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Michigan Newspapers

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Our cotempornries have reckoned up tlic number ofpresses in Michigan, raak ing [ as füllows: Democratie papers, L-} Whig, 12 Neutra!, j Nolivci i Abohtior, i Prpsbytermn and Congregolional, 2 Riptibt, 1 Univertulist, 1 rouricrite, Agricultura], 1 total, 45 If the pppulalion of Micliian bc 800,000, this will G,6ÜG persons to ench paper, or onepnpor lo cveiy l,L00 fumüies, or onc paper to every 1,200 voiers. Am] yet we presume Umt one half the voters of Michigan do nol lake nny paper wliBiovcr. The torn] inniger of sheets nctunllv issued werkly, exoluding tbcduilie-i 8APetin-vecklie8,ue cmnot compinp, bnt if we were to guess, we ehould 3slnnnte it at 20,000, of vvliich about 12,000 re polilical.Gr Gov. Sewnrd's Letter to the Cin oinnati Convention, which we pubfóhed last week, is nltracling considerable attenfion ín the Whig papers. The AJbany Evening Journal suys of it: It is what we supposed it, nn enlightencd, philaulhropic. manly ttvowal ofseniments with whjch he has evor been imbued, and which ho hns e.xpressed on nll proper occasions. Weconcur,cheerfu]lv nnd hearlily. in every thonght and ezpiession - every sentenceand word - contained in this excellent letter. From our p.xchaiiges we learn that the Tribune published it withoul a word of eomment: the Black River Journal cails it "sound:" the Syrncuse Journal speaks of it as "clearing away tho mist trom the nnfislavery onterprisn," while the N. Y. Express mounts it rough sliod, and makes it an occasion tbr nbusing the Abolitionists. What say the Whig Editors of Michigan to thisdocumoni? Speak out Me.ssrs. Advertiser, Qazétfe, Slatesman, and all the tét of you. Do you remember that ii is only jtist one year since Gov. Seward was sent for to instruct the people of Michigan in the true Whig doctrine? Are you ashamed of your preceptor so soon? Ifnot, publish the letter and teil ijs what you (hink of it.(E Kev. J. C. Aspenwall, travelling n Canada, says of their plank roads, - "The plank road from ÏTamilton to Port Stanley passos throtigh this place. - It is over one hundred miles in longth, and must have cost a great nmount of monoy. The country is the most level I ever sa.w, aud the ravinesare cither filled up or bridged over. The plank are three inches thick, luid even with the top of the ground and covered wilh a little sand. - This makes nltogeiher the best road I ever traveled over. I took my cnrpet bag in one hand, my cane in the other and starled on foot, real Paddy fashion, the way I have traveled most of the timo while in Canada, but nfter walking some twenty miles, I found that an offer totake a seat on a cask of nails in a common wagon was not to be despised, if the road was as easy to walk on and as smooth as a house floor." 05" In Indiana, Liberty nominalions havo been made in twice os mnny counties os ever before. Miami counly gave one vote for Birn'y lust fall: n County Convención bos just been hek1, and o f uil ticket nomínate). Elkhart Counly g-ave one vote for Birney lust fall: last spring one town gave five Liberty votes. Tlicre ore 90 connties in the Sta'e: last fall Birney received one or more votes in 65 of 'k-m. ffj The Detrot Frec Prees has quite a pugnacioiis nnd spiritod orticle nbout Englaxd interferí ng with its favorito project of onnexng Texas nnd its shvery to this republic. - Among otber things, the Free Press saye: "Engliïnd iineresting herpclf in bebnlf of the colorcd race of this country! Wonld it not be more rnagnanimous in her to look at home first? Sbe hns a lorger nimiber of slaves, both white and black, in her colonies thon there ore colored elavcs on this continent." This assertion may be true. üut we crave of the Freo Press the names of these colonies, :ontaining so many milüons of 6lavcs. We ivcrc not nware that in nny nne of them human were brought. sold and held as merchondize, by virtue of her lawe. Will tbO Free Prees cnlightcn our ignorapce?


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