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Hillsdale County Mass Meeting!

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A maso meeting oi' the friera of Liberty will be held at the Dpot (fit can be procurerl) in the Villuge of Hilbdnlp, on YVnr.NR.kt the 8tl dRy of Oc?. at two o'clork A. &f# Tor tlie purooe of imkincr tb" nomimtionsr Tor the Counrv, and to advr.nce the cause of Librrly ond E]nal Rifihts in the County - Spvrnl sprakere have bepn writlen lotoattend. (amnng whom is Mr. Bif.h) and fotne, if nnt nll mny be e.vpccted. We confidently hopp thal no pnins will be spnrrvJ by tlin friftids in the seveml Towns to attend theirselves, and induce otheT8 of !hf Whigrs nnd Oemocrats to eme 0I6O. We here nssnre our friends nbroad ihat if thry come, thís shaíl be a rneeMnp en Massk of the opponent of the Slave Power. Our frionds from Lena wee, Jackson. Bronch nnd the oidor countiea of the State are enrnpstly requostcd to be present with up, as we intend the meeting shal! be second to none in the State.


Signal of Liberty
Old News