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Will be published every Monday morning, in Ana Arbor. Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, Fon the Michigan State Anti-Slavery SoCUSTT. TEKMS. One Dor.tAii a year, ia advance: if not paid. in advance, Two Dollaks will be invariably roquired. Ü Oíd subscribcrs can have their papers at One.Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, and payin arrearagee. All 8ub8cribers will be expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For each. line of brevier, (the smuüest type.) for the first insertion, 3 cents. For each subsequent insertion, 1 cent. For three monihs, 7 cenis. For ix months, 10 cents. For one year, 15 een I e. Orders by mail wil! be piomptly attended to. Legal Advertising by the folio. [EÍ Manufacturera, Bookselleis, Machinists. Wholesale Merchants, and all others doing an extensioe business, who wi&h to advertise, will find the Signal the best possible medium of communication in the State. O Ail Remittances and Communications should be addressed, Post paid, ÜS!í:nai,of Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.rj


Signal of Liberty
Old News