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TEGD NOT FORCÉ TUEM DOWN!' Viosc uho have conacivnlinus scruples, tcill jAease rtad the folloving - nevir befovc "piiblizhtd Fúcts rcftuiding the SVGrfli-COJITED IMP HO VED ndian Vegctab Ie Filis, OK. CONSI AIPTION8, COLDS, RHKU.MAT1SM, DYSrEI'SIA AND FEVEItS. Ï AVINO been attackcd somo nionibs since ! witli n bad Cóügh, weakness in my cViest, ld lotti of nppetite, I uaed Wright's cgetablo Pilis, bui grjv v[OTSf wuli culd bwealt hight; COuld nol sleep, and belicvcd I was in ü iTistunplión. í procured a iox of Dr. StniUl'i ugar Coated, lmproved Indian Vegetubla Pilis, hich restored ihy heahh wilb'in six driys, nnd I elierc theni to be ihe be.-t reniedy I ever usod. Guo. VV. Gi.akükh. Cambridge, Oe: 19, 1P4L Exürot from A. G. Pdges'o letlcr. dntcd - JUth. Jan. :l. IH45. The f-''"ï'ir Conted Indmn Vegeuiblé Pilis, you m me. sol! well and give good smisfuction. - Phey scll hcitcr than any i havo liad. Extract from Lev: Bp.rrett'a lottor, dated - Ca.vaa, (Me.) Feb'. 3. 115. The Pilla, which 1 roecived of you have givn such universal Bitisdiciion whero they have eeii púrfcháífcfd, and thé snlc hns been so uniform liat 1 ihou;ht bc3t lo requcBi you to eend me m sonio more iinmcdintvly, &c. Extract frum Wm. N. Pnckard's letter dntcd: Mokson, (Mass.) Jim. BS, 1845. Sir - E:icloi;d is tlie payment for the las! ills. Yoii vü i)K?(ise serid mo by express un ther lot, siy 6 or 8 doz. Thoy give good entsfaction. 1 Itnvo pot on hund moro than G box!8, arl do not wi5li to be oüt of thwn one diy. Extract from Danir! T :f &. Son's letter dated: Taktsviu.t:. (Vt.) Fob. (5. 1845. Your Pilis woro recoivrd a few since: ond I i.ive sold eonie of ihetnj nnd also nsed some )urselv;3, an'l thinkvery favorably of.tliom. umi ticy are likcd by those wÜo linve used thom. Mr. J. P. Smid1, of Glouccstcr, statcs tlmt bc tns sold all, and wishes 8 doz. boxea more immediately; and thêy give universal sqtisfnctioñ, 'hat he has determined to sell uo olber kind of Pilis. Mr. A. Allen, of Pr.liner Depot, statos thni he was vevv h;r(ul he was nppöilited Agent, ns his wife hns been an iovalid for somc timo, nnd n box o!' these pills immediáte'v - was {.ent for oihcr Pil's. but shuuld only recoir.mciiil ihosc. Extract hom J. B. Danforth le'ter, dated - B.nsxiw. (Vt.) Jon, II, 145. ' Plenae sind me imröediilely G doz: Srñito's Sugar Coated Indion Vegetable Piils. Thoscyou sent a short tftn'è ihee, are ncarly all sold and í;ív(' universal Bniis'iiction. The above are only a few of the nu mero us letters which are dailv receiv'ea óf tho rrcrit popnlariiy nnd success ol thtss tiuly excellen P!1. TJiey ut; ilie be nuriicme for the .-.bovc cmiplainta t!m are sojd. and i'i evory c -ise tlint bave Oéth :r:c.l have givtn uiiivi,lF:il Bafisfitctíótt. r.))i !;c ki-;itLa :';.:i.:! rpQiiicjflprby.every JJpe. We önTy'ó'8'k n 'ri,l (.i' thon lo corivTrice the iilOSt b!ii!-i!i:.ii of ii;n mili; ot tlmsu nsfcrtions. The d f cl i'ii nnd trcntnient of the u.'sease accompany évéry box. fKtci; 'lr cj :t; vf.r rox. ÏTp "SUGAR CO TLD PJLU" canbe trenuine without ilio aigniiturp of ilio solc invci;r 0. ]I:NJAMI:N SMIT, M. D., President of the N. Y Coliepe of Uealih." upon cveiy bQjr. devoteq exclusively to the sale oí ibiè ni-ilicine. 17'J GreeqwJch Sneer, New York. IS'. 0, "Water Street. Bo'slon. For snle ín nll ihc villcpcs ard tovens in thf New Enginnd S'n'cs. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed to sell these Puls. ]".a '.une liie Sinnture. (CTFor ple by V. S. and J. W. Maynnrd. band fc McColliim, F. J. B. Crnne. Ann Arbor. P.Trin (& Hall, Nortlivilie: Thomas P. May. Jr. ptVhiouth; I). C. Whiiwood, Doxter; G. & J. G IMi. Dotroi!. Also ot retail in evory town throughout the United States at '.25 cents per Box. 213 CLOTH! CLOThIi ri1HE su!scribers will continue to munufacX ture Fulled. CSotSï9 'or ?,7h ets. per yard. and white flaPnnei for 21 cent? per yard; or thcy will manufacturo the wnol for hall the cíplh il v.!!l nake. Thcir Fac tory 8 2J mil's West of Ann Arbor, on iKfl l - ron River. Wool will also be received ut Scio. Vhen sent by Railroad it will be nttended to in the same ninnner as i( the ownors wee to come with it. Wool will be manufctured in turn as t comes in as ncnily as it can be done with reference to the different qualities of woo!. WOOL CAR DING, will bc done at Scio, by Thn-nas Hosl.ins. S. W. FOSTER &CO. Pcio, Mny 1, 1845. '210 ÍÑTÉREST1NG TO lUE Subscribáis wou'd tjespfctfully nnJ_ riourice to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar borand its vicinity, that thcy continue the business of Wool Carding and CloLa Dressing at the old stand ;!'J. I'eckley Co., wherf they may bc found at all scasonablc honre te vait upon those who may fuvor them wjlb theii palronnge. 'i'i.oy 'imranteo that thoir work will be dom with nrntness and dt;spatch. To thcir old fri-ndsand as tnany new custom _rs ns feel dieposed lo give them a triai. tbc} would tiay.comc on wi'h yuur Wooi. and Cloti .i(.J we will do you nmpln justiee in the execu tion ofyonrwork - the price and terms ofpoy .neiit. Tircniy tïKousand pouncls ■ )f Woo! womed in exchange lor Full Cloih Fiannel, &c. ' N. B. - Give us a cali before pnrehasing clsc whcro. SUMNKR HICKS &■ CO. Ann Arbor Lower To'.vn.Mar. 20.1045. :í5-üu


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