Southern Heathen
I pfotlalm il abroad lo the Chnstinn worlil(tliat heathsnism is os real n the Slave Stales as in the South Sea Islands, and thot onr negroes are as justly objectH of atlention to iho Ainoricun and otlor Boardá of Foreign Missions, ns the Ãndianrtin our Western wilds."- Western Lu minary, Ky. OÃ5 The Fresbytcrian General Assembly have ailopted a report deCtftri&g "that slaves were rcquired to bo "obedient to theÃr mnsters accoidiiito iheflesh, witfi fenrnnd trembliiior, wi h pinglcness of heart as unto Christ," Ã3 a fact which meets Ihe ejrr of every reader of ihe New Testament." We hnve read soine id Ãhat but no such declara ion e ver met our eyes. We will tÃiart-k lite reverend Doctors of DiviniÃy to Icll us where that possnrre is lo lie found.Wo liavc received the first nufnber of llic Detroit Evcniig Express, a new dailv, pubüshcd hy VV. Smytli nnd O. S. Gulley, t #5,00 n ycar. The pricc of iho wcekh vil! be f?J,5O in atlvanco. It is VVhig in iu wlitics. It is the third diniy piiblishrtl in otroit. W(? Irtist tfrat tlie Kditor, wlioevur o br, will avoid ihc diÃgii6ling werfnr of oDtcmptiiVle personalices prac'.ised by the tlier dailies toward cach oilier. Tiiey ore oth losiit b}' it ju ihei estimation of tieir ouutry readers, os wc'l as Zonering the mraoter of Uk Michigan Ã'kss ab-ond.
Signal of Liberty
Old News