for city or country trade.AMONO WIUCH ARE: Freneh Lawns, fÃingliam Muslin, Mualin de Laines, Balzarinei, Ealzarine Muslins, Sfriped Swiss Muslins, RÃch Calicóes, of all qualiiies, colora and pat- Ãerns. Pnntuloun and Coui siuÃÃs, such as Ganlirooirj, Swedes Cassimcree, Fancy Drillinjas, liinen Checks, Flaid Swedes. Fancy Engüáh Cassimeres, Broad Clotlis, Keutucky Jcans, &c. - ALSO - Blue Drill?, do Linens, Fusiians, Tickings, Checks, Linseys, Burl.ips, Baggings, Padding, Canvási, Brown Sheetings and Drilliugs, ' Bleached Cot'.ons, Swigs, Jaukonet. Book& Barred Muslins,' , Wide Laces and Luce Edgiugs, uf every det ( cription, Vèsiings, Bonneis, Ribbons, Lineri Cambric, Cainbrics, HankerchieÃs, Cravats, &c. &c. &c. Persons irading in tbe city are invired, _rt least, ro cali nnd look at tbis stoclf, and f tbe pnces are not as low as elsewhere, patronage ia not expecicd. ' , W. A. RATMOND. 148 JeÃlcrson Avéue. Detroit. May 20. 1844. 4 6mYoung Ladics' Semïnary.' MISS B. VA&Ei AND MloS L. MÃÃKJE, Associate TearJte s. MISS. G. WEST, Téatksr 'm Music, MRS. liUCHS, Teacher iu Draiohig and PuihL. inxMR." F. MARSH, Teac'erin Mathenialüs ancl Lat in. Tkkms - Tuition in the EngHsh branches frorn $2.5J to $5,00 per (juaner of twelvê weeks;" ' Lessuns on ihe Piano, wiih the use of ihe instrument. $10.00- Fancy work, f 3.00- Drawing' and Painting gjö.OO- Lwiti'; $3.00 - French, L3,00- Board, 1,50- Washing and ironiig STfr cents per ÃÃo pupil will he roceived fot lesa than one quarter, and'rïó deduciion lor absence vÃl be made, except in cases of siekiie&sï Thnt ihis semioary may possesa every adVan'-" tnge Cor obiaining a tbórough. prnitieal and re iiued ediuaticm, and that teach'f-rs may bére bd fully prepured for ihe fülfilment of iheir dutie's. Miss P. lias i.)pled fof aid lo Misa Lyon.'of the" distmguished Seminary in SoüMi Hadly, Mass.; and she is happy toahnounoe to tliu public,' iliat the neice of ts Priijoipal: und sister 10 its Viriè' Principal, educated ünder tlieir influences, will,in luture be associated wuli Miss Page, in art al tempt to rearan institmion in this Peninsula. ort" afooting with the best ut the enst. Miss Moor brings with her the experience o feur years teai-hing in a Southern Seminary, which slic has elevated nearly in a New Englnnd school. Is ie& pecied that a Libra ry and Phtlosophioal aparatus will belong to this institution. All who are intetreste.4 in the educatior of youth, are requested tQ vimi üie scïho(l and from personal obaervalion, bejeárrie aoqaaiuted with ita organiation and . its udvaptagea. Cuiiipoaitions will boroad ob Thursdaya. The. Svperiutndeni of" Public ïnatru'ction, DrConi&tóck, :he Profeasprs of the Universitv and tho Clcrgy oà Anti Arbor will act a visiting com miiioe to ihe School, to whom referince is made; also to Mr, J. Welles. Capt. J. Peikins, Col. T. Mossley. Mr, W. S. Mnynardà Mr, J. â clair. Hon. Ã!. Mundy, Hon. R'. S. Wilson and E. La-wcnce. Ksq., of Ann Arbof; F. P. Hasiings, Esq., Hon. J.M. Hownrd, Hon. C G. Hammond, Detroit; Rev. H. Hamniond, IJunier, rcv. L. S. il obart. Union City; Hón. 3. P. Champlin, Jonesville; Rev, Wm. P,ope,Monroe: C. T. Gorharó, MorsbaII,Rev. A. M. Fitch, Jtickson. 7
Signal of Liberty
Old News