Henry Bibb
Wé are requested to state thnt Mr. Bibb was unabie'lo fulfil soine few ofhis lattcr nppoiniments in consequence of being taken il), and Ihflt he was obüged to return to Detroit, whers henow ïies sick. He made soine arrangenrent for notifying frierodsof the fact through the Signa!, but il luiled. He trusts tne circumstances will excuse hinr. He had fiUed every appointment with punctuality, untr taker 11. O VVo are pleased lo Ãinil thut thé' nfamouP anide which vo published last week froni ihe Ãaklnnd Gnzelte respecringr Mr. Bibb, sdeecivcdly condemnedby the better ponion of the Whig preös. The' State Journal has the followiiïg: 'ÃAboi.itionism - The Signal copies an articlc on tliiö subject froni the Onkland Gozette, pparently for the purposc of contrasting t with a more humane and liberal one from the Monroe Advocate. We very" dccidcdly object to the tone of the Ga7.ctte'8 article; and ihe Adrián Expositor spcaka of il as folio ws: "Abomtiorism." - We are vOry sorry to see the tone of an nrtielo unJer tlns hencf in the Ine Pontiae Grtztf.'e. Sucliientimenis ill Iwcome a friendof Whig piinoiples. Wc inatntnin that a man should not be abtised hy nmrely bccause bis professcd friends havo injurcd liim. - If the SInve lias any rcaf iiieiula, they, are to bc fóand in the Whiy party- amà for Whiga to abuse or insult ihom is tlic surest methocl that can be arfopted to keep büvb that misnomcr, Foiitical Abolitiori." fcf" H. C. Wright, who is now lecttirin on Slavery in Sent land says of the prcvalence of Tcmpcrance: 'Yon can fonn no idea of the TIPPLING hobits of tieclergy and churches of Scotland. I once admired Chahners, VVardlaw, and others of great note; but iny ndniiratiun is turncd to disgust. I have ncver seen or heard Clialmers or Wardlaw, and never wi.s!i to, nalees I can liae on opportunity to rcbuke them for their wickednees. Wardlaw is a (Tetenninecl eneniy to tctotulism - tipples nnd enconroges bis peoplc to tippli?; ond throngh bis influence telotallera bnve been induced to bronk their p?edge and have die(' tJrunkards. Sucb men as Chai â mers am] Cunningham are the deadliesi foes to tetotalUm, and the greatcst promotors of drunkenness. Tliey wül drink."" uWe hold that we never lose onr votes, when given in pursuance of an cnlightcned conscience. Euch vote is a thread in that great cable of power we intond lo wind around tbc rnonstei (blavery's) neck and hang
Signal of Liberty
Old News