Poetry: A Parody
A parody of Epes Sargent's popular 1838 song "A Life on the Ocean Wave," which was set to music by Henry Russell. According to his friend Ward Hill Lamon, this parody was a particular favorite of Abraham Lincoln's.
life on the ocenn tvave: ocJoc )mc on ihe rolling deepi Franl ried rallines' thrce times a doy, a leoky oÃd ben hfor leep, rhcre tle grey-beord cocÃtroaCh rooms, trudir indly thoughts irttentà imme nd the rating bcdbtig cotÃes difiici way that tho cuckroucli toent! ment f taiioti Ufe ern the onn wave Mnconiherolliogdeepà here Juck can devour 't-alt junk,' lm the dnintit-s the sfcippers cuit keep.c]er] Vct jaeftets night and dy, cil, ir iáit frntn the floas ot nigh( fide, I 'he hondred artd nii.eteemh doy, Ãy of âIc-and the breulcers in sighl.
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Epes Sargent
Henry Russell
Ward Hill Lamon
Abraham Lincoln