Poetry: Rules And Regulations For The Household
Written by Anna Mott Hopper and dedicated to her mother Lucretia Mott, a well-known antislavery and women's rights activist.
Sf V52J &JXJX&JLQ %f The following Unes, descriptive of a atant división of household Inbor, we re com f ised by the daughler of an esteemed friend ours in Philadelphia, frota whorn we solictd tliem for ptiblication in tiic Liberator, b. ( ving iliey might be useful to mnny a houseld in Ihe Innd. - Kv. Lib. ÃLESANDREGULATIONSFORTHE HOUSEHOLD. Our grand'.nama slmll stntely sit; And, us it suits her, scw or kmt; Make her own beil, one fur our ninther, And also one for Torn, our brotlier; And when ouraunts and coiuins cali, Oo Mie agrecable' fur uil- And eiuulry ÃUle mattere teil, I;i Btyltó ihatlinö 110 paiallel; O'.ir fatlier, duily at liis Htore UU svork hall do, and when 'lis o'er, IMurn - beliiiiti htui cnstinr care; And, seated in fiis r)Ckiog cliair, Witl slippers on, und ISliip hi and, Wil! read the news rom every land. Then quietly will tkt? a bo.ik, From which heil smei mes plvlylook, list lö what the jttïftiig fölka tMyi Or haply joio them ifl tlifir pluy. Otir ntuUieF charge (we she's nt home) hall bc bath, stor, and dining room; 'Moruing and njght slie'll vvah ihe delf, And plac k; ticutly on the bhelf; To her own r(Kin s!ie will aLlend, And all the elucking slio will niend -
Anna Mott Hopper
Family Life
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Lucretia Mott