The Convention Of Reformed Churches
This body, composod of 'Covcnanters, ' fofthevoling kim],) "Seceders," oud Assosiate Reformed Prcsbytcrians, has been in session scvorol days in Dr. Wylie's church in ÃJth street nbovo Chesnut. They have had theqnestionof Slnvery before them, and ro corded their teslimony against the followinnpropoBihons, which thcy cali "ERRORS CONDEMNED" 2. JThat Slavory, os t exists in these Ur.ited States, is not a cen3(Jrable ofl" nee I - t ,leC1Vl1 eOVCr"'Ct is âor bolilla o abohsh Slavery in these United SutT 4. rhnt it ir ntyreeable (o tr.e Word of God or nny person intentionnlly to induce tho.e eld n slavery to rebel against tbeir maaiers " -Jlmer. treeman. tt7In VrgnÃa,nccording toa statement f Dr. Rice in the General Assetnbly, e who marries his decensed wifo's sister ;oes to thp Penitentiary. He beüevcd le law was the same in Kentucky.
Signal of Liberty
Old News