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líH SWITH'S m p h . k_7 jlt Jl Ja. JLJL K7 nniIF.SE Pílls 3rc propnred fty Vm. Úi Smith, M. D Inie lWcsaor of Materia Medica and 1 Phnrmacy in tb ür.ivereiiy of Lake .Erie, Oido. Dr Smiih would soy to the pulih ;, (hm u ofiering thstn tus Pili, he presenta no qunck DO&truu tljat will by ita irriiatin electa upuii hestoir.ach and b..els créale iièeasS wl.eie ibera was hule or none before, bui ono ihal is safe, mild. salutury and ui.i.-orm n ís i-ir-cis upon the whole sysem. He vouhl say thot haa uow spèm 20 yera ín research and investigauon, directed 10 lie 1 a lho!i"y oi disessi' ónJ ido 'ioi?rtii;s of medicinal subst.inecs, and the ir ndapuiuon to ihe rem.ova, of the mnIaJiM'!..'wiiich fie?h 8 {ir. As I. reault of these labore, he is now able lo Bive to the public a -comWntïió uf i eJi-nuu! velahlo suhsianees winc:h is as naar perfecuon, ns cnre.ul stuJy and close investigación; tcs:e uut cxpfiiinionts. can bnng u. lia woulu say to Fbysicwns. r.s wallnsotheía, írytbíspiü: it will not deceive you. . Ic i peculia'-ly adapicd o rhe rom.. val an-l prbvencon of (he followmg disenses: Bilious, ínter mittant and IícmittaiH reverá: F?er r.nd Agie. Coi-gh. Liver Complainis, Sick Headach. Paesive Dnpsy. Jtii-u „a:am. Enlagyn.éi )f_thé Spleen. ímrnal niltr.-, Cohc, Acidity of the Stomach, Irvcipieüt Dinrriiffin. fciahitñol Costiveness. und ui ni! cases of Torpur of thc JJoWols. whe-ia caihurtic. e erícnt, or nhññtne, ntëtlfd They ai e mild. yei certí-.n ín their operaion, producing neílher nauae triing, nor dobili.y. The agentó of hese Pil.s are insirucied, n case futí sRÜSÍnctioñ is no: giWD to ány pc-rson %vbo may purchase theui, that ihey shall have their üioney refundod. S!""111111." "■!í"L1i'!SÜ?-pJ-lí!He5!?!!?JjaLül!!U-ti53 TESTIMONIAL ÍN FAVOR OF DR. WM. SMÍTH'S ü N I Y E II S IT Y P I L L S . TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LAN DON. Monroe, Michigan, June 12, 1814. Dr. Sjhtii Dijar Sir. - T tnke much pleasure in giviiifr niy testimony i favor of your valuabJe ÜNIVERSITY PILLS. I most cljeerfuily recommend them to thc pubüc asa safe, easy, and etíicieiu caUiarüc iur most of ihe diseaees incident to this región of country. [ have made rxtensive use of ttiem fur fmir my practice, and I believe ihem to be the BEST AiHi-biliouaCalhnrtic or Aperient medicine ever comhincd and offered for general use Vours, &c. GEORGE LANDON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillon, Ohio, May lst, 1844. Dr. SsitTn- Sir,- I tíke much pleasure in bearin tes'.imony to the efficacy of your Piüs iu reuiüvine bile from the stemacl), deterging1 the Livor, and 1 all cOmplalnts emanaimgfromtbutaoarce. „T V. C. TELLELi, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. WATRimoo, Mich., March 10, 18 44. To Dr. Smith- Sir,- For upards of sixmanths I was crueüy afflicted with Fever and Aone, and (uring that time conld finó nothing that gave me permanent relief; ftt length hovvever your üniversitv Pilla weie lecommended to me by one of the best Physiciuns in these iarte; and I om happy in bcing able to say, that frotn the use of one box I was pormanently ured ofmvoiiue: since then a numher of my have been as signally benefitted. Youri, Reppecifu'ly, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Monroe, Mich., Jone I, 1S44. I bereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Family. Physicinn for four years ast past; thathe has used bis University Pilis in his praclice in my family with unparaleied success; and I think them prefernble to onv pil] for bilious affection in the world. DANIEL GOODNOW. Innkeeper, Macomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Micb., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smith- 1 am happy to jive you my cordial npproval of your University Pilis. I m nblu lo keep off Fever and Ague, and Fevers to wliich all of us are subject in tbis Westrn Country, by the timely use oí your University Pilis, Send au A pent tbis wav assoon 3 DussiMe, for we nre all our. Yovirs, Sec. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYF1ELD. We certify that we are and havo been personally acquainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. 3., and know that lie iá a man oí emiuence in his professinn - and that for four years he lied the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake lúe, witli íionor to himselfand satíffáctíon to the Trustees and Fucuity, as well as to the tudente of the above University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RÍAL B. CHASE. This I certffy, that in month of September test, I was attacked with Billioii3 Fever whüe away fronj home at 0_;v8fiSp to build a waler wheel) and witli one dose of Smith'rfUliversity Pi'üf, I broke it up; ond as many ethers were sick at the timo, I administered these 'is to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used tliem many times since, nd with great success. They art the best pills I ever used. & RIAL B. CHASE, Mllwright. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst. 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C WRIGÍIT. This may certify, that three ycars ao I was attackod wi'Ii Liver Complaint so se ve rel y hnt I cou'ld ecarcely tuin myi-elf in bed; I used many specifica ml remedies, such ::s Brandreth's, Rcptirrect'nn, Orienta!, and other pil}s, but with litile or no effect. One year leo, my friend rr. Smith cnüc-d on me on his way to Boslon, when lie' gave me a box of jís Universiiv Pilis, which perfcctly restured me, and my health has not agaiti fuffered Vomlike cause. ABIÜAIL C. WIUGHT. Rcchester, N. Y.. No. ÍS, Franklin Street, June 25, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Just ice requires me to state, that I have oíd yourUniversity Pilis for one end a half years last past, and hü I can seil no others while I have them on hand. Thev lave superseded thesule of all others- their efftctis truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Drvggiat. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Tovra, and WM. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, Uppeí Town, Ann Arbor. 13


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