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Destructive Fire!

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On VVedncsday afternoon, about half post 3 o'clock, the Railroad Depot n this villnge was dit-covered to bc on fire in the upper part of the building1. Our citizens rallied with the utmost alncrity to stay the progresa of the flutnes, bul bnforc n suiliciency of water could bo obiaincd, tlie firc had extended over the whole of theeast end of the building". The wind blowing briskly from the west, the dames sprend with great rapidity, and soon communicated to the large ware house closely contigtioua. The wind at thia lime waa rcdoubled in itsslrvqgih, and blcw such a shovoi" of lire from both the burning buikünjs on lo the warehousoowned by V. II. Powell, K-q. that it waa impossiblcto save it. At the saine time the fire communicated to tbe dwelling house occupied by Mr. Powell, and tho four buildings were thus enveloped in flamea at once. The utmost that could be done by llie citizens was to save the surrounding' buildings. At one time the whole of the Lower Village was in (langer, from the sliower of ialling firo which alighted on every building, and on every lliing combustible. Firo was communicated in many places, but by the vigïlance of the citizens. it was extinguished without damage. The principal safferers by tliis disostrous conflagraiion were, Airs. Fuller, proprietor of the lurgest warehouse. The loss isestimatcd at $2,000 or more. No insurance. The wnrehousc owued by V. H. Powell, Esq. cost abont Si, 200. No ins nnrr. Ilis furniturc was mostly tsaved, but in a damaged state.- Tl:e dweiling house was owned by Page and Ormsby. The Depot was the properly of the State. It was a fine building and cost about 5,000. Aboul 10,000 flour barrels, belonging to difíerrnt individuáis, wcro consumed in the warebousee, a part of which were ihsured. Tite fire ia suppoand lohave originatcd from sparks proccedÜJg from the engine couducting the train of pars from hc West, while standing in the Depot. This is the most disnstrous fire that bas occurred in our villnge sincc its ectlle ment.05 The Ëurp'pèah correspondent of the Philadelphia Loger writes from Belgium: "lp the monih of August, a congress of soveroigns of Wetern Europc wiil unitc in Paris. It issaid that the Queen3 of Englahd and Spain, and Belgium, nnd the Kings of Holland, Belgium and Naples, togMhr:r witli Prince Alberf, will gracc thu Courls of Tuilerics - a sort of demonstration, perhnps,ngainst the norlhern powcrs, and a means of legitimizing Louis Pliillippe, but of no real advnntagc to, or influenceon the political statu quo. In other respccls, the Europeans are Ijuil'iing railroads and sleamboats. Even the Grand Sultan wishes to travel by steam, nnd talks about rails and locomo tives. Rut a ítw years inore, and Europe will not bo as Inrge as the Uniteil States, for it will We traverscd in a week and circumnavjgated in a fortnight. Meanwhilo, etnigratioii to the Uni'ed States ncreasos in every quarter: 43,000 Germaníj have emigrntod the last year; and there are not enough ships at Antwei'p, Roterdam, Havre or itnmburgh, to carry those wlio are rendy to try t hoir chance in the new world. Thousands are preparing lor Texai!, mostly wealthy, strong and healthy men, with from s'tx to eight children. ileaven grant thein a good pass age."


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