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Trial And Conviction Of Fairbank

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-On Thursday last, the case ot Uommonoealtk vs. Calvin Fairhanlc, upon three everal indictments for the abduction of g] laves from their owners, was taken up b this county - bis Honor, Judge 1 ïer, on the bench. He elected to be tried p ipon all' the indictments ut once, pleaded e jurilty to' fhe charge, and threw himself apon the clemency of the Jury. He j, rcade a brief address to the Jury, stating v n substance, that he was an abolitionist by ? sducation, that he liad been reared to v rardsktvery as acrying sin, and that to men from its homage was a t( !ue, instead of a crime; that he was b Red however, t'hat he had violated the taws of the State in the act which he had v committed, and' dèserved1 punishment b Ëherefor; birt in consideration of the fact (, stated, prayedthe leniency of the Jury t fn tiïs case. The Jury, aftel4 ietiring for about half un hour, relurned intbcourt with a verüct of Guilly, and fiixed his punishment i at five years upon each indtcfment, ' teen years in all) in the Pènitentiary. - ;1 Lexington Republican. ](L" The Albany Citizen pfoposes that c should Texas be annexed irt' the manner c proposed by Mr. Milton Brown,; the new i State to be fortned from tlieterritory of Texas should bechristeneduBiRNEY," inasrauch as the praiseof its admissiört will be due to The Abolition party. We agvee wiih the Citizen that Birney would be a ( very becoming name for the new State; ,] but we do not conceive that he wil! be i entitled to such a high distinction on . covmt of his services in bringing it in. - As Mr. Brown, the projector of the scheme, is a thorough Whig, as is also ' Mr. Foster, his coadjutor in the Senate. nnd as it will beimpossible ior the admission of the new State to fake place' eept by the votes of Whig Senators, and as the new State will be a slavehoïding oner we suggest that a Whig name- say Claï for instance - would be far more appropriat'e. The Cuicinnati Herald contains lengthy statements coneerning the spprehension ond trial of a sinve nomed Watson, who was brought in'o that city in a steamboat. Win, Birney and S. PI Chase argued his cause al length before Judge Reed. But the judge re fu6ed to discharge him, and' he was handod over to the mngistrate, wlio made out the req isite certifícate ofownership. He was ïmmediately coMared by his master, and led off in triumph. Bat it appenrs that tlie bird lias flown, after all. The Cincinnati Enquirer 8ay8 : Itappears that Hoppess started) with his slave to Virginia, and un tlie way, near Portsmouth, whiie the former was osleep the latter in person appealed his own case to the cmirt of Libertï, holding a circuit all througn Ohio, and especial ly along tl e bank of the river, and found no difficulty in obtainintr a rovernal of the decisión of Judge and Magistrate- he waa eelf-discharged from servitude, and most likely will stny discharged, for his escape was effected without the knowledge of any known pereon, and in a región where he can elude pursuit. - We understand $500 reward is offered for him.'rOC?0 A" correspondent of the Journal of Commerce estimates that the recent snow storm covers 528,000 square miles at least one foot deep, making about one hundred cubie miles of solidsnow, equul to 10 cubic miles of water. The writer sets down Michigan for 6ÖJ000 square miles, at one foot deep. This will do for an eslintale,. but the inhabitants are of opinión tliat they dld not receiveany part oftheir dividend. The town elcclions in Oneida County, N. York, have resultöd in ihe choice of 12 Whig nnd' 18. Loco SuperviFors. Ifl the town of' Re.-nsen. the entire "Liberty party" vute was given for theLocofoco oandidate; otherwise a Whig wouldhave beemchosenj ond'a Whig mnjority. seciued in the board of supervisors. The above sqyibappears-inlhe State Jburnaí;. and was intended, we show the 'Locofbco instincts" oftlie Liberty party. Now it happens that the Liberty rncn in Rem - een' votd ogainst the Whig candidato because he was nn' avowed Ruw. candidato !-- opponent be ohÜïq otlief 6ide of the


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