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The Tariff

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As mnny of our ariciiltural rendcrs are uniiifiirmcd regpectiiig the du:ies on nrücles jvhich ihey are every dny pnrchasirg, and by wlñcti the prices are malcrinlly afiected, we sulj)in the followmir notice, takon from a commercial pnper, of the duiies on íhe principal itnported anieles, under the present Tariif] '. !,icli was approved Aug. 20, 1842: Asheé, 20 por cent.; alum, $1.50 per cwt,; hanüln, fier; coais, Si, 75 per ton; coeoa, lc. per Ib.: cordnjje - tarted, 5c. per lb.; untarrod, Uc. do.; camphor- refined, 20c. perlb.; (!o. crudo, 5c. do.; cnlomcl, 2f per cení.; castor oil, -40c. pr gall.; duck, 7c. peryquarevan!; crasn nnd diapers, 25 per cent.; (isb - muckerel, $1,50 per bb).; salmón, $2 do.; fura - tindrepscd, & per cent, nd valoren); do, elresspd, L5 percent.; fea'.hers, L4 percent.; fruit - raisins, muscntel und blouni, 3o. per Ib; all other kinds; sic; oranges. lenions, nnd prapes, 20 per cent, nd valorem; gunny clotb, 5c per tejuare yard; hemp- Rtissin, $40 per ton; other kinds, $25 do do.; hideáj 5 per cent., indigo 5c per Ib.; india rubber - in shofis, 30 percent.; shb., frve; moiasses, 44 milis per Ib.; instáis- iron, bars or bolte, gU? per ton; do rolled, b:ir, or boíl, mode wholly or íp parí by roüing, f5 per ion; pig, $9 do; mopper, 14 inchès wide, 48 do ]ong, wcighing 14 to 34 oz. per square foot, freo; other kind, 30 per cent., except in bars pig?, ond ore; rofl-, and bolle, and spikes, 4c per Ib.; oil - !nserl "25c. per gall.; cüvp, 20c do.; rags, l per 11.: s:ilr, 8c per bö'shél of 56 lbs.; i saltperre - n fined, 2c; partially refined, Jo. per Ib; spice-1 - nMtinngs, S0c; clove?, 8c: muco, 50c; csssia, pepper, and pimento, 5c; sugnr - brown, 2Jc per Ib.; winlc, do,, 4c; rcf:iied, Ge.; tallow, le per Ib.; soap stock, 10 per eenf.; 'roo!, 7c. and úndeij 5 por cent, nd vnloroi::; of Ijigher cost, SO per cent, nnd Se', per Ib.


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