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Texas Not Annexed

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It is the policy of the Deraocrats to speak of "the State of Texas" as alreathj admuied. The object they have in view by such a represeutalion is plain enough: but wé have been surprised at the readiness of Whig. and Liberty papers to concede that this was a correct statement of the It is an o!d provcrb that it takes two to make a bargain. No satisfactorv evidence has yet been adducedthat a majority of the Texans will be in favor of accepting the proflbred terms. Besides, it is in the power of England to exert a strong inñuencc against the measure in various waysj and if slie has half that degree of hatred towards us, and jealousy of our national aggrandizement that the Democrats atlribute to her government, we rnay fairïy presume that her energieswill be enlisted, to the utmost against the consummation of the nuptials of the two naiious.We have received no certain intelligence from Texas of the manner in which the news of the passage of the bill by Congress was reccived; but the New Orleans Picayune of the 14th says: . "We notice that several of ihe leading iournals hold language opposed to annexation, or at least unfriendly to the measThe Galveston Weekly News of the lst instant, says:_ "We have álrcady furnished incontestible evidence that British policy has so far prevailed in Texas ihat herBrittannic Majesty's Charge, has obtained a pledge from " ex-President Houston to use his utmost cndeavor against nnnexation." The same paper hints at the opposiiion of the present Administration in Texas to the measure."(tThe peopleof Florida have been fearfully alarrned Tately. ' Jcnalhan Walker, the aboliiionist, attempted to break jail, but was-unsuccesstul. Upon searching Mm, two letters from the AntiSlaveryCommitteein London were found uponhiml His Excellency, Govrnor Branch, forlljwith sent a statement of these astoundins. FttctS to the Legislativosouncil, and, accóïding to the EmancipaLor, in hs message, bis excellency considers ihese lelters oí fraternal j lence and sympathy, addxessed by a voluntary committee of privat&vand humble individuals of London, sent o a fellowlaborer and fellow-sufferer ín Pcnsacoia jail, as proof conclusive oí "Britiskference" with the domestic concerns o! l Florida, and declares that ''furlher l&rbearancoceasestobe a virtue" - that "thel time has come when Florida has a righí, and would be false to herself not to mand (Vom the federal governmont a prompt enforecment of the guaranlees of the conslitution"- what guaraulees he does not sec fit to say, but they are something that is "very terrible."ftj In the U. S. Senate, Mr. Benien I ofiered a resolution, Ihat ihe President, in exec-dting the bill for annexing Texas, 'wil! best conforto to ils provisions, by resorting to thetreaty making power." - This was lnid on the tablo by a vote of 23 to 20- the friends of the metiSüre voling aye.


Signal of Liberty
Old News