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Dr. Smith's University Pills -- These Pills Are Prepared...

Dr. Smith's University Pills -- These Pills Are Prepared... image
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DR.SMITH'S I JNIVERSITY llÜSi -- rrmisk Pilis are brenared by Wm. M. niih, M. D.. late WÖBSbo? of Mniorin Medica and T f' rf.nv ,! i ti.e l n ctii'v of Uke lvnc. Ohio. Dr. Smul, woulcl sny -o the paWfe, ihai ,„,(1 P Pi-í ho quark nostrm.. tl.alvill l,y ns .mlnimg e, ects upon ;5LS2cÍ - -herí iherc was lit.le or none bolorc, bat oni tfcal i. sale, " Í SltlZ e ïüTei r.ïï'S i„, $L .o ,ho I lewoww] tn '"7 " '-(, c, ñ-.eJicimt! snL.stnncc and thuir ndaptation te ihe removal oi .10 maiaa.M "nii e;i,3l3nces which is ae noar pm-fecnon. ns crue. vil S?ñw?SSfcSS !$ fii?ï " ■""'= " " vo1'' "" ■" 1'liaidi"'s' SëSSKc: of ríe Spleen IntcrnaP'ilcCol.c, Acidity of the S Sacl ncii.ient Diarrho.. Hfyiv&l Coaiiveness, nnd in öll cases of Turporol the BoweU, wir.ácá.hart,LiMerient.oralírrntÍM' They a.emrld.yet certam ,n the.r operaon SbdS ñei h.T nause.. ímt-ing. nor del.üi.y. The ayems of these 1 ,lïs are pM n "aSfuíí á is pot givên to any perso.i who may purcliase üwnu tl.ui thcy shall have Vicir money rëfundCrf. TESTIMONIAOS IN 1-AVdU pj? DR. WM. M SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. MoShok, Michignn, Jtme 12, 1344. Dr SatiTHr- Dear Sir,- T tnke much pleasure in {rivin-j rny testimony in favor of yotir valuable UNI VEftSITV IMLLS. I most clieerfully recommend tbem to the public as n safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic for most of the diseases incident lo ibis región of country. I have made (tensivo use of ihem. for four yenre i" my praclice, and T beiieve ihem to be the BEST Anti-biJiouaCaihBrtic or Aperient medicine ever combml and offered for gen P--1 ll?p Yours, fee. KxrA)íi(jU LiAÍMJUjN, IVI. L. 6 U TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLER. jMasillo.n, Ohio, May Ist, 13-44. Dr: Smitii- Sir,- I 'take. much pJeasurc in bearinp tesiimony to the .efficacy of your Pilis in reraoving bile from the-siernaclj, deterging the Livor and In all complamts emanaUiigfrointhatsource.. , n „ . „'Jífo' ' TELLLE' M' D' TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. Watkkkoo, Mich., March 10, 1S44. To Dr Smith- Sir,- For upnrds of sx manths I was cruelly afflicted wil!) Fever and Aauo and tbaï tune coüld fiud nothing that gave me permanent relief: at leogth however vour {Jniver=itv Pilis vvere jecommended to me by one of the best Physicians in these, and I nm happy ín bcing able to say, llüjt from the use of one box I was permanently cured ofmy ao-ue: since then a"nunrer of my family have been as signalij berfpfiMpd. Voiirf, RpppecifuMv, F. L. WELLS. TvsTiri)Nr.r. OP DANIEL GOODNOW.MoNROB, Mich., June 1, 1844. I Iierehv certífy that Dr. Wm. M. Smith luis been my Family Physician for four years Inst past: "tijat he'has qsed bis University Puls in bis praclice inmv family with unparalIpIpH and I think them prefiernble to ah'v pil! lor bilious nilection in the world. PA NIEL GOÓDNOW. TnnBëper, Macomb-St. House,. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. , PARSHALL. Fjlit,. Midi., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smitii- I nm happy to ítívp you my cordial npprovo] of your University Pilis. I am able to kepp nff Fever o'nd Ague.'nnd Fevers to wbich nll of us are subject in this Western Country, ly" the timely usè of your University -l'üls, Send an Apent tliis way assoon as posöiWe. for we are all on:.. Yoiir?. &. D. S. PARSHALL. - TESTIMONIAL OF 'MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYTIELD: Wecertifv that we are and have been personally acquainted with Wm. MY Smith, M. D., and l,now that he is a man of eminence in bis profcssion - and that for four. years he filièd the chair of Materia Medica nnd Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake Erie, honor to himselfand satiffaction to the Trustees and Facu)ly, as well as to the Studenis of the above University. As for nis Puls, they are par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1C44. B. F. FVF1ELÜ. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cerl'fv, that in tbc month of Septonober last, I was attacked with Billions Fever (while avav from home at. Owasso to buüd a water wheel) and with one dose of Smith'riUnivèreity Pille, I broke it up: and as many others were sick nt the timr, 1 administeVed these Pilis lo'tbem, and in all cases k b?oke up 'heir (evers. ï )ave used them many times since, and with greateuccess. They are the best pills I ever uped. TT „ __„ ., & RIAL B. CHASE, MiÜwnght. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst, 1SÏ4TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C.WRIGI1T. This mov certify, that three years ajo I was attacked with Liver Complaint so severely thatl couïd scarcely turn myéelf in bed; I used many specifics and remedies, such as BrandrcHh's, Repurrecti-Mi, Onental, and other pills, but with litlle or no effect. One year aso my friend IV. Smth called on me on bis.way to Boston, when he gve me a box of bis Universitv Pills, which perfecily résU-red me, and my heallh has not aenin suffered from like cause. ' aa ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochester, N. Y., No. Y3, Franklin Street, June 25, IC44. ' TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requires me to state, that I-have sold your University Pilis for one and a half years lost past, and Üm I can sell no others while I have them on hand. The have superseded the sale of all oihers-thei-r effect is truly wonderful. 1 JOHN W. MILLER, D mg gist. FoTSe by J.' H. LUND, Lower Town, and WM. S. Sc J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town; Ann Árbor. -J' '


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