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The Uonvention is still in 6ession, preparing a coiiítitiition. It is sairl liiere wilt be quite a discu6sion nnd differencp of opinión at its close, whether provisión sha)] be mode for the immcdiate trknsfer of all national power to the United Stnles, and the election of a State Legialaturc forthwith, or whether these sholl be deferred till the Constitution ehall have been accepted by Congrcss. In thp lutter case, Texas will not be represent.ed in the next Congrese, The question of boundary has sprung yp. Tliis is to be left to be United Sutes. Bnt the Texans are anxious that the Rio del Norle should be eslablished as the bounday with Mexico, instead of the Neuces, mnking a strip of some two hnndred miles difference. The Texans want tfais becaupe it s a fine slavc country, first rate for cotton, stigar, fcc. This proposed boundary, it is 6uid, will include ihe provmceof Sania Fe. New Oricnns has been all alive with n-ilita ry prepnrations in consequence of a requisition of Gen Güines upon the Gov. of Louisiana for 1,000 me. Volunteers of riflemen, mneketeera and artülery were found in greai abundance. They were designed principally asa reinforcement to Gen. Taylor at Corpus Cbrifü It was itimored that 10,000 Mexicans had arrived at o point within eight days march of General 'íaylor.MEXICO. News (ftrer.t fiom Mexico rendors it certain a large number of troops were on their way to the frontiers of Texas, ihe whole forcé, when concentrnted, lo be iinder the commnnd of Gen. Bustnmente. Prepara lions for war were makitig, nnd orders had been given for the troop to fake ao a posilion ten llagues beyond the Rio Bravo. On the 2nd of July, the Government submitted to Congrcss a decl.irtinn of war against the U. S. - thesaid decJaration1 to be made when thera is news of the arrival of American troops in Texos. But the governmcnt reaoromends to Congress to act on a bilí authorizing a loan of fifteen millions of do'lars previons toncling on the wr bilí. It ai pears that the loan isalmost completely neeoliatod - at least so the official paper gtves us lo undcf&tand. The Mexican Congrcss, at the hrst dates, were discussmg this bilí. A letter ('rom Metamoras says of tlie Mexican forces: "Arista has nbont 1000 men; Gt?n. Paredes ie coming to Mutitery witli nbout 4 or 5000, atid Gen. Bustompnte goes to Nw Mexico. Thtis fnr, howexer, notwitliptanding these preinrntion?, I beüeve thai hostilities are not ko imminnt ns m'ght at firut be thonght Tiiere is no G'-nernl in-Chief appointrd jetno contraets for the necessary supplies ofa caiiipairn.""TiiK Wolf Drtectkd, or Ptilitical Abolilionism Exponed: by James E Qtiaw, A. M , V. D., nuMior ofBible Baplism. Detroit: 1845.' Tle very tule of ihis pnmphlet is formidable, ond looks like ftiiniliilalinj the Liberty party at once. The aulhor probably nticipated great cffects from if, as lie took theprecaiitiorVto pecure the copy right. Mr. Qiinv was a clergymari, said to be remnrkaole for hi3 cont'rovcrsiol zea!, bnt otherwise on estimable man. He wns lost at the recent dlsnsier on board flie stenaibnat Kont. The vrriter was cvidputly nne of that class of portons vrno rrost-n all on one side. without the lokolir. of the subjpet hffore them. Snch persons, however inijreiiious they may be ns partiz'ins. cannot form a jtirlgment of nny thtnr ns if reolly is. Mr. 0,'iaw begins Iiis hooit hy advisir evcry body to "turn awoy' fiom Abolitionis's because they are "tnice breaJtors,'1 'ftil e ncci)?ers,'% (of the filnveholder.-)' "Iraitofs to tHis country,' "dispisers "f thoe who are good," (of pros!avery men.) a "form of godliness'' which is ínly n cloak "toa vilc system of wickedness." Secondly. tHey are to be conflfmned hrciiFe tlipy huve alterrd ihcir name fnim "antislavery'' t'o Liberty." Thirdly, Ab')litionists nre "unprincipled pliticians.'"-Kourih'ly, tfrpy cnnnnt 5ree n sirrgle shive.- They nre cowards bccause they wil! not go south, and hypocritcs b'ecause they will not I help buy ihe elave.", because tbey will not ' tcrmarry with the blncki?. fee. Purthermore, ] .1r. Quaw says the principal leaders of the ' politica! nboHlioniet9 are invnoral. The specifications áre,tlmt they "stander elaveholders" in their etories about the treDitnent of 6Ïaves, whorenH Mf. Quaw argües that the stovesare fis wel! treatcd os horses are-. Besidés, "some aroong tho polilical Abolitionists advocate lying, perjury, fteaimg, serr'Ue rehellioir and even tnurder." Lovejoy, he eays committed murder! They are also "in fóvor of slavery" bpcattse thty eiideavor to lo compel men to theh 6lavE8 by forco of public opinión, which; is one kind of JBlavefy. Bnt one of the most etirious charg-es aSfninst us, ia that '7ir irumnspring of Polili cal Mohlion is Britisk Gold." This will bc ncwe to those poverty tricken boliiionists who have toiled on foryears through dlfücul tien in their ard'uous bot noble enterprise. - We should" reaiïy like to 6ee a littlè of this "Britisft gold" which IVTr. Quaw eoys "moves Jhe machinery of politieel Abolition in this country,"' and mnkes the "leading Abolition 'puppets dnnce to the tune of go?d and silver," for the purpose of the Union.- 1 Pen ce societies are algo denoimced as "infiv del," and 'antipatKtior"'as "rejecting vvhat Grd roquires," increasing WJe danger of war, as instigatedby ""British intrigue,'' &c. This simpieanalysis shows lbo character of the worlr. It is amere etnng of coinmon place objoctions, which would scarcely do honor to a h-ouse debating 6choo!. To attempt to fully answer stich a productio would but render one ridieulous. At the same time, Liberty men hold thtnatsclves ready to meet every argument or charge pre ferred against theai in a munner entitling it lo refutation.CC?" The receipts of the Ameiican Bible Society last year were Frorn the Free States, $122,999 " '♦ Slave States, 32,939 New York paid $57,769: Kentucky, 63r9Q5;.


Signal of Liberty
Old News