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The Miller Excitement

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A Boston correspondent of tho congrrgational Journal, in a letter deFcribing the scène lie witnesfed at the tabernacle meetings in thnt city, eoys : Thö fncility with which Eider Hitne and they pervert the scriptures, and plung hoodwinked and headlong into the piifalls o wild delusion, may be judged by the following specimens. Spenkingr of the end of th world, he fjdid it was true the Bible declare that neither man nor angel knew the da y o the hour, whfin the Son of man cometh : bu os the Iórd was good he had a right to re veal it to ony one if he plensed to do so, andli hos done so - had reven lrd it to him, and n mistake - nnd vvho could gninsny R ? Ho wn ture of Ibii - he was ehut up to this faiih anc tliis fact. He had made arrangemema accor dingly - had wound op all his bus'nesfl, nnc loudly exhorted bia fellow hearersto do the same. 'Leave every tlu'ng - all your goeds - your housen - fumitare - provisión - cl&thing - crops - fields - cattie, and every possib! descnplion of property jast as it is. Go no into your houses to take anything out, - leav every thrng upoti the altar of God, and if h wants any part of ii, he witt lake earc of ifand it is nothing to you.' This stroke of reasoning and eloquence. from his reverence feil with emphoiis upon the rrinds of mnny, wliü responded in scores of terrific voicee, simultaneously shouting, 'Amen, amen- gloT giory, glory - amen, amen. Jusi so - l'll do it, - yes, yes, I have done it,- .amen.' The Lord will come, and lie will uot Kerp eilence, but spenk out.: Touching ilie matter of propeity, dis cagacious reverence further ndvised the saints not to wüste it ; for, said he, what good will tliat do ? f they had any poor friends in wnt of dnily food, but destitute of the whcrcwithnl to buy, why give moderately to thëfó. As for himself, he had given up all, - he now works for nothing - printed and gave away th.e Advent Herald at the rate of tea or livelve thousand a day, and they were welcome to have it in cart-loads, without money and without price. Somc of the practical uffects of the misernble humbiigr jn question are no doubt known to your readers. Common report says that not a few of the insano followers of Miller have giren np lo his en re and disposai very piettysiïrns of nioney and olher vnltmbles, telling him ai the same time to g-o-nhend nnd do as he pleases with their nssignments. Some have parted with their property for a mere song: os an equivalent. One female in Boston, the keeper of a board ing house, nnnounoed to her boarder?, a íew morning-s nee, that they must setk qmrfers some where else, for she was about to relinquish the world and all its care nnd concerns, and ienceforth phould kepp herself in n waifinir attitude Jo meet the Lord on the 22d or' October - that being the Ultima Thnle of time ; nnd ciad in her white ascensión dress, ehe o u-aits. Another : A poor girl who had aid aside in n savings' bank about two hundred dollars by her industry and prudence, as louse serva nt, was induced a short timesin?e to take it out, and devote rt help defray the expenses for building the temple k. advancing the Miller doctrines. Another : An honest, mrd workmg colored man with n family for several years engaged iu purchasing secondïini clothing, and repairing and selling it agnin, had accumulated two thousand dollars, vhich he ,deposited in a savings' bank. A few weeks ago he withdrew it, nnd appropriated it as mentioned in the case of the ser 'ant girl. Still another : I am informod on good nuthority, that a furmer hnving a wife nd large family in your Btate has declined galheri.ig his crops thissenson, under the beief that at the period above epecified, the ime nnd earlh will cea se t o be. All this in he niiddle of the nineteenth century, and in pnlightened New England. During the comng winter, our alms houses nnd our insane io?pita!s wül doubtless reveal numerous indances of sbipwreck made both of. property nd renson, even as they have done airead}'- o say notliing of the incalculable and irrerievnble mischiéfs inflicted upon the cause ofrué religión. ■ D. We are informed Ihat the iMiller excitemont is doing its worst nmong the people of he lovver part of New Hampshire. ín Kingson, Mr. A. N. Brown, pnbüsher and printer, jas become entireíy insane. His brother caTied awny by (he sime delusion, has giveu up every thing like work, believing it to be clinging to thi? workfs thngs. A few days since, he vas cbout hauling a lond of corn "rom hia field, when, seized suddenly wilh the above idea, he fell upon his knees and proyed to God to direct him how to act - whother to enrry the corn to tle born or leave it n the Field - the decisión ivas in favor of the latter course, and accordingiy dropped for the benefit of the cattlc. The believers of the pernicions doctrine in that section, gpnerally, lave a'.tnost entirely neglected to provide for ture wants - apples are rotting on the trees and erop in the field remain unhurvested. - [n Newington, likewise, the fanaticism has mnde alarming progress. We have vet to enrn how far the expiration of the IMiller chronology' goes towards restoring these deuded people to their reason. - LHerator. ÖC The State Journal nquires of us whether it be true, osstated in the AntiSlavery Standard, that Thomas Morris, at the time of his nomination for the Vice Presidency, held to the opinión that colored men ought to be debarred the exercise of the elective franchise. We answer, that we-know of no reason for beheving it, nor do we believe it. The Standard is the bitterest defamer of the Liberty party in the. Union; and even there the story appears anonymously. - Noone vouches for its truth. When the assertion comes from sorne responsible source, it will be time enough lo believe it.


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