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Marlboro Hotel

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.Let nnnet wglect lo reud ihe noticeof this house in our advtírtuimg colnnms. It is 1 pleusantly located at No. 229J Washington treet, Boston, Mas.. It is n 'J'emperancc : JiouFeof the right stamp. The use of that !e:eátal]e weed. tobáceo, is not permhted in it. The house i entumodious, itá nrrangements . tahteliil, the tnble riclily tbtni&vd, umi all Uial can be necossary to make the trave!er's house comfortnble, is fouud ut the Marlboro Hotel. Let no tetnperance tnui who vi.sits Boston and puts tip at a Rum Huusc ever offer as a ex cuse that "(nnpertnce hrmsts are so poorty kept lhat li r ca nnot endure Ihtm," for whoevrr (ioesihis will find tlip Mnrlbnro lotel (f Bosion jnstly pointing to him as a traitor to his pr:nciplps. A personal acqnaintnnce uith tlii Hotel eii'ibies us lo t-'peak wiih confulence, havincr mnde it our reidence lor several week, at (Hffercnt tin es.(L7 The Leris)íiture af New Vork have pnsseda law nuMiorizing the publication of the general uw! lornl Inws in the newspaper? of ench cotinty, a'lowinc therefor ten cent? por folio, the nggregatc Mim not to exceed #50 per anntim. Sofnras the knowledge of the Jawe ie involved, the provisión is a good nne, and would obviate the complaints of ina bility to know the law for a long timo after its passnge, which eo generalij prevaif among us. All the readers of newspaperp ought to know he Jaws of ther country; and there is no tnethod by which they can so readily acquirc this knowledge, as through the periodical press. The annnal publication of tho Iaw8 of tliis State in each paper at $50 each, would cost about $2,000. The compensation is, indeed, very email, yet as there is a generol wish iu the community to see them, we presume that an offer of trat kind in our State would bo accepted by all ihe publishers, and would cost the State about $2,000. The only weighty reason against the ueasjre that wo can imagine is. that the lawa A-ould not be worth so mnch expense. This eaaon, howcver on examination will be found :o apply not so much against the ptiblicaiion f the la ws as against the nature of the laws hemselves. It is an argument, not for conïealing a knowledge of thein from the pcople, )ut for making them worthy of tneir attention md study.The Judge of the Crimino! Court in New Orleans has decided thar. freo persons of color coming tetnporai ily inlo that city, from other States, are, during their stay, to be confined in the parish prison, and ribt in the pólice jails. - Ex. Paper. America is eaid to be "the homo of the op pressed of all nations." The "oppressed" of the United States seeoi to be very hospitably received in New Orleans. Thcy are provided with Jodgings by the public authorities. 03" An oilicinl statement of the condiiion ol the insolvent Salety Fund Banke of New York has been Inid before the Lcgislaturo. Thcre are eleven of these Banks, and only one of theni hns yet discharged all tho liabilitic againet iu- It is curious to observe the great diflbrencc in tbo umount oí assets of the Banks and their okB. For inBtance, ihe City Bank of Buffalo l'a on hand $570,000 of assetts, and the Receicr cstimatc, their valuó at $50.403. Am1 so of theothers. The vnlue of the assets now on hand varie, fromone fourth ,o one lcmh. O Emigranis aro landing in Boston at the rBe of 500 a dny. Let them cme, xvc say- Thcri it room ior all.


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