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4th Of July Celebration: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Agrecnhle to ihc reeonmendation of the State CcmralCommiiieeofilic iVicnds of Libnrty- at n meeting coinwed n Jockson pursuant to notice.- Mie undersigned wero nppointed a Committec of arr.ingcments, prepnrntory t, a 8Uitabfe eclebration of American pendence on the coming 4ih of July. The following will he the (Mlicors and order nf the dny. S. R. TREADWELL. P.tsidmt. J. M Dmono, ) Damxl Cook, ) L. Wu.uox, Th s MoOkk, } Vlcc 1'rcsidente. LuTHiM P. ÍMtANDV, S m 'N Hoi.i.A.'iy. ' J Phii.i ip Thi;ui:r. Marshal. John Cultor, 4si. Marsht.L Tlie peoplo will onetnble in the B-ipt'st Church at lOo'duck A. M..form a prucession ,nd repair 10 ihe beííiitiful grove aear Dr. Willson's Tempe rn nee House. Prayer will Uien be oíTurcd by Rov. XV. Tlie Declnration of Imicperulence will then bc rend by Jkromk M. Thkapukm.. Esq. An Address will tlie bc dclivered by Rev. WaRKEH ÍSIfAU. Remnrks upon liie subject of American Inde Iicndence, will then bo nmde by n nuinber of entlemen present; among others IIks-ry Bihb, has been paaticularly invited 10 attend, and it ie hoped will be present. All the proccedings will bc frequently intcrspersed with the usual soul thrilling tnusic from the eelebrated Jackson ''Liberty Choir." It is intended that nll the proceedings shall be characterized by fhe noble design of the fathers of'7r)inthe '-onk orkat idka" of extcndinu Liberty to MAN, and all our fello fizeos of al! chases are most cordinlly invited to unite in thus observing theday worthy the occasion. It is earncstly hoped thnt evcry true friend of Liberty in thecounty, will be present with nt least onk ladt EACU to particípale in all the cxercises of the day, not e.xccpting tbat of partaking n s ntp'uoïis TiTnpcrnnce Hinncr to be prepnicd or the occasion by Dr. Willson af the very low price of 25 cents ench. At some time during tho exercises of the day. eix dcfegates will be appointcd ;o attent? the State Convention to be held at Marshall on the 9ih of July.I.. Willcox, . L. F. Grandy, J. D. Ccwukk, McGek, A. King, Danijil Cook, J. M. Dimosd, Dr. Mkkxbr, Smojt Hotuitp. J. T. WILLSON, CliVn. Jackson. June 4th, 1Ö45. Ax.v Akbor. June 6, 18-15. The weather has become nioderately warm; but rain ia soinewhat ncetled. The severo froatt on the nights of the 30:h and 3Ist of May wen moet destructivo. The shrubbery in tho wood; in many placea loiked as though a fire had boer through !. Corrr was preity $EtreraUy kiUed u the ground. and apprehensiona are entertüinec lest thai wlrich was Irgluly covered should noi revive again. Potatoesand all kinds of gardet stuíTsuflered. As fer fruit, the previous trosn had deetroyed nearly all oí it. Sume farmer think thc wheat ís injured; bu: we have not beei able lo ascertain any facte respecting it that caí be certainiy relied on. The Wool market stil! continneslively, tliuugl the receipts are somewh.-u díminíéíiíng. Formei prices are strslamed. ranging ;rom 5 (o 3 i cents but there is a teedeney towards reduction. There is nothifig ui importan o diring in thc Whent market.


Signal of Liberty
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