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The Rov. Dr.Junkin wao a Iendin? member of the Oíd School General Assembly, which iccmtly disgraced tsulf nt Cincinnnti. He was fóóiroa for having publihcd a pamphlet in defencc of Sla vér y ; and afisr the Arsembly hai adopted its report in fnvor of the rightfulness of Slnveholding, the Doctor moved that thnnks be mmediately relurned to AU mighty God for the linppy and amicable ntanner in which thts dangeroua subject lind been dipposedof. Such zea] could not escape appropriale notice. Accordingly a correspondent of the Boston Rncorder snys that Iarge hsndbills were prinled and postcd tip in various paris of the city, proposinrr to cnll a public meoting for the purposo of presentinrr to the Ucv. Dr. Junkin, for hjfl very able defencc of slavery, a pair osilver iiand-cuffs, and olfio to consider the expodioncy of ha Ving Dr. Jur:kin' prokvery specch inseríod au. thg the canonical EpÍ3t)os of ;he Now Tcsioment, as something of the kind was thoiight to be very much needed there. In this waj' the digniraries of the Cherches reñder themelves and llifii religión a bissing and a by-u-ord witii the lowest of the peop!e bj the advocacy of the greatcst crime?; iind then wonder nt the slow progress of gouiiness, and the prevalence of infidelit)-.'(E?3 The leaders of the Modern Democracy oxercise n supervisión over their party papers in respect to abolitioniism but a littlc less rigid tlian tfint of the Emperor Nicholas over the Russian press. An instance of it occurs in the case of the Wisconsin Ilerald, which had inadvertontly copied a paragraph on the subject. The trerabling servile hastens to make the follow ing deprecativo apology. It will be seen he does not cali in question the factsor sentiments of the article, but il was "abolUiönism" Doubtless the advertising of some tax sales was in view. . "The article in the I;;st Ilerald, concerning 12 runaway slaves, was copied entire from oneof our exchanges; selected by an assisiant, whose Bervices were oblained in consequence of tlie press of mechanical labor reqnired in the office, which necessarily devolved upon us; and we had no knowledge whalever thal it was dycd with abolitionism, until was in type. üur readers well know that the Herald has always been unstained with abolitionistn."


Signal of Liberty
Old News