One Dollar A Year In Advance: State Liberty Convention
Tlif-re v.ilJ be a Sta'e Cnventon of thr Liberty party litld at the Conrt lloubeiii Mnr shalÃnn the ikhduy ot'Jnly nixt, lo nomÃnate Fiiilable candidates lor GuVenxir end Leu'. Governor tt te snpp.Tted by the friends o Liberly nt the State eloction in Nov. nrxt. - Each c nnty Will appomt tv;co I he nutnber ol ÃÃolegates to whicli t iseotftÃed to Reprcscuintives to the State L?pi!aui.e. A fuÃl delegálipn exceedingly déeirêbïe It ia hoppd tliat the Liberty frrends in cacl cyunly wHll furtlivi;h ee? well to Ãt tla! n ful! delegalion of ruck, and snch onÃy sÃmil be appointed as will pledge theinsehes to attcnd in persou, or bv thcir nlternates. S. B. TRBADWELL, N. Mi THOMAS, L. VVILCOX, J. M. 1)1 MOND, J. I). BA1.DWIN, Staf e Cen. Coi, of l.ib. Paity. P. S. Grrrit Sniith, E;-q. and oiher distinpuiÃ-hed ppeokers have been writieu lo, t attond this State Convent ion, and it is earne&tly horred they mil be ptesent on ihe occasion, Ãackso))) Mny 17, 1815.
Signal of Liberty
Old News