Classified Ad

DisoFutioii. rpHE Copartnership heretofore existing undcr JL the firrn and style of R. & J. L. Davidson is thid djy dissolved by mutual consent, à Duvidson isduly authori&ed to settle tlio deb and business ol the rirm. .â cX.'J ROBERT DAVIDSON, J. L. DAVIDSOIS, Ann Arbor, Oct. 3ü, 1845. 36-3w WEE KL Y IVatïoiial Iiitelligeiicer. THE pnjier, being made up ol such portion ol the contento of the Nutional Jntelligencer I ,,roper ns ean be compresscd within the compnss of n singlo newspiper, continuva to be issued and malled =to subscribers every Satunlay at TwoDollars u year. payable in mlvance in au cases- no account bcing oiiencd witli subsenbers 10 tbc weekly paper. , To briti" the paper yet more nearly witlun ihe reach ofsuch aadesire 10 wke by thcyear a ebenp paper from the sem of the Genera? Gvv-rnmtin, a reduction will be rnade in the pricc of il where annmberofcopies are ordercd nud paid for ly any one person or associatioft at tho fpllowtpg For Ten Doll'nrs six copies will be 6ent, For Twenty Dollars, thirteen copies: nnd Fir each sum of Ten üolliirs. nbove Twenty cieht copies will be forwarded; so ihnt a remiitance of Fifty Dollars will connnaiid thirty sovcr. copies. Washington. Ociohct. V34& of papers ihrougWïtfl tuf sevcml States and Tcrritories wh,o wilt -ivc aingle insertion to ihis odvertisoment (with ihisiioie iinncxcd uwt tend one of thcir papera lo thÃB office witli the acrveriisenicnt tnarkccl iherein. sh .11 ro ceive the weekly tfational lnteüigcncer Ãor one free of charge. _ 1)LILAVAN HOUSEr ALRANY, NEW YORK. , BY NATHAN1EL .ROGÃ11S. TUIS' cclcbratcd bouse is now oprir for 1 cepiion ofuavoiers. h ithe br jhiieM sions. and is cn'i-cty Win all WLb ' iasirictlV a Tewp ranee UÃfisc. nn WTKlt n .;,sw,U.,cSpariaIoniakeUal1.h;t.e.n:;elinp public nn &, ÃJ f eflct .1 -ifr J tlnt Ãt wi receive ihcpn rohaii ibeintÃnüs orTemperan-ce v,ho .n.y pM-rtt o v,,n 3Sm 2t2"-GCITARLES IÃ. SfÃWART, ATTORNEV ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND - S'OLICITOR IN CHANCÃRY, JEFFEIISO-N AVEMl'E ÃETKOIT. Blank öceds and I?ïör1saseü. WHOLESALE ATD RETM ..,(. alobji BECKLJ.Y, VOt-TCR & Co. MaroJi 20.. 1845Ashcs ! Ashes ! ! 'T11IE Subscribera will pay ten cents a buehel JL in Guoels Cor any cjuamityof good House AshesV .lelivered nt tlieir Ashory in Aun Arbor". BECKLEY, FUSTER & Co, Oct. yi. If345. 535, C. mU.NCKEUHOFF'S T. THE HOPE TO OJiTAIN RELláÃ1' 1 where t cents denied (o the sick. we lay hold on Btrnwa likià men. Thus it is tliat thero ure thousnnda who aro ilie quicker hurried on to the ynwnirg grnve tn con6equence ot caichintj hosc false (Ãoats that are not ab)e to sustain thcm, and thcy snik. Pemember, then, while in appnrent lica!;h, that if you are takcn sick with nredÃ8t)O8n eVniptomS ol diseasedun9. or with a innrked nitack of real Cough, Co}d, LiverComplunt, Co.numptiött, öf Pain ia ihe Cheet nml Siete, ilint yon can fmd relief and riure by the promp use of Brinckerhoff'a Health Restoraiive. Givo it yoir confidencc, use it fairly and in aticordance with the pre6crib'ed di rections. and yonr help is certain without tfffn a 8hndov ol duult. by ihe fnvor of rermit no wlmna of friends or relativos to kcöjt you froin the determination of using the Rc3tbrativ. In spite of all opposition oluain somc,-andsöcretljr even if you must, but boldly if you cah, uSe ' faithfully and honestty with justice to yodr own case, and to the credit of ihe medicine. Thcf result wc wül warrant to reacli and even exceed our best anticipationa. We i'lend the sick tb'try this remedy; we are anxïous tlint all eliould flharo in its happy effects, nnd wë arA'urgüd to it aolely by the promptings of the philnnthropic motive oà aiding the suflcicr. Ãevcr give up your caso n hopeless while Mr. BrinckerhofT'B Ratornti've is yet untried - in that we confidemly prcUiclabanishment or even n pre etnption of CorisumjitWeisensc. The following certifÃcale is froirt ïrf. Wilton, the wcll known New York chcmist. 'I have analyzcd a bottle of medicine callea G. BrinkcrhofF's Health Restorative,' and find hat it does not contain Mercury, or iwiy o'her nctallic prepar.uion; nor opium in ony of i'ts b'rni8. It is composed of vecetnble matter en- lirely." J kkts R. Chh.tdn. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF. Solo Proprictor, 5S9 Broome etrtÃet, N. Y. For salcby VV. S. &, J. W. Maynard AgenW, Ann Arhor. 2"&-4w M2XCnJH%GMà IMOTEE. i TEMPERANCB HÃUSÃ, (Dirtclly opporiie the Cataract Hotel,) B Y CYRÃS T. SMITH, NI AG AU A FALLS.N. Y. fXP'CHAP.ÃS MODERATE.0. THIS Hotel ia siiuated in ihe pleasnntest'paif of the village, öti Main-street. and büt a fetf I minutes walk lroni the Cataract, Goat Island, or I the Ferry. The location is one of the plcasantüst in ihe villaje. The House is not of the larpeat clafB. but has heen thoroufihly repaircd.andlewly furnished since last season, ond thé pYo)rietor piedles himnelf to the public, lhnt; no Flouse shall bebetter kept, or greatér otteritioi iaid tü the comfort of guests than at tbc Exchnngff Hotel. Thia Hotel is kcpt uport n:rict Tomperahcff principies, which wrill cnsure the siranger a diiei home. during hiö sojourn at the Falls. Ever facility in the pâ over of the proprietory vt'ül btf rendered. to make the visit of hià patrón? ugfCfr ble and interesting. Niágara Falls, I84& 27-6mT ALTVATS Oli HAMDrgl G% fTHE Snbacriber hajrrt-' WZ$ moved hitf shopte Mnirt ÃJrV" Street opposiie H. Beek-' iuCt WÃr er'8 Britk Sloré? here !'' ui ia uHfe may be founci '?a nL V upon all tlïal ñiáy gié hiiti ÃiS Having jnst receiVtà di eet from New York nn elegnfU ilock ofnnd Fnncy Anieles, wlileh he intends to scll ower tha'n bas ever bcon sold west of Buffdlo for Readij Paij Ortly. Arnong whÃch ma? Ie ound a rood nfsortment of Gold and Comnion Watch Kcys. Gold Finger Rings ortd Bosom Pins, Guard Chains, h'ilver Tea and Tabla Spoons. Sugar Tong?, Butler Kniyes. Silrer Pcncil casos. Silvcr and Common Tftinibleo, fetjvcr Spectaclcs, Germán, do.. Steel, do., Hnlr BriiBhes. Cloilics do.. Tooth do., Lather do., Fine Rnzors and Pocket Knivep. Fine Sheara and Silsáorá, Lather boxes. Raznr StropB, Wolletes. Purscs, Violins mid Bcnvs, FJufes, Violin aud Ba?s Violin Strinrs, Clarionct jRecdp, Percusión Cons. PorUet Pistols, Brittariia Candleaticks, Watclics. Lener Stampa, Stt3l Pens and Twfpzers. Snuifaild Tobacco bqxe?y Fine combprDressin do.. Sidc do., Bnck do., fehell do.f NecdleÃand Crtses, Water Pnints.Toy "Walchee, Kid Dollb, a gront vnriety oà Toytoo numerou io mentiön. Bends, Nccklaces, Fancy Boxee, Clocks and Watches of every dcfcnption repmrcd and warruntcd, also, Jcwclry repaircdo âhort notice. N. B. Cajh paid eor OLD GOLD ANà SILVFR " AnnArbor. Oct. 24, 1B44. 23-lf. - â POLLARD ÃEWEPERAXtfCE HOUSE, BY WEYBCRN & BB.0THER, BÃFPAt.0, N. Y Corner of Pearl Street and 'ffTfj neor tk Landirfsoftlie Stcamboals rrnd Rail Road Cars.IN Compliance with tho solicitations of man friencls of Temnerance. or.d our own coninctioni of duly, we auempted the cxpennent of kecping a houso on genuino 1 emperece principien and are happy to sny we Lavo been sustahied in our eüoris to provide the public with n heuse worthy of ihcir support.-fier lüivinc been m opcrajion tour yeare, na crivln" universal satfsfattiqn, we have no hesitaiion in offflring our cbmis to the support at the traveling coiamunity. L wEYBÃRN, O. WEYBDRN. CH A Tà G ÃS MODERA TE, Introns and ibflir basgnge conveyed to nd irom the House free. Wc. ÃÃe subscriber.s toke P1?90,,1 ,â ihc aboye,, ,he ir.endj of ihÃf s' iN.CALKNUF.R, Scc'y rfo WAN FOBÃfSi Prcs't Younc Men s do. IJ MIÃ.LERD, l'rcst PoHard Tem, Society, Sccy Bul'o-; JuAy, 184& 6mo- 233 " iïö BEWARà à r SinLi:. tro-.i the snbsoriber, on the6rh of Soeutber. inst.. a ';. ebeo woad, aght :,u , â . ,;. . The first joint vas a lraw-jornt nnd inVr-lh. keys were silver, lo sil ver hond aiouiid oach joint, nndonc at cach cnd' "'' , bui. ot Fiïver ni vhe hcad. Sn.c ndditional nnikP ricoirecleiï aiirfftán begiven Ãf necewary. l-h, almv rcwnrd will bo given to ny perwn w!m) wil Ãivc informaiion so tliat tlVe msirumcnt âui ,!â tliicf can bc olxaincd. Il it is ound vul... ut the ihift", : batisfactory nfid literal ton .fi-nwil R p0WELL, Ann Arhor, Pift. SP, 1X45. &+ lÃOBÃRT V. WARNER Carpenter and Joiner, CORNER OF C!;o..AN AND BKWSU iTli..TS, "WO. rr TJX .'..w.i'tv. pftoT Sfi'i 1 Wte; 2ló6.r.
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Old News