Poetry: Universal Emancipation
Excerpted from William Lloyd Garrison's poem "Universal Emancipation," first published in the January 1, 1831 issue of the antislavery newspaper The Liberator.
{LÆ" Garri8on is not oniy rt wriler o( iei powir of invective, btit is niso a poe; ol' come tiicrit. llore are tvvu sümzas Ãrom. a poem ol lúe eiUiiHfl U:lVERSALEMANCiPATION. Thougl) tlisÃant be the huur, 3 et come it mus! - OlÃ! basten it, in-nierey, rigÃiteoiis Heaycn! When Afric's sons, iipriÃing frn;n tlic dtist, ShaÃl ftnr.d ercci - tiieir gallina feltt-r'j riven; WliPii frnm his tiirone Oppression slml! Intimen, An exiled inoueter, powerless throuvh n!l timp; When freedom - gloriüiis frecdotn, bliuü hr gwen Tó fiverv race, complexión, enste, BiitjcÃmc. AoJ 10'auj re s sabio huc Ã-ijall cease o be enmeÃ Æ btÃc : nÃ;à 9rrKI Wo if it come with atornn, and UIÃoÃI, n! Whc m(liiirht darJ{iess Ãie earili rtlid fKVà Wo (o the innoooul !).-i!r- i!ip r-)]iy firr - Mother ur.fl dntighler - l'rÃeide oÃ' kindrtcl. Lie! Strnntrer nnil 01 tizón nÃikn fnall awl Ito(ilian(!(?ci Shinl'icr liià revèlnc slilt fi Arul Havoc yr'l hiï otuinous deatff'cfy, And vid WcspÃir in v.iin for inen y p!Ãnd - Whilc Hrli iisolÃ' sliall Ã-hni;k, nnd sicken al I he fif-en!
William Lloyd Garrison
Antislavery Poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty