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Democracy And Whiggery

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We have of ate given tnany specimens of the kind of feeling manifeá'.ed by the papers of thee lvo pariies towards the cause of the oppressed colored m:m. Tliis week we stibjoin lvo more, one froni cach party. The first is frotr. llie jMonioe (Midi.) Advocate, a paper that is characierized by more candor and liberality of views than U iisually found in the papers of thot pnrty. The Advocate says: "The Slave Populution of the United States is now three inillions, the same as the enlire popi.Iation of the thirteen colonies at the time of the American Rcvo'ution. Then the revolt of three milliotis againatthc mother country and the government established over thpm, was noble, and patnolic, and glorious in the fiight of Ht-aven oud earth, because of their colonial dependence, and tho injustice and oppression to which they were 6ubjected. But how is it now with the three millions of Africana The repiy of freemon is - O, no matter for them; they are Blacks, Kiiiiopeun., heaven-made and heaven-deetii.ed 6laveí=, and iar bettrr off than if liberated anr? free. And jnsl so reasoned British oppre&fion in relation to the American colonies - they could not take care of and defend themselves, nor exisl in a state of society, without the lïind protection of British oppression. If an American citizrn presume at this day, to question the Repnblican propriety of Afri - can slavery - its inccmpatibility with chriflinn iiy - or to discuss, or even to sugest means for its peaceful abolishment, ha is denounced therefor as guilty of sedition, rebcllion, nnd bloodshed, and as deserving confinement in the penitentiary or dungeon. We do not advocn'.e obolition, in the cotnmon acceptation of the term, vievving slaverv as constilutionally established in the land; bitt wc do advocate free ond quiet, and undisturbed discussion and investigation as ndispensably necessary,for the preservation of social and civil rightp, nnil for the preveniion and reraeöy of fccial and civil evils." We have one or two inquiries to make of tbe Advócale. 1. If the Editor means to say that Slavery has been "constitutionally ertablished'' in any part of 'the land' by aulhoniy of the U. S. Cov8titulion, will he please to teil us where that spot is located? In what part of "the land' con the Constitutjun make aslave? 2. Are there not several wiys in which Siavery can be constitutioaally abAiehed ín the land? If there be, why is he nt an advocate of some of them? Tbe other article is frum the Oakland Gazelte, a Whig Native paper, published at Pontiac. ït is the leading article of the paper, and wiJl doubtless lead all who peruse it to a jnst judgmenl of its character. We wonder how conscien'.iou?, Christian men of any political party can support a paper characterized by such contemptible scunility."ABOLITIONISM. Again the people of Pontiac have been fed on theexquisite droppings ofthot thick lipped Ethiopian, who passes bimself off as "Mr. Bibb," a fugiiive from justice - or a fugitive elave frcm the Soutli. How very pleasant il is to listen to ubolition sentiments, especially when coming1 from such a eooty source; and how grutifying to know Jhat the cause has some supporters fctill. We believe he lectures for the ostensible purpose of obtaining means to libérate his wife, who is now held in èlavery. Wel), this motive is coinmendable enough in cuflee, and is a very good pretence by which he con pull the vvool over the eyes of ihe people. If he hns a wife, it is the duty of the Liberty party (who, in cennexion with their locofoco ollies, hove done what never can be undon?, towards nveling herchains) to ae6ist bim; ond we hope he vi!l succeed in his nndertoking. No doubt but that tho Liberty party fcel a deep interest in the nigger's welfnre, and will nut fail to aid him. Snrely, thtir benevolence cannot have been entirely exhnusted, by their luige donalions of '44. - If it is, they haven ready access to their good democratie friendí, and lo them we would kindly refer them. Chas. II. Stewart, and the rest of the Birney Slate Central Commitlee, have furnished hirn with the necessary credentialf, and hove vonched for hia gnod character, so that the Liberty party need not etand in any fear of being imponed upon."OC In the discussions of the Southern Methodist Convention, Dr. Winans said: "Slavery is intcrwoven with the very textureof Southern society. I repeat t, Sir, SLAVKRÏ IS INTKRWOVE.V WITH TUK VERY TEXTUREOF SOUTHERX SOCIETY. The various vicissitude.s througl which society passes, will. in the course of events bring !he whole South and South-west into the recognïtion of this principie. He who ar rays himself against the Institution of slavery disqualifies himself for exercising any influence whalever, over the political, civil or religious institutions, of thisgreat división of the Union." Thus according to Dr. Winans, no nerson is to receive support nt the South for President, Legislator, Judge, Bishop, or Preacher, unless he is arrayed for "the institution of slavery." ETA southerner, In ron tras ting the appearances of thiDga in Virginia and North Carolinay eays: "Another thing which is peculiar ta Virginia, I ihink, is the light complexion ot the negrees, orslavea: - you may see all shades, from Éthiopian blacknces (which color, by the bye, is getting scarce) down to the pure white, with rosy cheek8f Many of them stand forth as living venfiera of the tomewhat anpmalous sayDg, that thereis a "distinction without a d.íference." CT' Gn. Jackeon appeors to beailing rapididly. nd he i eupposed to bc ery ncar hin eruit


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